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Everything posted by Rocoso

  1. ty guys
  2. ty guys
  3. HBD @Rocoso
  4. ~[Daily Activity Check [5 members Online]]~(navy)
  5. This is an automated post TXN ID: 1BX603774T214801P Donation: 0.02 GBP Requested rewards: Please edit this post and add your requested rewards
  6. ~[Daily Activity Check [4 members Online]]~(navy)
  7. ~[Part 1 / Personal information.]~(navy,navy) Ingame Name: Officer.Rocoso Real Name: Juan Age: 16 Country: Colombia Languages: English and Spanish Gender: Male Nationality: Colombian Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why? Never. Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why? Never. ~[Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES.]~(navy) How long have you been playing MTA? Idk, but much time How long have you been playing on SAES? 8-12 months i dont renember. How many hours do you play in a day? 4-6 Hours How many times do you visit the forums in a day? Constantly. Previous gangs/squads?: CDC/FBI/SAFP Are you in any groups?: Yes, only sapa Do you have PC (Procop membership)?: No ~[Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications.]~(navy) Strengths: Shooting/tazing/parachuting/Teamwork/Tactics and Smartness Weaknesses: i haven't Weaknesses. Describe Deathmatch: it means killing another player or damage his vehicle without any Reason or an evidence. Describe RolePlay: Roleplaty is acting like in Real life, every Class has a role to do. Describe TeamWork: Teamwork is sharing Experience and working together to succed in something or to accomplish a mission perfectly. Add a picture of your "stats" by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: [ Spoiler][ /spoiler] ::: ========= Stats from Officer.Rocoso(Understaked015) ========= [Stopped Store Robberies]: 63 [Vehicles Repaired]: 1 [Truck Deliveries]: 10 [Kills]: 569 [Vehicles Extinguished]: 5 [Public Bank Robberies]: 1 [Players Revived]: 5 [Store Robberies]: 84 [Arrests]: 223 ================ End of stats ================ ::: ~[Part 4 / What to do if.]~(navy) What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest? i will report them immidiately. What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe? i don't bribe him unless in one situation if he was a cop. Someone DMs you: i will take Screenshots and report him. An admin asks you something: i answer him. Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you? i respond to his call. ~[Part 5 / Additional Questions.]~(navy) Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who? Yes my friend @Funstein Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who? @Funstein & @N-FUN Where is our private forums?: in Territorial Support Group (TSG) Section. Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: @John is the Leader and @N-FUN is the Vice Leader. Why do you want to join TST?: TST is a perfect squad and it has things that it makes it special than other squads, it has a cool team and friendly members i think it's the only squad i need. Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?: i am Honest guy friendly, and skilled. Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words): hello, i am rocoso, (Juan David) I am from Colombia i like play video-games and play in SAES. With Sincerely, Rocoso.
  8. Type: Hydra Fight:airplane: :hot_pepper: LWS/G6: @Stay Prize: $1,000,000 Winner: @Crash Screenshots:
  9. Personal Information: Ingame name: SAFP|Rocoso|PFC Account name: Understaked015 Age:16 Native language: Espanish Additional languages: English Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 6 Skill evaluation English language (0/10): 5 Roleplaying skill (0/10):8 Driving skill (0/10):8 Strengths:I am a very reasonable person I like to respect other people and generate a good deal, I like to resolve things passively but I can take other alternatives, I also like to strive to achieve my goals. Weaknesses:Sometimes I tend to get a little stressed and I'm likely to get a little angry if they try to get me down. Background Previous organizations you associated with: FBI , CDC Criminal history:i was on cdc with my old nick TCRAZYC i was on that gang for about 2 months and decided to go out to start my career as a cop, state in the FBI and now i belong to SAFP. Current organizations: Squad: SAFP Group: SAPA,SACA[San Andreas Cloud Airline] Personality Why do you want to join Global Trust? (Less than 500 please and read -> (Spoiler -> #1))i see that global trust is a good group where i could improve my roleplay skills more, it has very good aspects and its purpose on the server is very good, i see that it has very professional staff and i would like to belong to them, i see that it has a lot of future manages a good rp, the hq group is made up of very professional people and i would like as much as help learn from them.
  10. ~[Afternoon Activity chek]~(black,black) ~[TO PROTECT WITH COURAGE, TO SERVE WITH COMPASSION. SAN ANDREAS FEDERAL POLICE]~(#5e78e0)
  11. ~[Night Activity]~(navy):new_moon_with_face:
  12. Type of the activity: Training Members online: @Brute , @_Ghost Screenshots: I PART II PART Otters Prticipants: @Kevin State Trooper Members ~[SAFP]~(blue,navy): @_Ghost Explanation This training was made two days dieferentes the first was with Brute companion who joined our team again, with the practice what would come to be driving rp respecting the rules of transit and a little parachuting. The second training was with our partner Ghost and a State Trooper who is a friend of mine, we practiced driving rp in order to improve their handling techniques, we also talked about radio codes and animations which can serve you a lot and a little shooting practice
  13. el tiempo pasara pero esta especie indomable nunca se perdera en el tiempo, esta especie mas conocida como un rubiko xDDD [a Y feliz cumpleaos y sige asi nunca dejes de apollar a maduro que gracias a groove todo sabemos que eres fiel seguidor [Gio. gio]
  14. [Denied] xD and GL!
  15. HBD AA!
  16. Tuesday 19 02 2019 It was an ordinary day. The Keynes agent was willing to work. In the database find out that there are suspected sopchosos who transport things from Los Santos to the Venturas. After being placed at a strategic point, he waits for a suspicious car to pass at high speed. He sees an old model car coming but at high speed so he decides to stop it, After sending the suspect out, he presents himself showing his San Andreas Federal Police badge and asks for the documents, asking him the following question: Agent Keyn: Mr. Where You're Heading Suspect: Nothing official. I'm heading out to the outskirts of Los Santos. Agent Keyn: O perfect is making good weather, let me check your car. Suspect: Of course, sir officer, The suspect opens the back of the vehicle, The agent keyn begins to investigate nothing out of the ordinary, Earth for plants, Bottles of water But underneath everything there was a rifle A pistol 9 Millimeters and a pair of gloves. Agent Keyn is headed to talk to the suspect. Agent Keyn: Sir, I am sorry to tell you that you are currently under arrest for alleged illegal carrying of weapons until proven otherwise. Suspect: Mr. Agent, but this is to protect my grounds from gangs. Agent Keyn: I still have to take you to the office to verify everything. Agent Keyyn brings the suspect up and transports him to the office. After you arrive, go to the office to check all the papers. Everything in order the suspect identified himself as William, the seller of the land of the saints and the ventures, he had permission to carry arms as well as to have an armored vehicle of class 1. after this the agent asks for an apology but tells him that they are routine processes the gentleman takes it very calmly and withdraws from the premises. Participants: @Rocoso: Agent Jhon Keyn @Will Suspect
  17. Type: Race in Patriots Date: 18.02.2019 LWS/G6: [NNB]Stay Prize: 1.000.000 Winner: @MrSolrac Screenshots:
  18. Different activities Type of the activity:VIP Rescue Members online: @kellerman @Rocoso @INFLY Screenshots:
  19. Different activities Type of the activity:Night patrol Members online: @kellerman @Rocoso @INFLY Screenshots:
  20. Saturday 16 February *? Federal Office ? Private agent John Keyn had a long talk with a respectable businessman. with which they discussed financial issues and economic support for the office. Federal, agreed on revenue to buy two interceptor patrols and a pickup truck. Agent Keyn noticed something suspicious in the database. were multimillion-dollar sums that the businessman had made, to an account. Cuban, the Keynes officer was made very strange by this. Because a businessman from San Andreas had to be sending such high sums of money. to a Cuban account, he was also checking that the Cuban recipient had invested that money in an aeronautical company and ordered several bombers that would be finished in 2021, Agent Keyn discovered that the businessman was a member of a criminal organization which is known as The Outfit, he also has two hands whether or not he is with the Cuban liberation terrorist organization. Saturday, February 16, 7 p.m.* Agent Keyyn looks at the satellite and locates Mr. Ballas's car the multi-millionaire entrepreneur passing the speed limit allowed as if trying to escape is heading to the airport of San Fierro [After infiltrating the GPS system of the vehicle in which it is being transported]. At this sight Agent Keyn takes his interceptor vehicle and heads for the highway at high speed. the company whales to realize that the agent is following him girabruscamente and in reverse and crashes the agent He doesn't give up and keeps chasing him until he gets a tire punctured. He gets the vehicle to stop and points the gun at him and gets him out of the vehicle. when he turns him in, he arrests him and transports him to the offices. He places him in custody and awaits transfer to the defense ministry where he will be tried. ![alt text]() Participants: Agent Keyn | SAFP|Rocoso|PVT Ballas: O|Ball$s
  21. +1 It would be good to implement that air easier the speed trap since we would be covered, said to my point of view nor you.
  22. Personal Information Nickname: SAFP|Rocoso|PO Username Understaked015 Age 16 years old Nationality Colombian Roleplay Information What does SACA stand for San Andreas Cloud Airline What is SACA roleplay The roleplay of saca is mainly local and international flights along The ventures saints san fierro and weshenton Previous Jobs Roleplay Skills rate them from 1 out 10 9 English Knowledges rate them from 1 out 10 5 Airline Pilot Flight Application do you consider yourself an amazing pilot? if yes describe why I consider myself a good pilot, I maneuver in high-risk situations, I am quick to make decisions and I like to make my customers feel too good, as there are several people who are afraid to fly in an airplane so I try to do my best for the trip that corresponds to me. Have you ever been part of an Airline? No sir Have you took any studies related to the job? No Sir
  23. I like it because it's a good way to compete between cops and crims.
  24. Type: Race in police cars Date: 19.01.2019 LWS/G6: [NNB]Stay Prize: 1.000.000 Winner: @Rainy Screenshots:
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