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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Phrost

  1. 10 GBP (x3) added.
  2. This is an automated post for: Phrost Donation: GBP 10.00 GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  3. Date: 17/11/2023 Activity: SAC Course Training Participants: @Phrost @pastaa @Tommy Screenshots:
  4. Date: 25/11/2023 Activity: SAC Course Training Participants: @Rieeria @Asaf. @JackDan1els Screenshots:
  5. Date: 23/11/2023 Activity: Responding Store Robbery Participants: @Laciden @chrusader @Axponk Screenshots:
  6. Date: 23/11/2023 Activity: Securing the VIP Participants: @Phrost @Axponk @Raf Screenshots:
  7. Date: 22/11/2023 Activity: Patrolling / Responding SR's Participants: @Phrost @Asgal @Quality_ Screenshots:
  8. Date: 21/11/2023 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Oscar@Darius @chrusader Screenshots:
  9. Date: 21/11/2023 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Laciden@Axponk@Darius@Oscar@xleepy Screenshots:
  10. Date: 21/11/2023 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Quality_@Laciden@Axponk@Darius@Oscar Screenshots:
  11. Date: 21/11/2023 Activity: Responding Jail Break and Securing the VIP Participants: @Quality_@Laciden@Axponk@Darius@Oscar@Rieeria Screenshots:
  12. Date: 21/11/2023 Activity: Responding Store Robbery Participants: @Quality_@Laciden@Asgal Screenshots:
  13. Date: 18/11/2023 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Oscar @Axponk @Darius Screenshots:
  14. Date: 19/11/2023 Activity: Responding SR / Patrolling / Securing the VIP Participants: @Asgal@Darius @nCov@nulgath @pastaa @Darius @MetalHead @Phrost @Tommy @Oscar @chrusader @Rieeria Screenshots:
  15. Date: 19/11/2023 Activity: Responding SR / Patrolling / Securing the VIP Participants: @Asgal@Darius @nCov@nulgath @pastaa @Darius @MetalHead @Phrost @Tommy @Oscar @chrusader Screenshots:
  16. Date: 19/11/2023 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Axponk @Raf @Darius Screenshots:
  17. Date: 19/11/2023 Activity: Responding SR and Securing the VIP Participants: @Axponk @Oscar @Darius Screenshots:
  18. Date: 19/11/2023 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Axponk @Oscar @Darius Screenshots:
  19. Date: 18/11/2023 Activity: Responding SR / Patrolling / Securing the VIP Participants: @MetalHead @Jean75002 @nulgath Screenshots:
  20. Date: 18/11/2023 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @MetalHead@Darius @Jean75002 Screenshots:
  21. Date: 18/11/2023 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @nulgath @Jean75002 @Raf Screenshots:
  22. Date: 18/11/2023 Activity: Responding SR / Patrolling / Securing the VIP Participants: @Asgal@Darius @nCov@nulgath @pastaa @Darius Screenshots:
  23. Date: 18/11/2023 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Axponk@Oscar @Darius @Linkan Screenshots:
  24. Date: 18/11/2023 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Axponk@nulgath@Darius@Laciden Screenshots:
  25. Date: 18/11/2023 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Axponk@Darius@nCov@Stalin Screenshots:
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