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Everything posted by hope

  1. @glayd said in In remembrance of Faker: I just want to crying ((( when first time saw it same :( , rest in peace my friend
  2. ~[R]~(purple)oleplay Number: 376 ~[P]~(purple)articipants: ~[BBMC:]~(red,maroon,sienna)@Wolf \ ~[STF:]~(#050e91)@Victor ~[T]~(purple)itle: Drugs Deal Went Wrong ~[S]~(purple)tory: Today i got a call from a guy from BBMC called wolf he want to buy another quantity of drugs but he didn't want weed this time he wanted to buy some cocaine packages since he dealt with us last time he liked our quality and he told his Boss about us so they will buy from us any kind of drugs they need because they liked our quality ,he wanted 10 boxes full of cocaine packages i said this will take a period of time since you requested huge amount of cocaine he said okay when you will be ready ? , i said tomorrow and we will meet in BBMC base then we ended the call , in the same time there was a cop from a squad called STF he was listening to our call and he heard everything we said so he prepared his police car and went to the location which i gave to wolf in the call after a one day in the morning i prepared my huntley and went to BBMC , i arrive in the evening i saw wolf waiting me inside BBMC base waving at me so i went inside the base and parked the car and in the same time Officer.Victor was watching us waiting for the perfect time to attack after 5 mins he decided to attack us because he saw wolf tasting our cocaine when he arrived to us he aimed at us and forced us to drop our weapons so we did what he said then he handcuffed us then he took us to RCPD to register our names in police database after he registered our names he sent us to the cells . ~[S]~(purple)creenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2jfc9qejg/29ff972d/
  3. Roleplay Number: 375 Participants: @hope @Wolf Title: Drugs Deal Story: Well , i was sorting some stuff for my gang , i got a phone call from a friend wanted me to sell him some weed from our small farm inside our base because he know that we have the best quality in San Andreas and sell it for the cheapest price so we start planing together ,where should we meet and how much weed he needs etc.... after 1 hour and 30 minutes approx we finished talking and we planned that we will meet in Wa base which have the weed farm inside it and he will come in the midnight so none see us and he want all the weed we have in our farm so i prepared myself and waited him after he arrived to the base , he parked his van (Pony ) then i showed him the weed we have in the farm and he said he will take it all so i told him to wait little bit after i harvest i went to our storage and tied the with a rope and then i loaded his van with the tied weed after i am done loading he gave me a briefcase full of money then he entered his van and left our base. Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Good luck Boys!! and don't lose hope :P
  5. [Event Helped #55] Event Type : 1v1 Sniper CEO Helpers : Hope - zodiac Event Hosted for and by : Hosted for : CDC| Hosted by : Douglass Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/1JawpZN
  6. Best of luck
  7. Roleplay number : 371 @wolf said in The Blood Brothers MC Media Archive: -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )= 127 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Special Weapons -=(black,red)Story:=- one day i got a mission form the leader wanted me to buy a huge amount of m4 from any gang after he i got a mission i Search for the Best Gang Sell Weapons and i See Wild~Angels sell it and have high Quality after it i call Hope to sell to me A lot of amount of M4 he say Sure and he tell me meet me in WA Base after i arrived to the Base hope take me to the storage Room after he take me we start Working i started to Tested M4 and hope Showed me the Target after i shoot the Target i see the Quality is good after it Hope asked me how many Creates you want i tell him i want 1k Creates he say Sure after it i tell him how much do you want he say 700k i tell him sure then i go to Car to get the Cash after it i gave him the money after it he gave me the Creates and i loaded it into the car after it i come back to The BBMC Base -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- ::: https://postimg.cc/gallery/n3cbuf30/b1f59c73/ :::
  8. 3.5m
  9. 2.5m
  10. Happy birthday Fhrer Dufabo have a great one mate !!! <3
  11. (double post)
  12. Event Number: 318 Event Type: all vs all boxing LWS/G6/CEO: @Ramos Winner(s): @Raiden Prize : 1.5m Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/l4bcmr14/17467fdb/
  13. Roleplay number 369 @seth said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive: RP#106 - Finding the Spy Participants : OC|>Seth and [WA] @Hope Story: Yesterday someone from Las Venturas Police Department told Seth that some cop is spying on Overdose Crime members, Seth contacted his friend "Hope" who was working for a gang know as "Wild Angels", Seth told him everything so he invited Seth to come Wild Angel's base. Seth took the car and drove there. ::: ::: After Seth reached there, Hope was wait for Seth at the base, Seth get out of the car and ran to Hope, After telling the current situation to him he accepted the deal, Seth also gave him the clue that the Spy is working under Police Commander "Iceberg", Hope requested to give him half money before the job so he can purchase the equipments required to get in the Las Ventuars Police Department, ::: ::: Hope weared Cop's uniform and went inside the Police Department, Iceberg was on duty so his office was empty, Hope break into his office and stole all the information and came outside sucessfully, Seth was waiting for Hope at Overdose Crime's secret hide out. After few hours Hope finally arrvied at the Overdose Crime's hide out. Seth asked him about the Spy first of all, So hope gave all the information of the spy. Seth gave Hope 50,000$ before the job but when he done his job Seth gave him extra 50,000$ and thanked him very much. ::: :::
  14. Happy birthday ex NSA :P !!! have nice one
  15. Roleplay Number: 366 Participants: @hope @Wolf Title: ~[~Private Drugs Deal~]~(purple,magenta) Story: Well when i was smoking in wa base i wanted to sell some of our drugs to someone so i searched for someone to buy from me drugs after 3 hours i found a guy from gang called Blood Brothers MC (BBMC) his name is wolf he wanted to buy drugs because his hqs wanted him to buy drugs from any other gang so i contacted him and asked him what kind of drugs you need weed\cocaine etc.... and asked him where should we meet he said in BBMC base so i prepared myself and the Huntley after i done preparing myself i went there after i arrived to the base i met wolf and showed him the drugs that he wanted me to sell him it after he tasted it and he liked it so he took all the goods i have in the Huntley after that he gave me a briefcase full of money then i entered my Huntley and drove back to wa base and putted the money in our safe. Screenshots: ::: https://postimg.cc/gallery/qwb66po2/506e16d9/ https://postimg.cc/gallery/2j326bd6a/ab4eebbe/ https://postimg.cc/gallery/1obx6jfxu/5294d085/ https://postimg.cc/gallery/2hxpqn0qa/28dcc600/ :::
  16. Happy birthday mate !
  17. @daliiii said in LS Business: 1.1m meet me in game
  18. Congratulation boys !!
  19. Congratulation boys !!!!!
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