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Everything posted by Rocoso

  1. 2020-04-29 -morning Activity Check Members Online: 6 Screenshots : ::: :::
  2. GXT Members: Rocoso Time Taken: 1 hour Deliveries: Tricking Arround SA Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/JmlhlR6
  3. 2020-04-27 -morning Type: Patrol Screenshots : https://imgur.com/gallery/2jXlSlG
  4. Type: Last Man Stading LWS/G6: @Draven Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: @Pazoo Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. 2020-04-24 Type : Driving Lessions + Parachuting + Driving RP arround Las venturas Members : @SheraP @Wizax @Rocoso @Gontenx @Gyulavokcs Screenshots : https://imgur.com/gallery/VW5rsHY
  6. GXT Members: Rocoso Time Taken: 50 minuts Deliveries: Tricking Arround SA Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/FA4Epy2
  7. GXT Members: Rocoso Time Taken: 35 minuts Deliveries: Refuelling SF-BC Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kkAt3WJ
  8. GXT Members: Rocoso Time Taken: 2 hours Deliveries: Trucking Arround SA Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/C5rkmhk
  9. GXT Members: Rocoso @jonathan959 Time Taken: 44 minuts Deliveries: Trucking Arround SF-LV Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YaXWCQz
  10. GXT Members: Rocoso @jonathan959 Time Taken: 50 minuts Deliveries: Refuelling arround SA Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/r6cULAa
  11. GXT Members: Rocoso @jonathan959 Time Taken: 30 Minuts Deliveries: Refuelling arround SA Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/TNBEZBG
  12. GXT Members: Rocoso @jonathan959 Time Taken: 55 Minuts Deliveries: Trucking Arround SA Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/UoSiTUI
  13. 06/04/2020-Afternoon Members Online:7 Type: Patrol, Responding BR Screenshots ::: :::
  14. GXT Members: Rocoso @jonathan959 Time Taken: 1 hour Deliveries: Refueling around SA Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wNxgRBA
  15. GXT Members: Rocoso @jonathan959 Time Taken: 40 minutes Deliveries: Trucking arround SA Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EO9jYsD
  16. 05/04/2020 Type:Protection for the White House and the President and Vice President Speech Sceenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/vcG76x5
  17. GXT Members: Rocoso Time Taken: 50 minutes Deliveries: Refueling around SA Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/mGRMeVg
  18. Roleplay History: I was having a coffee in my office one afternoon and listening to the police radio when there is a report that you are possibly going to see a gun delivery in the city of the ventures and that the package is coming from the holy docks. Quickly officer Thomas_Dogger mounts a lightning strike to get out after this package takes his patrol car covered so as not to raise suspicions load his m4 in case there are any problems and puts it next to the loaded and ready to shoot. approaches the main road connecting lv and ls and sees the suspicious car quickly uses the megaphone telling him to stop or shoot at the vehicle When he gets out of the car he asks him to put his hands up and wants to open the back of the car, he proceeds to search and finds two suitcases with different types of heavy weapons, Officer Thomas_Dogger proceeds to read him his rights and informs him that he is under federal arrest, he rides in his patrol car and takes him to the federal police headquarters to be judged and sentenced. Participants: @Ridden [Suspect] and @Rocoso [Officer Thomas_Dogger] Screnshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/FdOaPVx
  19. Roleplay History: The afternoon arrives and Officer Thomas_Dogger takes his undercover patrol to make some routine rounds on the main roads of San Andreas, the officer was keeping an eye on the radio in case any unit needed reinforcements or any civilian calls in the surrounding villages. the officer begins to hear a car approaching him with great speed because of the noise it makes he realizes that it is a sports car. the officer thomas dogger turns on his patrol car and goes ahead to the encounter with this car proceeds to stop it using the siren and the megaphone I order the subject to leave the vehicle and with the hands where he can see him as a routine procedure I ask for the vehicle documents and identification -Good afternoon, sir. What's your hurry? -Suspect: It's nothing. It's just that my car runs a lot and I like to put it to good use. -Officer.ThomasD: That's cool man, but if you know you can cause a major accident at that speed you were going? -Suspect: Of course, if I try not to do it again The officer hands him the documents and proceeds to ask him to open the hood of the car to check it This one opened without any problem, when checking a suitcase the officer finds a 9m glock with 2 magazines the officer asks for the documents of the weapon and says: -Officer.ThomasD: What a surprise that you need a gun? [To which the suspect responds] -Suspect: [hands over the gun papers and says] I will be honest officer they have tried to steal my car several times and this time I plan to defend myself Seeing that everything is in order, the officer hands you the documents and gives you a $20,000 fine for driving at high speeds and lets you go without any problem. Participants: @Orttimed [Suspect] and @Rocoso [Officer Thomas_Dogger] Screnshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/dExQHKH
  20. 2020-04-03 Type : PIT + Patrol control on curves + Immobilization of vehicles using few bullets Members : @Glayd @Zeno @SheraP @Wizax @SendoGocho @LandShark @Carter @jonathan959 @Willory Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/ONqkm4U
  21. Type: Lastman standing LWS/G6: **@SAFP-Carl ** Prize: 1,000,000 Winner: **@Duff ** Screenshot: ::: :::
  22. Ingame name: 215|Rocoso Ingame username: Understaked150 Previous organizations and leaving causes: CDC: It was a nice experience, I learned a lot about SAES and especially about the criminal side, but I decided to join the police side to try new experiences. FBI: Honestly I didn't stay long. It wasn't comfortable and it was inactive. SAFP: I served SAFP for several months, after a while it became a bit "inactive" and I decided to join TST. TST: It was a beautiful and long career with TST, I learned too much to improve day by day, was Commander - HQ. But I decided to leave it to continue criminal life with my friends and join Underground Empire. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is an old school mafia established with experienced members. Underground Empire does not have a limit, it is the only difference from the other mafia. They have begun to live to be rich. And the beginning of their forbidden activities became politicians. All members of the Underground Empire are known by the people of society and the members of the Underground Empire are known as respected people. Underground Empire does not deal with small things like other mafias, they always deal with high price and certain jobs. Underground Empire is weapon trafficking. They sell their weapons to other gangs for turf wars that are around. The thing is drug trafficking. The gang is funded from the work they are doing, namely the Weapons Trafficking and Drug Trafficking. What binds you with Underground Empire: The first part of why I have a desire to be one of you is that I like the old school, I like everything connected with the old school. I sympathized with this style since childhood, the first reason why I like it is that I played the game "Godfather" as a child, and this was the first reason why I so strongly liked this style of life, and if I return to reality, then I I sympathize with your gang because you guys really have the power on the server, you have loyal and experienced members. And I would like to learn a lot from you. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime can be determined in a few ways,all of the ways goes to the same answer. The first must of organized crime is not being alone,an organized crime can't be done by one person.The thing is working together to succeed.Everyone has roles while an organized crime going on.Everyone have to obey the given orders by the manager.Everyone have to do what have been told without any question. Obey to the manager is the golden key of organized crime things.
  23. Personal Patrol #8 Participants @Rocoso Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 45 minuts Screenshot https://imgur.com/rEZJosI
  24. Personal Patrol #7 Participants @Rocoso @Access Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 20 minuts Screenshot https://imgur.com/undefined
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