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Everything posted by hope

  1. Event Type: knock me of my NRG Event Prize: 1.000.000 Hosted by: @Filex Winner: @Ment - @gothboi Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/239nzgkqs/46c84e86/
  2. Roleplay number: 50 @Hassantt said in The Pirus ~ Media Archive: Roleplay Number: 66 Story: With the appearance of the sun i was sleeping at my house but after i get up i listened my friend out my house and he need me he called me before in my phone but i was sleep after that l left my house to see what he want and his friend called him to take weapons and my friend said to me it i say i am agree to sell to him weapons after i started to get the weapons and put it in the car and we was waiting him in our base but we saw police car in coming to us bec his friend called police to come and arreste us we fast get our the weapons from car after that police came to our base to check it but i run away and i ghot my weapon and shoot to car police bt he saw me after that i got my car and my friend in the car and we run away we thought he will not come again but when we going to eat in shope police came to this shope to check in it and we saw us but we killed him and we damaged his car and we got his phone to dont call the police again and it was nice day . Participants: @hope - Hassan - @SpeeD1Tn - @Uyncis Screenshot(s): https://postimg.cc/gallery/p6ej8ghw/
  3. Event Number: 82 Event type: NRG Parkour LWS/G6: @Filex Date: 30\7\2019 Prize(s): 5m Winner(s): @Dudi ScreenShot(s):
  4. Roleplay Number: 48 @Wolf said in Wolf1's CubanCars Activities: Roleplay: ~[RolePlay Title :]~(brown) ~[Participants:]~(brown) @hope and thanks for helping me @Sw3dy ~[Story:]~(brown) Today I was driving around San Andreas I got a call from My Director he wants me to come to Cuban Cars Garage at San Fierro because there is someone who wants you to fix his car Called Hope. So I prepare my self equipment. Then I went to Cuban cars SF Garage then I saw a lot of broken in his car then I talked with him a bit to know his a problem to can fix his police car after he told me his problems I started to prepare my equipment then I checked his car first and I started from his Trunks door I saw a lot of Broken in back so I removed the back then I put it Down then I went to gets a new one from Garage after I get it I started to put it after I finished put the trunks door then I started to check the engine and I saw his engine was broken so I removed it and puts it down then I went to gets a new engine from Garage then I carried the engine to the car then I put it into the car after that I checks his Wheels and it was bad so I remove each one and puts new wheels after that I checked his horn and I saw a lot of Broken in his horn so I remove his horn then I put it Down then I went to gets a new one from Garage after I get it I started to put it after that I told the owner your car is good now . then the Owner told me how much you want sir I told him I want 3000$ then he gave me the money then he thanked me for fixing his car then he left. ~[ScreenShots:]~(brown) ::: :::
  5. ::: @Vitapol said in C.I.A. - Central Intelligence Agency: GENERAL INFORMATION In Game Name: Vitapol Username: aivisty Age: 15 Nationality : Latvian Languages : latvian, English Total Server Playtime: 360 (3years) Previous Gangs/Squads/Companies: FBI.TST,OC Current/Previous Groups: n/v Have you ever been banned, if yes, why: nop ROLEPLAY INFORMATION For you, what is C.I.A.: CIA or Central Intellegence Agency is a police squad which its main role to mentain security and peace around San Andreas. What unit would you like to join in the future, and why: want to join any unit in the future i want to be a good part in C.I.A What is our main role: Our main role is arresting, patrolling a round city and pull over traffic. What can you bring to the squad: bring to the Squad teame , Roleplays Describe a short situation (a few paragraphs), on how you would act during a spying mission: spying mission, if me with my friends in C.I.A going to SR and we want to stop him with spying i will stop in a big or near house and see with Snipe how many Crim in him if him only 2 or 3 we will snipe all if him amny Crim i will get the car and i will go near SR and go up in a house or in a garage and we will jump in SR and arrest all Crim. OTHER INFORMATION Any other information you wish to specify: no Anyone recommended you to apply, if yes, who: no one **Why did you choose C.I.A.:**have great leader and teamwork acvite ,. Nice. Leader and HQ ::: Dear @Vitapol First of all, I would like to thank you for choosing our squad, Unfortunately, I'm sad to announce that your application has been ~[denied]~(red), feel free to re-apply after 2 weeks.
  6. Event Number: 81 Event type: Lucky Tube LWS/G6: @KARIM Date: 29\7\2019 Prize(s): 1m Winner(s): @TaffyC ScreenShot(s): https://postimg.cc/crW80QcW/4e7dbf03
  7. Event Number: 78 Event type: Parkour LWS/G6: @Brooks Date: 26\7\2019 Prize(s): 4m (1m each winner ) Winner(s): @Pazoo - @NubBob - @Pearl - @Spicey ScreenShot(s): https://postimg.cc/gallery/pxtnxg1w/4f5678c1/
  8. about idea number 4, when there is a cop chasing a criminal and the criminal killed him and you went to revive him after you revive him he will have invulnerability to damage, which will give the cop a high chance to arrest the criminal but the criminal can't kill him because of the invulnerability, am i right ? Maybe if there is a way which can disable the arresting ability during the 2 seconds.
  9. Role Play Number: 43 Participants in The RP: @Bagetto RP Scenario: Okay, so there was a crime happened the past week and I got orders to investigate the guy who did that horrible crime to a poor old woman sleeping in her bed, we found her died on her bed with twelve staps all over her body, the poor women was so peaceful and very weak, which make it easy for the murder to kill her because she doesn't have anything to defend herself with it, after investigating in that horrible crime we found that all the evidence we got is leading to son who is called johnson, so we went to his house and we kept knocking the door but none is responding, so we had to use the force to get in, after we got into the house, the house was completely empty, all we found is a piece of paper which got some words in it '' nice try boys, you won't see me ever again in your entire life >:) kind regards johnson '' said johnson, after we saw that message, we tried to track him with our powerful system, luckily he could escape that far, after we got the location that he is hiding in, I took the FBI Rancher with me and preapred myself and went to my destnation, which was Red Counrty, I went there and found him, he was going out side a dount resturant, I went there and chased him down, I used by taze to get him after that I have put a bag on his head and cuffed his hands, I took him into my FBI Rancher then went back to the PD, I took him inside the PD to the interrogation room to figure out why he did that horrible crime to his mother, after he admitted that he killed her, I asked him why you killed her, he replied '' BECAUSE SHE WAS A F*CKING WHORE.... AFTER MY FATHER DIED SHE MARRIED ANOTHER GUY STRAIGHT AWAY AND NOT THINKING ABOUT MY FATHER...SHE WAS CARING ONLY ABOUT THE MONEY NOTHING ELSE, THAT'S WHY I HAS KILLED THAT WHORE AND TOOK MY REVENGE...'' said johnson while screaming and crying, I told him" yeah now you took your revenge, but you lost something that you cant bring it back easily which is LIFE, your ruined your F**KING LIFE FOR ONLY TAKING A REVENGE ??$@!#, Thanks Allah for the blessing which is called 'Brain' to think with it", then I took him to his cell and closed the case, then I went back home to take a rest, and tomorrow will inform my bosses. ScreenShot(s): https://postimg.cc/gallery/13d84pri8/963a1ce6/
  10. Good luck boys! (( im supporting people to do haram things xD))
  11. Event Number: 77 Event type: Parkour LWS/G6: @MatizZ Date: 23\7\2019 Prize(s): 2m (1m each winner ) Winner(s): @Disaster , @NubBob ScreenShot(s):
  12. -TMH Technicians Working on 18/07/19 - Early morning - TMH Technicians Involved: Only me Location: LV x Estimated Duration of Working: 15 minutes. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 13 Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2rxfv6kvc/f4dfffa9/
  13. Event Type: Land on DFT LWS/G6: @Alex Date: 18/7/2019 Prize(s): $1.000.000 ( 500K each round) Winner(s): @Sanek - @Wolf ScreenShot(s): https://postimg.cc/gallery/h82bkvfs/c8778570/
  14. ::: @GirlyPrimis said in C.I.A. - Central Intelligence Agency: GENERAL INFORMATION In Game Name: Ricarda Username: GirlyPrimis Age: 23 (as of 19.07) Nationality: German Languages: German, English Total Server Playtime: 7 years (with several breaks in between) Previous Gangs/Squads/Companies: SAPA / NNB / SEAL Current/Previous Groups: Ex-PC and Ex-PC Tester Have you ever been banned, if yes, why: 1x Abusive behaviour (getting money from someone elses account) ROLEPLAY INFORMATION For you, what is C.I.A.: Investigation and stabilizing the security of the State. CIA gathers both external and internal information and helps other policing services to ensure crime preventing. But not only does the CIA the security statewise, but also for any citizen in need of assistance if their capazities aren't maxed out / or focused on more important things. What unit would you like to join in the future, and why: Either OPA, since I see my strenghts within representing official matters/being a public face and controlling what information are released to the public and which are classified since they could possible compromise future operations. Otherwise I would choose DO because of my police career background, which will surely come in handy that way. What is our main role: Crime prevention and Information gathering, both in- and external by any means possible. What can you bring to the squad: Lot's of experiences from my previous squads and my long playtime, an expansive RP ability and loyalty towards the squad I'm in. Describe a short situation (a few paragraphs), on how you would act during a spying mission: First I have to ensure that neither mine nor the agencies intentions are released at any point by any means necessary. I would try to gather and document as much intel and informations as I can get without putting myself in risk of getting myself caught in the process. For that I'll use every equipment the CIA has to offer. I'll transfer those informations to the higher ups so they can either transfer them to official policing agency's or for preventing purposes. Should, during any point at the mission, the public safety become critical I'll immediately organize myself with our agents and policing agency's for a swift-strike to end the endangerment. Should my own undercover role become critical at any point of the mission, I'll either leave my role and head back for a briefing. If my cover is already blown, I'll activate my emergency button to let my fellow agents know that I was caught so they can take proper actions. OTHER INFORMATION Any other information you wish to specify: I'm both willing to make extensive and long RP's and/or to spend much time on the forums writing articles. Anyone recommended you to apply, if yes, who: @Ardron @ILLUSION Why did you choose C.I.A.: I'm mostly RP based, so this squad is the closest to my preferred playstyle. I also trained Ardron back in SAPA so I know that I'm in good hands here. ::: Dear @GirlyPrimis First of all, I would like to thank you for choosing our lovely squad, After reviewing your application we would like to announce, that your application has been ~[Accepted]~(lime) by our Hq team, Welcome aboard. Kind regards Hq team
  15. Role Play Number: 40 @Dangerr said in Cartel Da Sinaloa ~ Media Archive: Roleplay Number: #162 Title: Another deal that can be considered "successful". Participants: @hope @jonathan959 @Ment Story: Today in the morning I have been told to pick up some arms from the factory and prepare them for buyer. I wanted another member to be with me as a guard while carrying the stuff as it wasn't small amount of equipments we had in our car so I couldn't risk losing them. As we left our place to deliver the stuff, we saw a roadblock and 2 officers aiming on us, someone could have told them. Officers asked me for my license, however we knew they were aware of the stuff we had in our trunk otherwise not any cop would stop you with rifles just to ask license. One of the officers asked me to show him the trunk. As he saw the arms inside the trunk, he decided to take the car and bring it to police station. Unfortunately we had not any other choice, we had to give him the car. However, the other officer was alone as the other one took our car, we decided to stop him and told him to call his friend back to bring our car. Other officer brought the car back to us, we paid them off. It was obvious they were newbie so they didn't to cause any violence but unfortunately things are not working that way. We destroyed their car and killed them.
  16. Role Play Number: 39 Participants in The RP: @ViRuSLN RP Scenario: It was a sunny day in the afternoon, I was eating some delicious donuts with some Pepsi or coca cola I don't remember, anyways I went to drive my cruiser which was parked in the parking, after some period of time I heard someone talking near me, I parked the cruiser and went to check if there is anything suspicious there, I saw a black fat guy and another biker in front of him, the fat guy was giving the biker some cocaine packages secretly and watching if there is someone watching them, luckily they didn't see me because I was hiding behind a nearby Van, I decided to rush them and make them surrender, so I went to my cruiser and rushed them, at the beginning they were going to cooperate with me but they both managed to get inside their cars and escape don't ask me how, the biker couldn't catch him but I was able to chase the fat guy because he got a slow vehicle, so it was easy to get him, I managed to make his car spin and lose his control, he got out of his vehicle and trying to run away, but I managed to get him with my lovely tazer, I cuffed him and took him back to my cruiser and called an impounder to take his vehicle, I took him with me to LSPD and registered his name in our database and got all his stuff, then sent him to his very own cell alone, I went back to patrol around LV. ScreenShot(s): https://postimg.cc/gallery/1j02jxfoo/6a3d93c2/
  17. Event Number: 75 Event type: LMS LWS/G6: @flusha Date: 11\7\2019 Prize(s): $1,000,000 Winner(s): @lazar ScreenShot(s): https://postimg.cc/gallery/185iyh5ig/421c775c/
  18. Congratz boys!!!
  19. Event Number: 74 Event type: True or false LWS/G6: @KARIM Date: 6/7/2019 Prize(s): 2m Winner(s): @Exile and @Skerdi ScreenShot(s): https://postimg.cc/gallery/30qgvwskg/f64712a9/
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