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Everything posted by Jxmes

  1. Jxmes

    Goodbye SAES

    Well guys , i know that you all hate me , so i will try to forgot SAES so you guys don't get stress to me i will try all i can do just to forgot SAES , and you guys Pls FORGOT me if needed . All i need to say is "GOODBYE SAES AND PLAYERS" , goodluck to future Saes Comunity.......
  2. @Ted i will stop if if i get 10 reputation xD
  3. ROLEPLAY NO.1 Date : 01-14-2019 Participants : @Jxmes , @Resistant Story : It was a sunny day while Jxmes is driving he is so drunk , while he is on way to his home he fell asleep and his car crashed into the poll , while @Resistant is driving he see Jxmes that is injured in the poll @Resistant helps @Jxmes , @Resistant did CPR but he cant revive @Jxmes, Resistant bring Jxmes to the hospital and he survived from his wounds and they went to restaurant to eat Screenshots : ::: :::
  4. @Sadpeir seems you have a good skills welcome you the group ! ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime) Find me for your ingame test , please wear [=JBV*=]Sadpeir[=P=] tags ! Best Regards , Jxmes
  5. JailBreak No.1 Date : 01-14-2019 JailBreaker/Prisoner : @Jxmes , @coster2 Duration: about 20minutes Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. HERE YOU CAN SEE WHAT WE DO INGAME LIKE ACTIVITY , ROLEPLAY , EVENTS etc...... ROLEPLAY NO. Date : Participants : Story : Screenshots : ACTIVITY NO. Date : Type of the Activity : Screenshots : ROLEPLAY NO. Type: Date: LWS/G6: Prize: Winner: Screenshots: JailBreak No. Date : JailBreaker/Prisoner : Duration: Screenshots : Official Topic : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5611/jailbreak-veteranz-organization-official-topic Discord Server : https://discordapp.com/invite/nW3Gne
  7. ~[NOTE : YOU DO NOT NEED TO LEAVE YOUR CURRENT GANG]~(red) January 13 - Sunday Morning , Jxmes is planning to save her friend's from Prison/Jail they name is Mark , Zion , Deniel , He is alone and he got some guns like Sniper/Shotgun/Deagle/MP5 her plan is to JailBreak his Friend's . January 14 - Monday , Jxmes is ready to JailBreak her friend's , 18:00 He drover to Prison from his house and he enter in the Fire exit of Jail , There was no Warden in Jail , He ran inside to hack the cells , Her Friends and Jxmes escaped from prison within 2hours , Warden noticed that there was no Prisoner inside of the Jail so he Called a Squad called Special Weapons And Tactics(SWAT) , 20:30 Jxmes and her friend's is out in the Jail and one of the SWAT see them out running in Jxmes's Hideout , So they plan to change their Hideout and Build a Group called ~["JailBreak Veteranz"]~(red) , they wait 1 day to get a ticket for their Flight to Las Venturas , January 15 - SWAT is Guarding all the Airport's in whole SA and National Narcotics Bureau(NNB) did a checkpoint in every Village of Los Santos , and FOX Operations X(FOX) did a checkpoint too all around in San Fierro , and The Strike Team(TST) is assigned to Las Venturas to Patrol within 24hours , Jxmes and his friend is so scared so they stay only in their hideout . January 16 - Jxmes and his friends is planning house to escape from the Special Squad's . January 17 - SWAT , TST , FOX and NNB is now exiting the area where they do a checkpoint , patrolling and guarding . "JailBreak Veteranz" is now escaping from the Hideout in Los Santos , Their Plan is to fly in Tierra Robada and make a Hideout in it . They buy foods/water and they build a shelter to survive , January 18 - Some people see them in the Tierra Robada , its name is Bryan , he called a SWAT to raid their new Hideout . SWAT is planing how can they raid it and when. they plan is January 20 and they need 10 SWAT Member's to raid and arrest them. January 19 - Jxmes and his Friend's is buying foods in Public Market for tommorow's birthday of Jxmes Friend named "Mark". January 20 (The Last Day) - SWAT is Ready now to raid "Jailbreak Veteranz Organization" , 2 of the SWAT member is on the Back door 3 of the SWAT is assigned to Front door and 5 SWAT is assigned in the roof to raid them. Jxmes hear something in the roof . Jxmes said "Did you guys hear that?" his all Friend said "nope" so Jxmes just Ignore it out . 19:00 Jxmes and his friends is sleepy and they went to the room that where the SWAT is in the roof . SWAT waited 2hours to fall asleep . Jxmes and his friends is sleeping while SWAT is entering the House . Jxmes Woke up because he hear something noisy he woke up his friends and went to the Confort Room . SWAT said "Why JailBreak Veteranz member is not here ?!" and the commander said "Check all the room that can veteranz can hide in !" JailBreak Veteranz is so scared . 1 SWAT member entered the confort room where JailBreak Vetranz is hiding in , The SWAT member get killed by "Mark" so there are only 9 SWAT left . SWAT Commander said "Why our member is sleeping here !" SWAT Member's said "We Dont Know sir !" . Commander hear something talking in the confort room , Commander called the SWAT Team to enter the Confort room . Jxmes and his friends is ready to fight . Jxmes , Mark , Deniel and Zion is aiming at the Door . When Commander opened it he gets injured from his 2 feet . Commander said "JailBreak Veteranz is in the Confort room !" . so the 8 SWAT Raid Team lined up infront of the door . 1 member opened the door and Jxmes , Mark , Zion and Deniel shooted 1x . so SWAT taught they have no more ammo. JailBreak Veteranz was so scared . all SWAT Team enter the confort room and they all died . Jxmes said "wow that was impossible we killed them all!" his friend mark said "Yes ! that was so impossible !" Deniel and Zion said "Come on guys lets escape now!". ~[JAILBREAK VETERANZ ORGANIZATION ESCAPED FROM THE HOUSE]~(red) BASE : COMING SOON HIDEOUT : COMING SOON Group Founder : [=JBV=]Jxmes[=L=] Group Leader : [=JBV=]Jxmes[=L=] Group Vice Leader : N/A Group Headquarter : N/A Group Color : ~[#FF0000]~(red) Group Motto : - ** We Fight For Our Team Not Just Ourselves !** - Group Tag(s) : [=JBV=]Name[=RANK=] or [=JBV=]Name[=H=] for helper/applicants and [=JBV=]Name[=RP=] if you are roleplaying Group Creation Date : 01-14-2019 Group Discord : CLICK HERE ! Group Media Archieve : CLICK HERE! Leader [=L=] : [=JBV=]Jxmes[=L=] Vice Leader [=vL=] : N/A HeadQuarter [=HQ=] : N/A Trainer [=TR=] : N/A Member [=M=] : N/A Probie [=P=] : @Sadpeir -Follow all Server Rules -Never DM without reason -Never Avoid Arrest -Never shoot/kill a cop when its not chasing you -Never leave your brother behind -Follow all Group Rules -Do not ask for promotion you must apply for it -Speak english in mainchat -Never annoy in Mainchat -Never annoy group member's -Never Kill your Gang Brother -If you spawned as a cop do not arrest your Group Brother -If you are a cop wear Officer.Name tag or remove your Group Tag -Must be 12 year old to apply us -If you dont have a gang its ok -Be mature -Do not break rules I. INGAME INFORMATION Ingame name : Account name : Age: Previous G/S/C : Why you get kicked / leave ? : Did you get any punishments/ban ? why? : II. SELF SKILLS Rate your shooting skills (0/10) : Rate your english skills (0/10) : Rate your Driving skills (0/10) : Rate your Roleplay skills (0/10) : Rate your JailBreak skills (0/10) : III. QUESTIONNAIRE What is t "DeathMatch" give an example : What is "Roleplay" give an example : What is "Avoid Arrest" give an example : You are driving alone then u saw a cop that is not chasing you , what will you do? : You are Jailbreaking and u saw a cop that is AFK what will you do ? Someone DMed you without reasons what will you do ? : ~[ACCEPTED - This only happen when you hang with us and your application is good]~(lime) ~[PENDING- If you get this it mean you do not hang with us enough but you can get ACCEPTED if you do hang etc..]~(orange) ~[DENIED- This only happens when you have a bad application you do not hang with us enough]~(red,red) APPLICATION FOR HEADQUARTER OR VICELEADER | You must be in group to apply HQ : I. INGAME INFORMATIONS Ingamename : Age : Account name : English profeciency : Language you talk : Previous G/S/C : Why you leave ? : Previous Punishment(s) or Ban and reasons ? : II. RULES Tell us 5 Group Rules : Tell us 5 server Rules : Tell us 2 JailBreak Rules : III. Group Information Who is the leader of JBV? : What is our motto and our role ? : Tell us what SWAT did on January 20 : Vice Leader : I. INGAME INFORMATION Ingame name : Account name : Age : Language you talk : Country : Normal Ping : Normal FPS : Previous Punishment/Ban and tell us the Reason ? II. INGAME RULES , GROUP RULES Tell us 10 Group Rules : Tell us 10 Ingame Rules : Tell us 5 JailBreak Rules: III. QUESTIONNAIRE You are on the way to JailBreak suddenly you see a cop that is AFK what you should do ? : You are on the way to SR and you see a cop that is going to SR too which is ignoring you what you should do ? : If you get DMed without reason what you should do ? : Someone is breaking the rules what you should do ? : You throw a nade into the wall and suddenly you died but you do not mean to avoid the arrest , the cop reported you , why you should say/do ? : IV. SKILLS Shooting Skills 0/10 : Parachuting Skills 0/10 : Driving Skills 0/10 : Fighting skills 0/10 : English Skills 0/10 : V. ROBBERY Is Nade allowed in SR ? : You see someone shoot you what you should do ? : Is Hiding yourself in SR Allowed ? Why ? : VI. Group Information Who is the leader of JBV? : What is our motto and our role ? : Tell us what SWAT did on January 20 : Why did JBV Created ? : IF YOU GET ACCEPTED FIND ME INGAME TO GET TESTED Interview : The leader will ask you something about your application Driving test : LS Bank - SF Bank (then change car) , SF Bank - LV Bank (then change a car) , LS Bank - LV Bank (Leader will compute your driving skills) Shooting test : You will Fight Leader in Ghost Town with M4 , Sniper and Combat Shotgun If you drive the max damage must be 15% every city you drove In shooting test if you get killed you have a second chance Interview you must pass the half of my question
  8. @Kofe7 I said "DELETED" and why u talking here too ? are you HQ?
  10. In-game name & Age : BloodZ*>Jxmes , 13 Account name : theclub Nationality & Timezone : Pinoy , GTM+8:00 Gender : Male Language skills? : Taglog , English Tell us about yourself in 2 paragraphs : I Born on Philippines im at 7th Grade in my School , Im a Gamer , Active , Loyal and Respectful Guy and also im not leaving my study , ilove studying and i love my Mother because she is on USA working for us . How long have you been playing on SAES? : 1 Years and a half Are you part of any groups, if so which? : --- Previous group(s) and leaving cause(s) : --- Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server? ( If so, details please ) : --- Previous (legitimate) bans? ( If so, details please ) : --- Character roleplay backstory ( If you don't have one, make one. At least 1 paragraph ) : Jxmes is Living on Philippines her work is to rob banks rob store etc.... But he decide to join DDMC that has skilled members Define Demon Disciples Motorcycle Club : Demon Disciples MC is a club with motorcycle enthusiasts who enjoy riding and modifying their rides. It is mainly centered on the use of cruiser motorcycles, from a bar parking to a big road trip. Why should we invite you into Demon Disciples Motorcycle Club & how could you benefit us? : All i can bring is my Skills , being active player respectful member and participate in any activities and more.. Do you have any unique abilities that you can bring within the club? : Killing cops Did anyone recommend you to apply or do you have any friends inside the club? : N/A Any additional information we may need to know? : nothing
  11. Personal Information Name: Martin jxmes solis Username: theclub Ingame Name: Jxmes Age: 13 Nationality: Pinoy Capability to talk english (1-10): 8/10 In-Game information How long do you play on SAESRPG?: for like 1 years and a half What other gangs/squads/companies have you been in, and have you been kicked?: HRMC - i leave cuz Had Some problems with Leader/Members MI5 - I Leave cuz i want to be Criminal life Do you have Discord and a working microphone?: Yea How many hours a week do you play?: 7x7 = 49hours What are your strengths and weaknesses?: Strenghts : Shooting / Killing / Driving / Prachuting but not too pro / teamworking / roleplaying | Weakness : N/A Gang and random questions. What made you want to join BloodZ?: well because im active / repectful guy and loyal and not breaking server/gang rules Can you bring anything specific to our gang?: i can bring activity loyal gang experience . i am old player of saes so i know the server rules and im skilled Answer the following as good as you can: What is Roleplay? Roleplay , Acting like a real life / example : BloodZ need Guns so OC QUickly responded to BloodZ and delivered the Guns and the SWAT came and BloodZ and OC fighted . What is our Gang RP and Motto?: Well Gang RP is different drug dealing , BloodZ are located in the west coast, they never leave a brother behind and always work as a team. and Gang Motto is : Hit 'em up and hit 'em fast Who is BloodZ's leader? Makaveli but he left so idk now who What do you do if you get deathmatched?: Take SS and Report , note : do not revenge back What do you do if you see someone else breaking a rule?: if he is new first of all i will teach him the rules , and tell him that he is breaking server rules and i will say also that never do it again Tell us something about yourself: Hello in Jxmes i love playing baseball also computer games like CS:GO , minecraft , nmta , fortnite , pubg . im a gamer . and my mom is living on USA for work and i live in Philippines . i like always play MTASA because i love playing GTASA .
  12. Goodluck bois looks good !
  13. @Silver what i am not breaking the rules , i aint avoiding arrest
  14. Nickname, account name, age, weakness and strenghts all classical stuff (3 lines min- 5 max) : My current nickname is Jxmes , accountname is theclub, i am 13 years old, my weaknesses are: my strenghts are : killing/driving any vehicle/parachuting/teamwork's/roleplaying and my weakness are : DMing someone without reason and Avoiding arrest What is our role : The forgotten is a group based on making any illegal or legal stuffs you can take any side, to keep going your recruitments work you're using a tiny window for it. You're always ready to explain to strangers your priority, you only kill people when it's needed, also you're ready to support anyone. Why shall we accept you: You should accept me because i'm loyal, i don't rulebreak. i only make what's needed to be made Reasons to apply: I always wanted to join a group from its beggining and this is my opportunity to join you What agency you would like to join if you get in: i would like to join The Ghosts (T.G)
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