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Everything posted by PhantomS

  1. 13 Seconds To LS Bank (counted it my self) Minimum Bid Increase: 1m Starting Bid: 5m Buyout Price: 37m-40m Additional Informations: No car respawn. Close to the bank. Can place a donation vehicle infront of it. Easy way to rush without getting yourself killed. Screeshots:[s=][/s]
  2. Type Of Activity: Refueling the Gaz stations of San Andreas. Date: 08/05/2022 Participants: N/A Screenshots: Before [s=][/s] After: [s=][/s]
  3. Address: I Failed At Life Account name: ironhead Last seen: 31th March 2022. Screenshots:
  4. Address: 2 round buildings Account name: kipt Last seen: 11th april 2022. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sldux3z
  5. Your ingame username: midoprock Your ingame alias: Sanfara Your year of birth: 2005. Your gender: Male. Nationality: Tunisian. Country of residence: Tunisia. How long you have been playing SAES: 6 years. Qualities you can offer: I am guy who likes to help others without any intentions besides helping, I am an active player, I log almost daily and play around 4 hours a day, which means that reaching me won't be a hard thing, I am responsible enough to carry the mistakes I make and face them, matter of a fact helping someone makes me feel better about my self, it gives me a feeling of satisfaction and pride, at least it makes feel good about my self. I believe that the San Andreas Housing Agency is looking for someone who can handle such responsability, and I can say that I am worth to take that position, I have taken important ranks in many organisations so far and I'd say that everything went in a good way, I am mature and I am a guy who is looking for the best in himself. Your weaknesses: In my last application for SAHA which was posted 2 years ago, I wrote that I used to care about what people say about me / people's opinions about me, but now I don't really care about it, I have learnt that people will always talk, always going to speak bad about you, it is more than a habbit for them, we need to believe and focus in ourselves in order to improve to the better. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, I do. Reason for application: To be honest, there is no specific reason for my application, as I wrote above, I like helping people who are looking for help, I have been playing in this server for 6 years now, I feel like it is time for me to move on to a next level, I usually help people without any purposes besides getting their problem fixed, I am not chasing something, help should be giving from the heart and not for important spots, and I'd say that I am that guy, I usually help people when I know the correct answer and I am sure about it, I don't give a false information or so on. However, I want to become a member of the SAHA team because I want to live the experience of having such a task like this, making SAHA bets and being active and helpful in the server also helping players who want to sort their inactive requests and so on, I just feel like it is worth the try. Server Memberships: Medellin Cartel - HQ All Load Trucking - Trucker San Andreas Interceptors - Sergeant + Educator Secret Services - Agent RaceTech - Racer Additional information: Hey, My name is Mehdi, known as Sanfara in the server, I have joined this community back in 2016 with a different account, I barely knew how to play, I used to talk always in main chat, never knew that other chats existed, I was a player that spawned as a trucker 24/7 since the old version had a good payment, money was the only thing I cared about back in that time. I went inactive in 2017 and came back later in 2018 with a new account which is the current one, I started a new career, I was mostly spawned as a cop, was interested in squads since it wasn't that hard to arrest criminals, I made new relationships with players and joined organisations until I re-created a squad with Mixpeko, things changed when that happened, I was mostly busy looking for new players who got good english and such things, teaching them the rules and the gameplay basics was fun for me and I gotta say that I really enjoyed seeing them learning slowly, it was more like a passion to me, I learnt a lot from my experience as a squad Vice Leader, it was an important task to be honest and such a good experience to try. As a hobby, I like making videos, editing is such a great hobby, I always find peace when doing it, I have noticed that my editing skills have improved over the years which is a good thing, I also like to improve my mental health and to become a better person in general. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Adminjailed for Shooting player's cars once they spawn them in the hospital (2019) Adminjailed for marker arresting (2019) Adminjailed for deathmatching (2020) Adminjailed for deathmatching (2020) Adminjailed for avoiding arrest (2021) few warns and rest are mutes. Previous (legitimate) bans: Banned for multi accounting (2021)
  6. Happy birthday to my games walkthrough partner, @Rezzy enjoy it mate and enjoy the legal beer :beer_mug: or perhaps I should call you Lance Vance :pancakes:
  7. If players had the right to request a hydra and so on a tank, then what's the point of try harding for CLO and DE?
  8. This was suggested before, its unrealistic and none sense, what's the point of arresting if you will have the ability to turf?
  9. I am happy to see that both of my childrens have managed to enter DE. Congratulations @Kok and @Curvy can't wait to get head shotted by you two, especially you kok.
  10. The Fuck? are you trying to disrespect DJ koko?? are you lost in your mind???
  11. It is so disturbing when you get a fat skin / muscled, your character is wide, you will get arrested before making it to the clothing room and you'd be an easy target plus you don't have the same speed as the other players, bring this one back.
  12. So Basically, Sultan RS is my favourite vehicle in GTA 4, the handling is perfect, the model design is also something good, and so is Sultan in GTA San Andreas, it has a good handling, default AWD and most of the new players choose to buy it as their first vehicle, I thought in order to make it more used in the server, We can change it with an attractive and new model which is the Sultan RS. GTA 4 model: GTA SA model(without ENB): [s=][/s] Also I have tested the car in my own game and no FPS drops were found, in my opinion the car would be a good addition to the server, for racers too, since it has a sharp turn.
  13. Type Of Activity: Refueling the Gaz stations of San Andreas. Date: 09/04/2022 Participants: N/A Screenshots: Before[s=][/s] After[s=][/s]
  14. It's good to have you around :)
  15. I like the mapping you made, looks similar to Half Life style but I don't really think that any of this is necessary, your topic started with discussing lag and you moved to mapping, I mean it is just a spawn not a place to AFK at or a base, a prison warden spawns either to go inside the jail or just to defend from outside.
  16. Type Of Activity: Delivering goods Date: 30/03/2022 Participants: @Fall-en Screenshots:[s=][/s]
  17. there is already a rule for that and the player can be punished, however use /report in game.
  18. Event N10 Event Type: True Or False Date: 23/03/2022 L.W.S/Hoster: @XpooKs Winner: @Blue Price: 1m Screenshot:[s=][/s]
  19. Event N9 Event Type: Lucky Nade Date: 22/03/2022 L.W.S/Hoster: @XpooKs Winner: @Yazan Price: 1m Screenshot:[s=][/s]
  20. Type Of Activity: Trucking Around Date: 17/03/2022 Participants: N/A Screenshots:[s=][/s]
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