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Everything posted by Lazar

  1. Event:#1042 Event type : Chicken Shooter LWS helper : Ramos Prize : 1.000.000 winner(s): Submeoff ::: :::
  2. Event #1041 Event Type : Last Man Standing LWS helper : Velona Prize : 2.000.000 Winner(s) : [SWAT*]flusha ::: :::
  3. Night Activity : 11.12.2018
  4. Happy birthday ^^
  5. Night Activity : 10.12.2018
  6. Section 1- In-game Nick : BS*|LaZaR Nationality:tunisia Age:16 English proficiency:7 of 10 Other Languages:french and arabic -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?:i want to join this group because i am active player and friendly also i am good at killing cops and i have fun when i do jb and help other criminals to survive Current membership(s): BS -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: hello , my name is LaZaR real name is ghassen i live in tunisia exactly in hammamet i like football and video games and my carrer started at 2011 when i was playing uber strike but the game has been closed in 2014 so i tried to find another game that really i can enjoy playing it so i start playing mta and SAES was the first serveur to play i was dumb that periode so i didnt have any idea about the serveur but i understood everything by pressing f1 and read whole the rules after that i tried to join gangs so i joined CDC/BS/HA/yakuza but i got banned in 2016 because i had admin in other rpg serveur so i come back last week after 2 years ban and i just joined bs again
  7. Nickname : lazar Ingame username : xxlazarxx Nationality & Age :tunisian 16 years old Previous Punishments : banned because i was admin in other RPG serveur Previous organizations youve been in and reason why you left them : BS: left beacuse i went inactive HA : Dead Yakuza : Dead CDC : Kicked because i got banned Explain us our role in your own words : transporting drugs to whole SA map Why would you like to join BS and how can you benefit us? : i just want to come back to the gang because i have frineds there and i just be loyal and help the gang also i am active player which can help the gang with events etc .. SS about hanging : https://imgur.com/a/Em5wTcv
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