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Everything posted by Dufabo

  1. Event type: LMS Prize:1.000.000$$$ Winner(s): chumpix Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kkcoOiY
  2. S.T.F. Activity in-game (Total 7+ members online) October 28th, 2018. https://imgur.com/a/3NLZIM9
  3. its better to add for cops (police team / official squads team or even civilians) a class that will sell steroids / pills.Cops wont be using drugs anymore,Crims wont be able to use steroids / pills.
  4. @Mega9 https://imgur.com/a/AeIz0I1 https://imgur.com/a/C4PvAOI https://imgur.com/a/Hp022sO https://imgur.com/a/o0YMS44 https://imgur.com/a/XXlgV62
  5. @Tayber Why did you gave Paradog's position to nicus...what he'll do now?
  6. Special Task Force HQ Management Team 15th of October, 2018 Dear @X-luffy-X After discussing with HQ Management and members of the squad, we have decided not to proceed with you for a several reasons, which will stay classfied. That means you are denied. You may re-apply in 2 months. Sincerely, STF HQ Team.
  7. There is nothing to script.Just let them get a final answer.
  8. Special Task Force Activity 09/10/2018- Screenshots:
  9. The point is...that even now for some squads and gangs its hard to get lvl up(not for ice since they're recruiting every trainee) If admins will give gangs/squads with lvl 6 f.e to buy an armor and use dual weps people will be trying to join gangs/squads with this level to have OP weapons and armor.As Tut said that would be good to give a bit more space for mapping and skin shadering.Also there may be something like "Gang Hideout" and "Squad field base" to allow people spawn not at their base but in another city hideout.
  10. Special Task Force HQ Management Team 6th of October, 2018 Dear @Ak-47 After discussing with HQ Management and members of the squad, we have decided not to proceed with you for a several reasons, which will stay classfied. That means you are denied. You may re-apply in 1 month. Sincerely, STF HQ Team.
  11. Rocket Launcher? Alright then for squads i want to get Nuclear Submarine to bomb gangs bases
  12. @Ardron @Castiel
  13. Username: clous99 **ScreenShot:**https://imgur.com/a/1gAevoR **Last seen:**1st September 2018
  14. Event type: LMS Prize:1.000.000$$$ Winner(s): Raiden Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/K07HdCL
  15. Event type: Chicken Shooter Prize:1.000.000$$$ Winner(s): Melou Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fHhHPLd
  16. Event type: LMS Prize:1.000.000$$$ Winner(s): Alliances Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NYHp9Kb
  17. Event type: Minigun Shooter Prize:1.000.000$$$ Winner(s): Aboody Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7egR8QM
  18. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 130 pounds When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Forum says 2 months ago,cant remember when exactly :s Why do you need to change the location: removing cars from pd and moving some to new locations Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/52139-donation-dufabo1900-amount-2000/ Links to your previous donation changes requests: http://saesrpg.uk/topic/1850/dufabo-s-rewards-change/2 Part II: What I Want to be Removed 1,2 - Police bikes Location : STF Base ::: ::: Vehicle 3,4,5 FBI Rancher Police car Enforcer Location : LVPD ::: ::: Vehicle 6 : Ambulance Location: LS Hospital ::: ::: Vehicle 7,8: Police car,FBI Rancher Location : LSPD ::: ::: Part III: What I Want to be Adden Vehicle 1,2,3: Sanchez x2 ,Patriot x1 Username: dufabo1900 Location: Pizza shop LS ::: ::: Vehicle 4: Nevada +Icon Username: dufabo1900 Location: LS Airport ::: ::: Vehicle 5: Firetruck (If its possible to add with water gun,if not just with stairs) (color #0000cd) Username: dufabo1900,rendor123,kostanjevec12345 (since donations tracker is broken and i cant add people by my own) Location : LSFD ::: ::: Vehicle 6: Police crown victoria (white color) Username: dufabo1900,rendor123,cahek23 Location: LVPD Vehicle 7: Cabbie Username: dufabo1900,kostanjevec12345,rendor123,cahek23 Location: Not far from lvx ::: ::: Vehicle 8: Turismo(the one with roof) Username: dufabo1900 Location: ::: :::
  19. @Epichu about your Place 1...whos idea it was to place a store there,lol
  20. @Lincoln so,you want to say f.e 2 months ago i've hosted 100 events as LWS,only 10 of them was for my groups,squad etc.And you want to say that i am helping my own groups/squad more than others people?
  21. You have 24 hours to fix your application(without using google translator)
  22. Dear @azizess01 your application is ~[Denied]~(red) ~[you are an applicant of The Outfit]~(black)
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