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Everything posted by PoLaT

  1. last seen : 8 october 2019.. account name: oscaroscar address: whetstone cinema
  2. u accept 5.5 mil arctic? :)
  4. ~[Dear Guys ..]~ I am selling my nice big building at Los Santos.. Near bank and hospital. It is huge build.. You can create a nice base.. Because it has 2 garden.. You can see it in images....... ~[36 K Daily Income]~ Center of LS.. So good location.. You can delete trees by map editor.. Press spoiler and Check images.. And write your bid .. ::: :::
  5. i sold it.. saha members !! please delete my this page
  6. @ICE-Immigration-Customs-Enforcements
  7. come on guys .. i am waiting another bids..
  8. I am waiting your bids.. ::: :::
  9. 130 million dollarssss $$$$$$
  10. address : botanica carlos miguel 2 shop accountname: hoangtien last seen: 8 july 2019
  11. bumpppp ! come on guys !
  12. bumppp ... !!!!
  13. Starting price is 10 mil.. Its perfect and space build .. There is not 2. build like this.. Has big park place.. You dont need any mapping for base.. Just u need add cars and gates.. I am waiting your offers.. screenshots: ::: :::
  14. gz everyone ..
  15. aa activities in real life :) with @Terry @Teddy @Siirtuga @Shaun
  16. address: royal club headquaters accountname: superperritoman .. aa villain.. last seen: 20 may 2019 screenshots:
  17. good prop !
  18. ~[Dear Guys Please read all information.. This build biggest base at LV.. And it can be used as base.. There is not any problem.. Its huge base !! You can add everything in garden !!! My base also has a backyard.. There is huge parking under my base.. There is helicopter parking.. It has 40 k daily income.. Its perfect location.. Right in the middle of LV !!! Near bank.. My prop has zip name.. But dont worry for it.. It hasn't any spawn .. Just its name is zip.. Zp spawn base is another base.. So its free for creating base !!!! starting price is 25 mil !!!! I am waiting offers !!! You can see my disk cars at parking on screenshots..So you can imagine it as base.]~(blue,red) I am adding 10 photos : ::: :::
  19. steve you are givin 80 mil for this :D but you dont giving 80 mil for your old tower next bank :D
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