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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Phrost

  1. Sorted.
  2. Date: 31/07/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Darius @Crossma @Phrost Screenshots:
  3. Date: 31/07/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Darius @MetalHead @David @Phrost Screenshots:
  4. Date: 31/07/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @MetalHead @Phrost @Darius @Vladimir @Elfortis Screenshots:
  5. Date: 31/07/2024 Activity: Patrolling Participants: @Crossma @Mario @Phrost Screenshots:
  6. Date: 30/07/2024 Activity:Securing the VIP Participants: @Zyler @Phrost @Darius @Mr.Xleepy Screenshots:
  7. Date: 28/08/2024 Activity: and Securing the VIP Participants: @Phrost @Zyler @MetalHead Screenshots:
  8. Date: 28/08/2024 Activity: Stopping SR and Securing the VIP Participants: @Phrost @Laciden @Mario Screenshots:
  9. Date: 25/07/2024 Participants: @RickJ Duration: 40 minutes Activity: Fuel Trucking Screenshots:
  10. Participants @Phrost Duration 20 Minutes Activity Refueling Stations Date 23.07.2024 Screenshots
  11. Sorted 1/2
  12. Sorted 1/2
  13. Sorted 1/2. Enjoy!
  14. The property has already been requested and sorted by the player.
  15. The property has already been requested and sorted by the player.
  16. The property has already been requested and sorted by the player.
  17. Sorted 1/2
  18. Address: 9 Little Havana Street Account name: judyess Last seen: 22nd June 2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Gs9ovwH
  19. Sorted. 1/2
  20. Sorted. 1/2
  21. Date: 17/07/2024 Participants: @RickJ Duration: 21 minutes Activity: Fuel Trucking Screenshots:
  22. Date: 18/07/2024 Participants: Duration: 17 minutes Activity: Fuel Trucking Screenshots:
  23. Dear @Mr.Xleepy After carefuly reviewing your application, we've decided to go forward with it. Please find any of the PC testers ingame. Phrost SAPD Staff
  24. Date: 12/07/2024 Participants: @RickJ Duration: 15 minutes. Activity: Fuel Trucking Screenshots:
  25. San Andreas Police Academy Property List San Andreas Police Academy Headquarters Old Address: N/A New Address: SAPA Base Price: 0$ Original Owner: @DROT New Owner: [gang]Police_Academy San Andreas Police Academy Training Facility Old Address: Turning Tricks Driving School New Address: SAPA Trainig Facility Price: 225.000.000$ Original Owner: @Phrost New Owner: [gang]Police_Academy
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