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Everything posted by FireFox

  1. i support the idea +1
  2. PART 1 Nickname: FireFox Age: 20 Gender: Male Current Groups: ProCops, IAC and Cuban Cars. Rate your English (1-10 scale): 7 i think. Have you ever been banned (state why): uh-um, this question is embarrassing, well i have been banned twice, first one was back in 2011 when i was a newbie and it was for Multi-Accounting, and the second time was few weeks ago for streaming nude yoga in SAES cinema ( a YouTube Video ). PART 2 What job are you interested in? (Reporter/Photographer/Security): Security Why are you interested in joining this division: Because i have been a San Andreas Police Academy instructor for over than 2 years and my other groups ( IAC, PC ) are close to that role. Why do you want to be part of KTN: i have wanted to be KTN from the beginning but i was lazy to apply when i saw the ( 500 words thing ) but when i focused on the topic and saw that there is a Security role i decided to apply. State why should we choose you over other candidates: well i think because i'm a mature player, i'm not a group whore and i will give you some Decent Role Playing scenarios.
  3. @starwars said in ICE's Response to Organisation Application Results: @james said in ICE's Response to Organisation Application Results: Dear @FireFox i did not want to get involved in this chat that @Joshbond has open .but from the time you involved my name i must unfortunately Respond to you. you don't have the rights criticize me because You Don't Know Me.about my English its to be my first language because i am Australian form Sydney. finish school and college.second i must remind you mate that this is only one game and not in real life to qualify police academy or army.Most are kids and want to pass their time having fun and Do not judge mate. and about your 2 years experienced SAPA instructor and tester this is all bullshit like i told you this is only one game that's all.and about how we write in the chat game and some times we make wrong spelling this can happen because we are driving one car or me some time i for get to put on my glasses..and you speak about the VL . James OK i will inform you that the VL James is the creator owner of ice mate.unfortunately we don't have the right to have 2 leaders in 5 ranking so i decided to have SAM.so next mind your own business and don't be one stupid and behaved like one child asshole . And there you go. With such a VL ICE will end up really far. @BlaZZey Is completely correct in it's statement. Starting is hard for any squad... No matter how many experienced and good members get involved in it, but when your VL can afford creating such a state of art like the one I just quoted... Getting somewhere will be a tough path. @James i'm not going to reply to what you wrote since starwars has already did.
  4. this was fast and awesome Congratulations guys @Hesha @nicus @System31 , and it's sad to see Thek leaving.
  5. Dear @Joshbond , if you really want a constructive feedback then listen from a 2 years experienced SAPA officer( instructor and tester ) ,first of all you really need an English speaking members, seriously man no offense at all but the truth is that your VL does not even know how to speak a proper understandable English, the second thing is like what @Mrwan said, the best thing you can do to " filter " your members is by doing weekly and monthly tasks like ( tests,applications and so on ), the last thing i'm going to say is please don't take anything from what i said offensively i just like to say the truth, Good luck and have fun in your squad. P.S: feel free to contact me on DC or in game if you want any help. Respectfully, FireFox
  6. Part 1 - In-Game Information Nickname: FireFox Username: firefox201791 Age: 20 Gender: male What groups are you a member of?: Pro Cops, Cuban Cars and IAC. Have you ever warned/jailed? If yes, why?: couple of troll adminjails. Have you ever been banned? If yes, why?: yes 2 times one for multi accounting back in 2011 when i was a newbie, and the other one was this year for streaming nude yoga in SAES cinema ( YouTube Video ). How would you rate your english from 1-10? (1 being the worst, 10 being best): well my English is fairly understandable and i will understand anything i will be told, so i would give myself 5.5. Part 2 - Roleplay Why are you interested in joining our group?: since the server is heading towards the reset and they said that they are going to improve the Civilian side i think it would be great to be in a cool group like this. Do you agree to follow all of the rules (Both the Server and Group rules)?: ofc i totally agree to follow all of the rules. Describe yourself (Minimum of 10 words): well, hi there i'm Mahmoud Elnashar a 20 years old Egyptian, i have started playing MTA in 2010~2011 my first server was SAES and i never played in any server since then, got banned for Multi Accounting then i came back in 2016, i have went inactive in June 2017 due my RL circumstances then i came back in December 2017 and i'm active since then :D. Why should we pick you over anyone else?: being a member in the San Andreas Police Academy for over than 2.5 years gave me tons of experience in role-playing, also i'm a loyal guy since i did not leave my squad since i joined it.
  7. -=(red,blue,lime)Happy birthday=- to my -=(purple,navy,teal,green)best friend=-, who is better than the best of the best! May your special day be better than the best you've ever celebrated,May every moment of your life be as wonderful as our friendship!.
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