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Everything posted by Lazar

  1. SF BR 8/8 - 30/12/2019 ::: :::
  2. Type: Fallout Host(s): LWS @AntiRug Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: @Avengr ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/TFiVYIy
  3. Patrol: #974 Personal Patrol: #11 Participants: me and @jonathan959 Time of Patrol :40 mins. Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/49FyPmy
  4. Patrol: #970 Personal Patrol: #10 Participants: Alone Time of Patrol : about 27 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OqfqSG6
  5. Patrol #968 Personal Patrol #9 Participants: Alone Time of Patrol: 40 min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/px9p2Sc
  6. Patrol #967 Personal Patrol #8 Participants: @jonathan959 Time of Patrol: 20 min Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/d9OWlEi
  7. Event type: Last man standing Event prize: $1.000.000 Winners: @Brooks Lws/G6: @Nuno Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/edw6T8n
  8. Event type: true or flase Event prize: $2.000.000 Winners: @Griffin Lws/G6: @Brooks Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vDO0GjC
  9. Event type: true or flase Event prize: $1.000.000 Winners: @Xtream Lws/G6: @Brooks Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Sfcj5o7
  10. Patrol: #953 Personal Patrol: #8 Participants: Solo Time of Patrol: 40 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/CYhFKic
  11. Patrol # 951 Personal Patrol #7 Participants: @DJO @jonathan959 Time of Patrol: about 55 mins Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/b63q17a
  12. due the U br last night : The reset time if a gang fails to reach the vault before cops take over has been reduced to 20 minutes from 30.
  13. Address:11 jefferson block Account name: jek98 Last seen: 16th November 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VPfXxvI
  14. good luck lads :D
  15. for me the best 3 admins are : system31, human, jay cause of their attitude and The way of speech, with all my respect to the rest
  16. Patrol: #927 Personal Patrol: #6 Participants: me and @System31 Time of Patrol: about 40 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ivp7ZGP
  17. happy birthday
  18. Patrol # 914 Personal Patrol #5 Participants: Alone Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 40 minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/LhDdIMa
  19. congratulations
  20. happy birthday johnny sins
  21. Happy birthday ^^
  22. Roleplay #66 Personal Roleplay #1 Participants: YakuzA members and me @EloThAm said in The~Yakuza - Media Archive: ~[R]~(#998855)oleplay#32: The Save @xxLaZaRxx ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 10/09/2019 We have been tracking this dangerous process for a whole month We have finally decided to enforce it, but with the prohibition because they are an armed groupThe quality of weapons was highly sophisticatedWe came out of our picker As usual, we sent a spy to tell us some important things that help us complete this task ,we were preparing for a trapTo follow us to the cave where they will be targetedI admit they were a bit smartBecause they are obedient from the beginning and have understood that there is an ambush ,well they started to fear us but actually there is no way except we fight them ,so we headed towards the cave , we took our position,The plan of the cave was really good and this is because of the harshness that will strain the enemy and this we gain progress on them,the enemy is here we start reloading our weapons The clashes began and then ended with heavy gunfireWhich unfortunately ended with the injury of one of our members ,But we managed to sprint without loss,there is no solution exept we called our friend as medic called lazar to save our important member ,I sent a group of guards to accompany him and protect him on the way, and Finally hes here ,Start examining the wound,But he advised him that whoever had to take him to a hospital would be given special care ,I am not comfortable with this solution, but it is not possible to lose,It was compelled,We went to a hospital and accompanied him to the examination room,He gave him painkiller,he start checking him with a medical device ,Research has been continuing to come to the contrary,sadly he need a surgery ,That will force him to stay in hospital for a certain period,We went to the doctor's office to talk about the costs of this operation and care ,it was really expensive that doesnt suit our treasury but We need to pay it because simply we wont loose anyone,some of our member refuse to heal him fearful of our bankruptcy,but we never leave our members and this is yakuza actually,we just need some more operation in order to fill the treasury . ::: https://imgur.com/a/XdhJrMV :::
  23. Patrol # 856 Personal Patrol #4 Participants: me and beckham Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 35 minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/Hgm2JaF
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