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Everything posted by PoLaT

  1. Address: flint country oil refinary Account name: jaycee2015 Last seen: 18 jan 2021 Screenshots: https://i.hizliresim.com/EyfWWk.png
  2. MIT - Intake (Accepted) Dear @Red-12 (account name : Arran17) Thank you for your apply. You will enter a probationary period of 1 week. Thereafter you will reach the hierarchy of MIT and be officially part of the squad. Your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(green,black). Welcome to the MIT - Military Intelligence Team Thank you.
  3. gzzzz..
  4. MIT - Intake (Accepted) Dear @DALIO (account name : 7amidou) Thank you for your apply. You will enter a probationary period of 1 week. Thereafter you will reach the hierarchy of MIT and be officially part of the squad. Your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(green,black). Welcome to the MIT - Military Intelligence Team Thank you.
  5. Address: el bendo Account name: olp Last seen: 12 jan 2021 Screenshots: https://i.hizliresim.com/wTFgNi.png
  6. 110 million dollarss
  7. Date of Event : 26 january 2021 Event Type : chicken shooter LWS/G6 : @Stoner Prize : 1 m Winner : delta Screenshots : ::: :::
  8. Date of Event : 26 january 2021 Event Type : destruction derby event LWS/G6 : @Stoner Prize : 1m Winner : @nulgath Screenshots : ::: :::
  9. Date of Event : 26 january 2021 Event Type : face to face lms LWS/G6 : @Stoner Prize : 1m Winner : @Velona Screenshots : ::: :::
  10. @antirug this mouse arrested 11k crims on saes
  11. 7.65 ghz - 9 mm hdd - 6.32 i5 - cCc
  12. GZ guys ! Glad to hear that
  13. MIT - Intake (Accepted) Dear @Kornel and @Camuraii , Thank you for your apply. You will enter a probationary period of 1 week. Thereafter you will reach the hierarchy of MIT and be officially part of the squad. I would like to warn you that only one error in this period means the exclusion from MIT without warning. Your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(green,black). Welcome to the MIT - Military Intelligence Team Thank you.
  14. Date of Event : 12 january 2021 Event Type : air LMS all vs all LWS/G6 : @Kowalski Prize : 1 million Winner : @Kok Screenshots : ::: :::
  15. Date of Event : 12 january 2021 Event Type : airboxing 1 vs 1 LWS/G6 : @Kowalski Prize : 1 million Winner : @Elegant Screenshots : ::: :::
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