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Everything posted by Niklaus

  1. Skimmer placed at Bayside locked to "xxmrtrollstylexx" sorted by @Jason Donation icon added by @Versace Money rewarded by @Jason Topic can be locked and archived, thank you.
  2. You could've been more nice but thanks for helping me out , idiot. I apologize to u Maybe if you didn't call me a "fag" I would have been nice to you, idiot. As a wise man said once: " ". You can try to translate it if you want, but not in Google Translate of course.
  3. @Xtream Did you even try to search for our Roster? if not then here you go, idiot. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13147/lounge-roster/1 Now you know who are the HQs. Anything else I should teach you today?
  4. ~[HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABEEEEEES]~ @Arms-Assassins
  5. Hello there, @Xtream First of all, HS vs CripZ match was 8 months ago and it was not canceled, it was [WEEK 7] HS vs CripZ and HS won 4-2 against CripZ, the match was played on June 20, 2020, 18:00 server time and the results were posted on June 22, 2020. secondly, you should have read the rules before betting on any team, because according to Gang Wars Rule #7 You have 4 days' period to take your bet price from our Lounge Employees. After 4 days your bet price will be canceled and calculated into company stocks. So, do not approach us after 4 days to pick your winnings. There were 4 gamblers who bet on HS and didn't claim their winnings in these 4 days and you're one of them, but guess what? they didn't cry about it or accuse us of scamming people, so it's your fault here for not claiming your winnings and not reading Lounge rules before betting. Little tip for you: Before you start crying on forums, contact an HQ and deal with this stuff in private, because there is no need to embarrass yourself in front of everyone here. Regards, LoungeVC Chief Executive Officer, Niklaus
  6. This is an automated post TXN ID: 250844978U9341144 Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  7. This is a manual post TXN ID: N/A Donation Amount: 5.00 GBP Requested Awards: Zebra wrap on my Glendale Damaged at LVX. Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic. Donation Sorted by @Getskillz
  8. @Nishki said in Nishki's ALT Application.: Roleplay Number: 1 Participants: @Niklaus @Mixpeko @Nishki Story: As I was Driving with officer Thomas we noticed a trucker taking a weird turn at an illegal street for trucks. As we got suspicious about it we started following it down. as I pull the trucker to the side of the road I noticed that it was really hard for him to stop, so I questioned myself What might be wrong within this trucker is it actually his truck? is he drunk? Let's find out! As I approach his door I noticed a broken window so I immiedtly asked him to step out of the truck as he did and I hate a quick chat with him the Trucker mentioned that he was attacking by a gang member trying to steal his load.. I asked him for his registration and license and as I investigated what's going on it seemed like the trucker was carrying an illegal load by it being overweight! so I passed a ticket to him as he drove away feeling angry.
  9. Happy birthday Silver 2 <3 :birthday_cake:
  10. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 245GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Oct 15, 2020. Why do you need this change? I don't need that Burrito anymore so I decided to get my second custom wrap on a Landstalker. Links to your donation topics: Just this one (Bonus Reward) https://saesrpg.uk/topic/22524/donation-niklaus-amount-15-00-gbp ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Buritto and this wrap "xxmrtrollstylexx_1" https://github.com/saesrpg/donation-vehicle-shaders/issues/155 Location: LVX property. ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Landstalker with this wrap "xxmrtrollstylexx_2" https://github.com/saesrpg/donation-vehicle-shaders/issues/156 Location: LVX Property. Username: xxmrtrollstylexx
  11. Congratulations! @JojoDb
  12. #644 Event Type: Land on my DFT. LWS Hoster: @Niklaus Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner(s): Avanger. screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Event: Land on my DFT. LWS: @Niklaus Winner: @Avanger Prize: $1.000.000 ::: :::
  14. ^[] ^[I will start posting here all of my hosted events as LWS Staff Member Probationary] ^[] Event: #01 Event Type: Chicken Shooter Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: MIT - Sollozzo Winner(s): NRG Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/o0LDhpO ^[] Event: #02 Event Type: Chicken Shooter Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: MIT - Negan Winner(s): Derrick Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZSQ0eLI ^[] Event: #03 Event Type: Land on my DFT. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: ALT - Niklaus Winner(s): Avanger Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/KIAHs61 ^[] Event: #04 Event Type: Lucky Nade Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: Los Lunas - Speed Winner(s): Reeyzee Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/KTWZr4N ^[] Event: #05 Event Type: Chicken Shooter. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: Los Lunas - Silikondy Winner(s): Switch Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ICWvaFR ^[] Event: #06 Event Type: Land on my DFT. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: Los Lunas - Silikondy Winner(s): SlapBobs Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/O3tkSNS ^[] Event: #07 Event Type: Last man standing. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: Los Lunas - Silikondy Winner(s): Switch Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5eCtNNS ^[] Event: #08 Event Type: Survive the napalm. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: Cuban Cars - Marso Winner(s): Anarchy. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/79ooHzP ^[] Event: #09 Event Type: Land on my DFT. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: OutBreak - Niklaus Winner(s): Avanger. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/I1jLKAx ^[] Event: #10 Event Type: Last man standing. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: The Outfit - SlapBobs Winner(s): Joakito. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GeP5Z1q ^[] Event: #11 Event Type: Chicken Shooter. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: Los Lunas - VeX Winner(s): Chico. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/d69sbd5 ^[] Event: #12 Event Type: Last man standing. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: Los Lunas - VeX Winner(s): Homeless. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xWQxGMK ^[] Event: #13 Event Type: Lucky Nade. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: Los Lunas - VeX Winner(s): Kodigo. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IolcZp1 ^[] Event: #14 Event Type: Land on my DFT. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: Los Lunas - VeX Winner(s): Fad. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/x9VTTq5 ^[] Event: #15 Event Type: Land on my DFT. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: MMC - Dawis Winner(s): Avanger. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OTcVZrJ ^[] Event: #16 Event Type: Last man standing. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: Arms Assassins - Bizzle Winner(s): Colobria. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pCXfeZJ ^[] Event: #17 Event Type: Buy it first. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: Arms Assassins - Bizzle Winner(s): ncov. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OEYUTMb ^[] Event: #18 Event Type: Fall out. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: Arms Assassins - Bizzle Winner(s): Mura. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SuJTazj ^[] Event: #19 Event Type: Lucky Nade. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: OB - Nishki Winner(s): Spanish. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jyFqX1L ^[] Event: #20 Event Type: Fall out. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: OB - Nishki Winner(s): Orten. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Rqe8HQ9 ^[] Event: #21 Event Type: 1vs1 Deagle. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: OB - Nishki Winner(s): Chapo. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9brqOB1 ^[] Event: #22 Event Type: Chicken Shooter. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: ThC - Sohayb Winner(s): Mshaks. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/y6rlyFN ^[] Event: #23 Event Type: Fall out. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: SWAT - Angeldust Winner(s): Daniel. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WVueRAh ^[] Event: #24 Event Type: Best Driver Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: Gen X - BaRy Winner(s): Bacon. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/mQGCH1G ^[] Event: #25 Event Type: Land Man Standing. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: NavM - BurakO. Winner(s): Fad. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JSv50SN ^[] Event: #26 Event Type: Land on my DFT (3 Rounds) Prize: 500,000$ each round. Powered by: NavM - BurakO. Winner(s): TaraKudo - Fad - Fad Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/C39gmZp ^[] Event: #27 Event Type: Chicken Shooter. Prize: 2,000,000$ Powered by: NavM - Posho. Winner(s): PoLaT. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lfCJTGo ^[] Event: #28 Event Type: Fallout. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: NavM - Posho. Winner(s): Ovalless. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kP6WtdM ^[] Event: #29 Event Type: 1vs1 (Deagle only). Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: UE - Energizer. Winner(s): Buck. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/rUTkRXy ^[] Event: #30 Event Type: Chicken Shooter. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: UE - Energizer. Winner(s): Ovalless. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/irnlosb ^[] Event: #30 Event Type: Chicken Shooter. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: UE - Energizer. Winner(s): Ovalless. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/irnlosb ^[] Event: #31 Event Type: Last Man Standing. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: UE - Energizer. Winner(s): A$AP. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WafoscD ^[] Event: #32 Event Type: Knock out of an NRG. Prize: 2,000,000$ (500k each round) Powered by: HS - Fad Winner(s): TaraKudo - TaraKudo - A$AP - TaraKudo Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pNG4MV3 ^[] Event: #33 Event Type: Last Man Standing. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: OB - Niklaus. Winner(s): NulGath. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WfsJiPe ^[] Event: #34 Event Type: Last Man Standing. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: HRMC - Razak. Winner(s): Versace. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nuclenW ^[] Event: #35 Event Type: Kamikaze our car. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: NavM - NulGath. Winner(s): Karim. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/iWkU4Xo ^[] Event: #36 Event Type: Last man standing. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: ThC - Reeyzee. Winner(s): Moha. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9Dw4ZUO ^[] Event: #37 Event Type: Chicken Nader. Prize: 2,000,000$ Powered by: NavM - BurakO. Winner(s): Ovalless. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/e1k5xA9 ^[] Event: #38 Event Type: Chicken Shooter. Prize: 2,000,000$ Powered by: NavM - BurakO. Winner(s): Pulsee. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/iIjByIA ^[] Event: #39 Event Type: 1vs1 tournament. Prize: 2,500,000$ Powered by: NavM - BurakO. Winner(s): SlapBobs. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WyNW2fc ^[] Event: #40 Event Type: Chicken Shooter. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: HRMC - Witti. Winner(s): Kalviin. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/40oKWQe ^[] Event: #41 Event Type: Chicken Nader. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: HRMC - Witti. Winner(s): Senpai. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MD6rRsi ^[] Event: #42 Event Type: Chicken Nader. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: HRMC - Witti. Winner(s): Nic0. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sKnV3Ov ^[] Event: #43 Event Type: Fallout. Prize: 1,000,000$ Powered by: HRMC - Witti. Winner(s): NitroZues. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pdSUIB4 ^[]
  15. ^[] Type Of Activity: Role-Play about a car crash. ALT Members: @Niklaus Participants: @iMrMshaks Information/Story: I got a call saying that there was a serious crash near Las Venturas X, I arrived there in a few minutes and asked the Civilian if he needed any health service, he said yes, I drove him carefully to the closest hospital in Las Venturas. I took the keys from the civilian and told him that I will take his car to ALT Garage to fix it and see if it needs any new parts to replace. I went back to the crash area and he took his car on a DFT to ALT Garage. I started checking on the engine and broken parts, found some parts in the engine that can get fixed, I fixed them then went to the Storage Room to get some new parts for his car, I replaced the damaged parts with a new one because it couldn't be fixed. I drove back to Las Venturas hospital and handed the keys back to him. The parts cost 200$ and I took 50$ for fixing the damaged parts. Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Type Of Activity: Delivery Man. Date: 15/02/2021 Participants: @Niklaus @iMrMshaks @YassQueenn ScreenShots: ::: :::
  17. Type Of Activity: Refueling stations. Date: 14/02/2021 Participants: @Niklaus ScreenShots: ::: :::
  18. Type Of Activity: Delivery man & refueling stations. Date: 13/02/2021 Participants: @Niklaus ScreenShots: ::: :::
  19. ~[5555555555]~ @Hesha Happy birthday noob! <3
  20. ^[] ^[Big brain @samuel3021 ]
  21. Type Of Activity: Delivery man. Date: 9/02/2021 Participants: @Niklaus ScreenShots: ::: :::
  22. DJ: @Niklaus Broadcasted on: 03/2/2021 Duration: 1 hour Additional information: Just chilling in LVX. Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  23. Happy birthday sir <3 @AkyZ
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