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Everything posted by Rocoso
ROLEPLAY Story:It was an afternoon in the office of The Strike Team Sergeant Jackson Finnerty was very ambriento after a long day of work went out to patrol a little but the ambre was able to so he stopped to think where he could go to eat, had always been accustomed to ordering a pizza in cluck but never had personally hbia hido to the restaurant so desidio go to see as it was because he was a little intrigued, took his patrol and went to the establishment to get there was received by a very friendly employee who showed him where he could park his patrol and took him inside the restaurant there he prepared the specialty of the house and asked to take ayque had to patrol after that very grateful for the kind payment and went on his patrol. Attenders: @Funstein Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/oYGh0Rl
ACTIVITY CHECK [4 MEMBERS ONLINE] [TST]Bangas[HQ] [TST]McJoni[SSC] [TST]Rocoso[SGT] [TST]Kalash[R*] Screenshots: ::: :::
ROLEPLAY STORY:Agent Finnerty suspects a wealthy character named Beckheman who owns several properties in the area and has also been seen with several luxury cars. the finnerty agent contacts him and gives him a communiqu inviting him to the offices of The Strike Team with urgent character which accepts his investigation and proceeds to go to the offices, When the agent finnerty arrives he waits for him at the door and accompanies him to the interior where the main offices are and once seated the agent finnerty begins the talk, Jackson F - I find it very nice in the car in which you arrived sir Suspects- Thank you very much I have several like this Jackson F - a question without being rude sir? Where do you get so much money if you don't have a stable job? Suspect - I've got some rental properties and some stores out there. agent jackson finnerty asserts with his explanation which is asserted and tells him that for the moment he could leave. the gentleman offered his help for everything he needed and told him not to hesitate to call him if he needed to ask more questions. so this guy gets out of the office in one of his luxurious vehicles. Attender: @Beckham Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QiChnSc
ROLEPLAY Story:Agent Jackson Finnery drives down the highway in his car a little fast when he realizes that his brakes start to fail agent finnerty to cause no harm to anyone decides to follow his path and look for a place to crash when passing an intersection in LVX crashes abruptly against one of the walls that separate the via agent finnerty flies out through the front glass with a trapped piea he is generally well pro has trouble removing his foot, Jackson Finnerty recovers and waits for a crane for his vehicle which was shattered. Attenders: @Funstein Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/aJ9fORf
ROLEPLAY STORY:A long time ago one of my colleagues and I decided to do a program to safeguard our forests so we decided to go out and patrol for them as there were several reports of criminal acts and drug deliveries in them, this is why the holy finnerty and one of the officers went out to patrol in one of the vans of the office left and handubieron several minutes on the road to finally get into one of the nearest forests, saw a suspicious van that quickly withdrew from the place but could not identify it, if so everything was very normal and after a few minutes watching decided to return to the base. Attender @Funstein Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/8VF4mKV
ROLEPLAY Story:One morning, Agent Finnerty from The Strike Team office and Agent Paul.kellerman from the federal office decided to carry out an undercover mission of observing and finding evidence to bring charges against this criminal. For this reason, they also met with an agent from the immigration office as they passed through a street and the officers were waiting for him and took a picture of him and the vehicle where he was being transported since this would help them a lot, the suspect approaches the door of a gym and is seen selling something this will be a fundamental part of the investigation that will take place Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/BF94So1 Attenders: Paul.Kellerman- @kellerman Jakcosn.Finnerty-@Rocoso Agent Inmigration- @Inka
ROLEPLAY WHIT SAM Roleplay #40 Participants [SAM] @Funstein / @kellerman [SAFP] / @Rocoso [TST] Personal RP #3 History I was patrolling around LV, when I received a call from Official Kellerman on the radio, requesting medical assistance, because Official Rocoso, was in pursuit of criminals, and lost control of his vehicle and crashed, then took me to Official Rocoso, the hospital, Las Venturas where there is was attended by proffesionals, medics. Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/qHfQmA9
ROLEPPLAY WHIT CLUCK Participants @Funstein @Rocoso Story I was driving around LV when I got a call from Rocoso, the TST agent told me he wanted to order some pizzas. So I mee him in point and I gave him his pizza and he paid me. Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/sgPNg07
ROLEPLAY WHIT CLUCK Participants @Funstein @Rocoso Story I was on my way to LV, when I received a call from the Official Rocoso, he told me that they were near to my current location, and wanted something to eat since they were, hungry then. I went to them, and sold them some pizzas. Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/ZKwTtGm
ACTIVITY CHECK [4 MEMBERS ONLINE] [TST]Bangas[HQ] [TST]Aspect[HQ] [TST]Rocoso[SGT] [TST]Jamal[R**] Screenshots ::: :::
Participants @Funstein @Rocoso Story I was on base cluck when, I got a call from Rockoso told me that after a long day's work I was hungry, so I wanted something to eat so, I went with the portable truck, then on base TST, I wanted some pizzas so I prepared them and gave them. Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/0iu7Yat
Roleplay Participants [SAM] @Funstein / @Rocoso [TST] Personal RP #1 History I was driving to San Fierro, when I see a car on fire I decided to go and see what happened, when I arrived I saw the Official.Rocoso wounded, told me that he had had a problem with the car, and crashed. I immediately called the fire department and decided to take him to San Fierro Hospital, where he received medical attention. Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/glZZt0l
ACTIVITY CHECK Memebers Online 6 [TST]Bangas[HQ] [TST]Rocoso[SGT] [TST]Kalash[R**] [TST]Freezoom[R**] [TST]Jamal[R**] [TST]LuXa2k[R**] Screenshot ![alt text]()
ROLEPLAY 19/05/2019 It was 5 o'clock in the morning at the base of The Strike Team Sergeant Jackson Finnerty Attempts to carry out an operation to safeguard important constructions since there have been several attacks against the water intakes outside the ventures that collect water from the ocean. Sergeant Finnerty needs two more units which are made up of two recruits the first Jamal and the Other Kalash, Sergeant Finnerty explains to the two recruits that is going to treat the operation that is going to take place shows them the 3 points where they are going to go The recruits agree and have everything very clear the sergeant finnerty explains to them that each one will go in a separate patrol and the anger in an aerial unit to detect enemies to long diostancia and everything to be more sure, Being outside of the base gives the last indications and leave quickly. When they arrive, he gives them the order to crub themselves because from the helicopter he detected movement. the recruits along with the sergeant cover themselves with the vehicles and leading the sergeant they begin to move towards the objective when being there he sees that they achieve to hear but they did not do any damage to the structure. The sergeant gives the directions to move to point two. They go to point two and as Sergeant Finnerty approaches a blast of a long-distance weapon can severely damage the helicopter engine and quickly approached land Sergeant Finnerty to see that could explode when falling sharply waits to reach a slightly lower height to jump, as he approaches the earth the sergeant finnerty jumps and a lot of damage is done to his two legs, the recruiter jamal tube that went immediately to the base by a call received by the radio robbery the recruiter Kalas climbs the sergeant finnerty into the car and transfers him to the base where he receives medical attention. Attendes: Saregeant Jackson Finnerty: @Rocoso Recruit Jamal: @Jamal Recuit Kalash: @Kalashrie
ACTIVITY CHECK Members Online: [TST]Gravity[CoS] [TST]Rocoso[SGT] [TST]Jamal[R**] [TST]Wizard[R**] Screenshots
PATROLLING Mebers: @Rocoso @kellerman Screenshot
ACTIVITY CHECK [4 MEMBERS ONLINE] [TST]Beast[LT] [TST]Rocoso[SGT] [TST]Kalash[R**] [TST]Jamal[R**] Screenshots
ROLEPLAY STORY: Afternoon of 07/05/2019 Agent Finnerty leaves patrol to help restore order in the city, leaving The Strike Team's offices he sees that a yellow car with license plate A-239 is driving in a hurry so the agent finnery decides to stop to investigate a little because it's the hurry. Agent Finnerty stops him and tells him Agent Finnery: Good afternoon gentleman, may I have your documents? Suspect: Of course, if the agent is here, you're a little nervous. Agent Finnerty: Thank you very much and by the way where were you in such a hurry? [Ironic Tone] Suspect: Nothing, Mr. Agent. I just like the speed a little bit. Agent Finnerty: And to my fine people who exceed the limits know [joke tone] Suspect ? He laughs a little but he's still nervous ? Agent Finnerty checks that his papers are all right. The car is in his name, nothing unusual. So he goes on with his routine procedure. Agent Finnerty: Everything in order sir you have your documents here *Deliver you the card of intificacion card of ownership of vehicles and the insurance of the car *Deliver you the card of intificacion card of ownership of vehicles and the insurance of the car Suspect: Can I go now, Mr. Agent? [Nervous tone] Agent Finnerty: Already almost sir what's the hurry? I need to see the storage in the back of your vehicle. Suspect: Of course if Mr. Agent [Nervous drops the car keys, picks them up in a hurry and opens the door] Agent Finnerty: So this is why he's been like this all along. [Find several packs with a white powder that pretends to be cocaine] Agent Finnerty proceeds to do the discoloration test and finally gives a positive result for pure cocaine. Agent Finnerty tells him he's going to spend some time in jail for damage to public health and proceed to handcuff him and get him in the car. wake up from this agent Finnerty transports you to The Strike Team headquarters and puts you in a cell until the respective investigation is done. ATTENDERS: Suspect: @Sos Agent Finnerty: @Rocoso
~[Activity Check 5 Members Online]~(black) .[TST]Rocoso[SGT] .[TST]N.FUN[vL] .[TST]Danny[CoS] .[TST]LuckyVr[R] **Screenshot:**https://i.imgur.com/ECefCIJ.png
Member: @Funstein @Rocoso Patrolling time: 20 Mins Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/lhNHP3o.png
~[Night Activity Check [5 Members Only]]~(navy)
~[Participants: @Douglass @Rubik]~(navy,navy) ~[History]~(navy) Agent Jhackson Finnerty was attentive to the radio, when a call comes out asking for apollo to receive a suspect who was captured by an officer of the department of ventures, agent Finnerty was available so he contacted the officer to transfer the captured to the central office of TST, the officer responds saying that he is on route with an estimated time of 10 minutes of arrival, after that Agent Finnerty waits at the door and accompanies him inside the facilities. After this, Agent Finnerty talks to the officer. -Agent Finnerty: Officer, what is the reason for this man's capture? -Officer: The suspect had in his possession a 9 millimeter caliber weapon known as a colt 9 on the back of the vehicle had a micro uzy with 3 magazines in addition to their respective ammunition: -Agent Finnerty: It seems to me bioen that you have requested apollo for the time being to be under arrest while we make the respective investigations both to your car and your belongings. Agent finnerty follows the suspect and the officer into the premises, leaving the suspect in a cell while investigations are conducted. The officer investigates in the database and the presumed has permission to carry weapons but not high caliber equally do not find any more evidence so they decide to release him but agent finnerty will follow up so it is very suspicious that this character is part of a criminal organization. Agent finnerty accompanies the suspect to the garage and then accompanies him to the exit where he retires and leaves the TST offices. Agent Jackson Finnerty: Rocoso **Officer LVPD: @Douglass ** Suspect: @Rubik
Muchas gracias respetable caballero @Stay