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Everything posted by PoLaT

  1. Address: 3 cock street Account name: fille8 Last seen: 25 sept 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Address: ls immigrant corp Account name: elrastaman17 Last seen: 10 sep 2020 Screenshots: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/709725054727880735/764202901748056124/mta-screen_2020-10-09_20-12-14.png
  3. ~[Hello Everyone]~(green) -- ~[Hunting Time]~(magenta) -- ~[Saes Rpg]~ -- ~[cCc]~(blue) -- ~[Best Server of the world]~(orange) -- ~[Military Intelligence Team]~(teal,navy)
  4. Address: russian food store Account name: iampronubs Last seen: 28 august 2020 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/ENAAHizh.jpg
  5. MIT - Intake (Pending) Dear @JukyPlatinium , (account name : jukyplatinium) Hello and thank you for your apply. Your application meets our minimum selection criteria, contact an HQ ingame to pursue. In the meantime, we put you on ~[PENDING]~(orange,black) while to see your results. Thank you. MIT - Military Intelligence Team.
  6. MIT - Intake (Accepted) Dear @minato , (accountname : Minato911) Tested by @polat, and you passed from our tests. You will enter a probationary period of 1 week. Thereafter you will reach the hierarchy of MIT and be officially part of the squad. Your application has been ~[ACCEPTED.]~(green,black) Welcome back to the MIT - Military Intelligence Team Thank you.
  7. 100 million dollars $$$$ amk.. power of money !!
  8. Happy Birthday Boss
  9. @romiro702 said in MIT - Official Page / Application: MIT - Application Form Username: Romiro Account name: minou04 Age: 15 Nationality: Algerian. Languages: English/Arabic English skills (1-10): 7/10. Do you have Discord: Not yet. How long you play SAES/RPG: 4H-3H How much in-game hours do you have: 310Hours Do you have Procop Diploma: No. Previous Gang/Squad/Company: 1-ICE/HQ : I leave becuase they is very inactive. 2-TST: Dead Have ever been banned before: N/A. Read the rules and explain them in detail: Ok. Explain Rule 3: Don't play solo if you have teammates online. Explain Rule 4: It's not RP to arrest players under 5 stars. And it's forbidden. Explain Rule 6: Don't play no RP, don't play like a cow-boy. Explain Rule 8: At respawn/hospital or event it's forbidden to arrest player and don't afk at Hospital. Why do you want to join us ?: Becuase i want to help MIT and my old freind and . Application is DENIED. We reviewed your application. It is not enough to join us. Re-Apply again 48 hours later, but prepare your application carefully. Give long answers. Re-answer on rule 6. By the way you can hang-up with MIT Members in game until new application. Thanks for application.
  10. I'm sure everyone has had this moment.
  11. @Markus what do u think about new picture ? xdxd
  12. MIT - Intake (accepted) Dear @AndreaS (sousou03) Thanks for application, VIP member of MIT > Andreas tested by @polat and passed all of tests, proved himself to us with his efforts and activites with MIT members. Your application has been ~[ACCEPTED.]~(green,black) Welcome to the MIT Family ( Military Intelligence Team ) ~[Milli stihbarat Tekilat]~(teal)
  13. Mit is coming ! https://youtu.be/1rH7eCMkRuI te geliyor zel harekat ! Tsk-mit-poh-joh-cCc
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHvVQs4j360
  15. Date: 15/08/2020 Property Name: Linkans Lawyers Corp Your Username: 40salih Rentee Username: [gang] MIT (squad) Duration: Permanent, As long as the squad lives Fee: Free Screenshot:
  16. Hi everyone. cCc .
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