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Everything posted by Arctic

  1. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  2. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  3. Sold to @Spicey
  4. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  5. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  6. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  7. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  8. Property on bayside located west. Serves for a remote spawn point and does have a car-spawn for quick transportation to the SR thats close by. ~[Starting bid 1m]~
  9. Sorted
  10. This is a SAHA auction meaning that rules apply, stuff like fake bidding, failure to claim the property ect... The auction will last for 5 days and will end Sunday 23:59:59 UK time. Any bids from Sunday 18:00 will keep extending the auction for another 12 hours to prevent bid sniping. For example, if someone bids at 22:00, the auction is extended to 10 am Monday ect... Minimum bid should be $1m or 10% higher than the latest. Bidding starts at 49 shekels.
  11. This is a SAHA auction meaning that rules apply, stuff like fake bidding, failure to claim the property ect... The auction will last for 5 days and will end Sunday 23:59:59 UK time. Any bids from Sunday 18:00 will keep extending the auction for another 12 hours to prevent bid sniping. For example, if someone bids at 22:00, the auction is extended to 10 am Monday ect... Minimum bid should be $1m or 10% higher than the latest. Bidding starts at 49 shekels.
  12. This is a SAHA auction meaning that rules apply, stuff like fake bidding, failure to claim the property ect... The auction will last for 5 days and will end Sunday 23:59:59 UK time. Any bids from Sunday 18:00 will keep extending the auction for another 12 hours to prevent bid sniping. For example, if someone bids at 22:00, the auction is extended to 10 am Monday ect... Minimum bid should be $1m or 10% higher than the latest. Bidding starts at 49 shekels.
  13. SAHA Auction LV Burger Shot This is a SAHA auction meaning that rules apply, stuff like fake bidding, failure to claim the property ect... The auction will last for 5 days and will end Sunday 23:59:59 UK time. Any bids from Sunday 18:00 will keep extending the auction for another 12 hours to prevent bid sniping. For example, if someone bids at 22:00, the auction is extended to 10 am Monday ect... Minimum bid should be $1m or 10% higher than the latest. Bidding starts at 49 shekels.
  14. Sorted
  15. The user that requested this prop had reached his prop limit which makes this request valid. Msg any SAHA ingame to get it sorted.
  16. Request limit reached.
  17. Sorted
  18. Bump
  19. Sorted
  20. Address: 1 Bay Road Account name: coster2 Last seen: 21st August Screenshots:
  21. Sorted
  22. @Carbon asked for this request to be cancelled. Property has been put on public sale and is now available for everyone to purchase.
  23. Gnocchi Cafe located in LS near the beach. ~[Starting bid is 10m]~
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