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Everything posted by Phrost

  1. Date: 28/10/2023 Event Type: Hydra Shooter LWS Host: @Rieeria Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @ButcheR Screenshots:
  2. Date: 28/10/2023 Event Type: Hunter Shooter LWS Host: @Rieeria Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @F Screenshots:
  3. Date: 28/10/2023 Activity: Stopping Jailbreak Participants: @Hesha @SILIKONDY @Frizi @Rieeria Screenshots:
  4. Date: 12/11/2023 Activity: Patrolling/Responding Store Robberies Participants: @Phrost @Rieeria @pastaa Screenshots:
  5. Date: 27/10/2023 Activity: Stopping RC BR Participants: @Corrupt @SKY-911- @Phrost Screenshots:
  6. Date: 25/10/2023 Activity: Stopping SF BR Participants: @SKY-911- @Zarc @SILIKONDY Screenshots:
  7. Date: 25/10/2023 Activity: Patrol and Responding SR's Participants: @Rieeria @Frizi @Dovahkiin @Zarc Screenshots:
  8. Date: 10/10/2023 Event Type: Hunter Shooter LWS Host: @Rieeria Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @Aspect Screenshots:
  9. Date: 19/10/2023 Activity: Stopping JB Participants: @Rieeria @SILIKONDY @Asaf. @SKY-911- Screenshots:
  10. Date: 18/10/2023 Activity: Stopping JB Participants: @Rieeria @SILIKONDY @Asaf. Screenshots:
  11. Date: 16/10/2023 Activity: Stopping PBR Participants: @Orten @Hesha @Stalin Screenshots:
  12. Date: 16/10/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Orten @Frizi @Dovahkiin @Rieeria Screenshots:
  13. Date: 14/10/2023 Activity: Securing the VIP Participants: @Orten @Hesha @Max Screenshots:
  14. Date: 13/10/2023 Activity: Stopping BR Participants: @SILIKONDY @Asaf. @SKY-911- @Orten Screenshots:
  15. Date: 11/10/2023 Roleplay Title: Weed Transport Participants: @Rieeria @Henry Story: The clock displayed 05:00, with the promise of a new day as the sun prepared to break the horizon. Staying overnight at the police department was my only option; it was too late to return home. My hair was freshly oiled, so I took the opportunity to wash it and plan out the day's tasks. Grabbing my tablet, I reviewed the schedule. It seemed I was assigned to patrol duty rather than my usual task of training cadets. The nearest department responsible for patrolling had an epidemic, which had prompted the government to temporarily delegate the duty to us. I considered myself fortunate to have drawn the morning patrol shift, all things considered. With my gear in hand, I donned my flak vest and holstered my semi-automatic machine gun. I proceeded to my cruiser, started the engine, and established communication over the radio. "Lincoln-2474 to Dispatch, 10-30 from LSPD, show me 10-8, over." I drove through the LV-LS highway, meanwhile SAI Troopers greeted me in the border of both cities.I parked my cruiser to the right side of the road, and pressed the record buton of dash-cam.Afterwards, i adjusted the vehicle speedtrap, and make sure its working.After a while, i heard alarm sound of the radar while i was checking some documents.I looked at the panel, and someone passed the limit by 20 KM/H.I pushed the button of my radio pinned down to shirt, and talked into it. "Lincoln-2474 to Dispatch, 10-57(V) on my 10-20, suspect heading to North of the LV, code 3, over." I opened the lights of the vehicle, initiated the pursuit.He was not paying attention to my cruiser, therefore i opened sirens, picked up megaphone and talked to it.He heard the warning, pulled his vehicle to the right side. I stepped out from my cruiser, putted my left hand to taser, and right hand to radio. "Lincoln-2474 to Dispatch, 10-55 located in North LV Highway, 10-6 in case if 10-12 is needed, code 2, over."I walked to his vehicle, his window was closed, i knocked it twice.He had a terrified face, therefore i decided to calm him down.I started with introducing myself to him. Afterwards i stated the traffic violation he did few minutes ago, and asked reasons of those.He started to answer my questions one by one, meanwhile he was sweating, and his hands were shaking a lot.I told him there is nothing to worry about as long as he answers and helps me, so i kindly asked the id, license and other documents i needed.He gave them to me, in fact he tried to give, his shaking hands did not allow him to give it properly, therefore i asked if he is okey.He just answered that question with, everything is okey.But it was not hard to realize he is under influence or under some pressure which forces him to do something he does not want to.Therefore, i decided to make some dui tests to him.Firstly, i took the device pinned down to my utility belt, changed the pipe with clean one and told him to blow it.He did, and the panel showed 0.10, which means he did not drink anything.After all that, i saw a green things fell down from his trunk.I opened it up, and noticed that he was carrying weed right there.I took out my taser, aimed at him, told him to step out from the vehicle with his hands up.He did what i said, leaned to vehicle, and i handcuffed him. "Lincoln-2474 to Dispatch, we have a weed transport case on my 10-20, 10-12 is needed, over." "Dispatch to L-2474, sending SAI units to your 10-20 with code 3, over." I took him back to my cruiser, and waited for SAI to arrive Screenshots:
  16. Date: 11/10/2023 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Hesha @Orten @Stalin Screenshots:
  17. Date: 11/10/2023 Activity: Stopping LS PBR Participants: @SILIKONDY@Stalin@Rieeria Screenshots:
  18. Date: 11/10/2023 Roleplay Title: Missing Workers Participants: @Rieeria @Lazar Story: As a instructor team, we always move between departments around SA, and train and recruit cadets.Today, i was sent to BCPD for some secret training will be made with a new cadet which is willing to get promoted.First of all, i was told by the chief about being patient during the training, and also not leaking any information.Afterwards, i moved to the office given to me, and waited cadet to arrive.He came to my office, knocked the door and stepped in with a nervous face.He was sweating a bit, probably because of stress, and his voice was sounding different than the usual.Suddenly, a guy came to our room, gave a letter to me and left the room.I opened it slightly, while that cadet had terrified because he thought his promotion was cancelled, i read that carefully.The letter was about the secret drill, i did not know details before, so i read that twice to make sure everything goes according to plan.I told him that we have few missing workers around the BC Rafinery.Firstly, we started with investigating the workers' datas located in our servers.Luckly, it was not hard as he expected. he found the locations in the PC.We decided to visit some areas to search the place, and moved to our garage.When i runned the engine, i heard our vehicle was having some problems with moving, therefore i sent him out to check what was going on.He examined the vehicle carefully, and noticed that one wheel got flattened due low pressure.I handed him over the pump, he filled the wheel up.We moved to North BC, and saw a pit, about 3 meters depth, therefore we decided to look over there. He jumped to the pit, and saw a lot of green bags in a human shape.He wore his gloves, decided to open one of the bags.Once he opened them up, he could not find anything.At that moment, i've recieved a message from Lieutenant.Message was saying that he passed the test.Both of us got out of pit, and leaned to vehicle and started to talk.I told him some tips and tricks about the cases like that, also congratulated him for obtaining new rank. Screenshots:
  19. Date: 11/10/2023 Roleplay Title: Elections Participants: @Rieeria @Lazar Story: With the recent election made in SA, new senators have been charged in Los Santos.Regarding to last speech senator park made, the crime rates have been increased about %50 percent.In addition to that, he announced a new department specialized for securing the money transports called BRINKS. With that new addition, they grabbed some volunteers under the leadership of Director Nikont, aka ex chief of LSPD.Therefore, as Police Academy, we were responsible of teaching the cadets of BRINKS, preparing them for the next missions.Our first cadets arrived to LSPD, we greeted them infront of the department.Firstly, we showed them the area and the vehicles they can use during their missions.Afterwards, we moved to our office which is mainly used for reporting and noting the datas to computers.Due to senator's order, we were supposed to give some of the computers to be under BRINK's usage till they move to their HQ.We showed them the equipments we got, and also usage of them.The changes senator did were including more things of course, such as having arresting rights.Secondly, we moved to cells room which we interrogate the suspects.We lended one of the cells to them.And lastly, we walked to office located in down floor, we saw the sergeant sanz right there.We had a small talk, and he told that BRINKS personnels must visit him every time they bring a suspect to here, so he could take it to records.The changes have been made around the LS will decrease the crime rate, also making it harder to assault money transports as they will be facing with heavier consequences.And the task of Police Acedemy will be training their cadets, make them ready for the tasks. Screenshots:
  20. Date: 11/10/2023 Event Type: TDM 2vs2 LWS Host: @Rieeria Prize: 2.000.000$ Winner(s): @Killer @Ricky Screenshots:
  21. Date: 11/10/2023 Event Type: Sea Sparrow Shooter LWS Host: @Rieeria Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @nicky Screenshots:
  22. Date: 11/10/2023 Event Type: Hydra Shooter LWS Host: @Rieeria Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @yellowstar Screenshots:
  23. Date: 11/10/2023 Event Type: Fallout LWS Host: @Rieeria Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @Legend Screenshots:
  24. Date: 11/10/2023 Event Type: First one to warp as Priest gets the reward LWS Host: @Rieeria Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @ButcheR Screenshots:
  25. Date: 10/10/2023 Activity: Securing the VIP Participants: @Stalin @SILIKONDY @teenwave Screenshots:
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