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Everything posted by Arctic

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  2. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  3. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  4. 14 days has passed since creation of this auction, due to this it'll now be archived. Feel free to create a new topic.
  5. Not much to say, neat & pretty house, room for a donation car or two. Besides that it's also located very close to a storerob in central LS. ~[Starting bid: 1m]~
  6. Ja tak.
  7. Address: 4 Ballsack Grove Account name: superperritoman Last Seen: 30th June 2019 Screenshots:
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  9. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  10. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  11. Failure to claim within 48 hours, property has been set on public sale.
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  13. Owner requested it being locked.
  14. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  15. Failure to claim within 48 hours, property has been set on public sale.
  16. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
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  19. Interior sorted on ::: ::: ID(25)
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