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Everything posted by Phrost

  1. Date: 21/12/2023 Activity: Securing the VIP Participants: @Mr.Xleepy @MetalHead @xMultiPower Screenshots:
  2. Date: 21/12/2023 Event Type: LMS No Rules LWS Host: @voli Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @kokoScreenshots:
  3. Date: 21/12/2023 Event Type: Land on 35 LWS Host: @voli Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @CurvyScreenshots:
  4. Date: 21/12/2023 Event Type: Face to Face with Combat Shotgun LWS Host: @voli Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @VillainScreenshots:
  5. Date: 21/12/2023 Event Type: Hydra Shooter LWS Host: @voli Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @Slay Screenshots:
  6. Date: 21/10/2023 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Phrost @aws @Axponk @Zirka @Darius @xMultiPower @Laciden Screenshots:
  7. Date: 21/10/2023 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Axponk @Darius @Laciden @Zirka Screenshots:
  8. Date: 21/10/2023 Activity: Securing the VIP Participants: @Axponk @Darius @Laciden Screenshots:
  9. Date: 21/12/2023 Event Type: Hydra Shooter LWS Host: @Blacky Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @Lopez Screenshots:
  10. Date: 21/12/2023 Event Type: NRG Parkour LWS Host: @Blacky Prize: 8.000.000$ Winner(s): @koko Screenshots:
  11. Date: 21/12/2023 Event Type: Chicken Kicker LWS Host: @Blacky Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @RattoScreenshots:
  12. Date: 21/12/2023 Event Type: LMS LWS Host: @koko Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @Daak Screenshots:
  13. Date: 21/12/2023 Event Type: Lucky Nader LWS Host: @koko Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @Good Screenshots:
  14. Date: 21/12/2023 Roleplay Title: Mistake lead to death Participants: @Rieeria @pastaa @Alexis Story:When we were returning from BCPD after meeting with sherrifs, we saw someone over speeding, we have decided to attempt pursuit to pull him over. 09/12/23 13.30 After long pursuit, he parked his vehicle on the right of the road, Command People walked to suspect's vehicle and followed the procedure.Meanwhile, i have noticed there were many bullet holes in his vehicle, so i decided to run his plate license through our database. 09/12/23 13.45 We could not find his plate license in our database, so i was about to report it to the Commander.He was checking the id of the suspect through their own data, and found that he had arrest warrant due murder attempt.We have asked him to step out from his car so we can proceed. 09/12/23 13.55 He refused to step out from the vehicle for straight 6 minutes, so we warned him last time.I have realised that he was trying to reach his gun hidden under the glove-box, so i took my handgun and warned him to not take it.He did not obey the order and tried to reach out to weapon quickly, i shot 2 bullet on his chest.After that i checked his pulse to find out if he is alive or not, and he was not.We called coroners and medics to scene. Screenshots:
  15. Date: 21/12/2023 Roleplay Title: Saving the Shop Participants: @Rieeria @pastaa @Alexis Story: I was patrolling alone in the streets of South Los Santos, which is known for high crime rate, untill i got informed about Code 211.I've decided to move there, suddenly SAI units were there before me, so i have joined them and we started to discuss our plans. Regarding to reports of civilians around, suspect with snow mask, glock-9 entered the food shop, took his gun and threatened the cashier.We have made our plans, i got my tactical vest and rubber shotgun with me.SAI Units setted up perimeter around the shop while few of them were trying to negotiate with the suspect.Suspect was acting more aggressively by time, so i took my shotgun from the gun sling and make sure to ready to shoot.He started to have mental breakdown, and he flicked the safety of his gun.We did not take the risk, so we have shot him from his leg.He fell down and lost his consciousness, we arrested him and called medics. Screenshots:
  16. Date: 21/12/2023 Roleplay Title: Illegal Weapon Trafficking Participants: @Rieeria @pastaa @Alexis Story: We have been investigating suspect named William Santana, which had a arrest warrant for illegal weapon trafficking.We have managed to find out where was he all the time, so we decided to send our detectives to scene.Meanwhile, SAI also contacted us about that guy, so we have decided to make a raid together.Both units gathered up in their HQs, moved to South of LS to meet up.We met up 1km away from the warehouse, reviewed plans and moved to there.Both units wore their bulletproof vests, took their assault rifles and moved in.We have caught him while he was trying to unload few crates, made him surrender and arrested him. He was delivered to SAI HQ, got interrogated about the previous transports.Suspect decided they remain silent all the time, therefore we have taken him to the court. Screenshots:
  17. Date: 21/12/2023 Roleplay Title: Code 211 Participants: @Rieeria @pastaa @Alexis Story: We were patrolling with the Commander Pepeple to discuss further projects with SAP.AWhile that, we have received code 211 from North LS, Winewood. We arrived at scene and saw someone trying lockpick the door of a mansion.We took our tasers out, walked next to him.We warned him to drop his equipments and knife, and surrender.He did not, so we used our tasers to make him fall down.Commander Pepele arrested him and we brought him to the BCPD as he already had warrant from there. Screenshots:
  18. Date: 21/12/2023 Roleplay Title: Cooperation With SAI Participants: @Rieeria @lazar_ Story: Regarding to last contact we signed with SAI, any SAPA member could train in the shooting range of SAI.Therefore, we have decided to visit over before letting our cadets go there.I've taken cruiser from our base and headed into SAI HQ.They greeted me nicely and showed the way to the range.They have introduced the weapons they own, such as assault riffles and handguns.They made a quick briefing about the training they want to make with cadets.Their trooper showed us how to use those weapons, and gave us a chance to try those weapons. Screenshots:
  19. Date: 21/12/2023 Roleplay Title: Investigating Robbery Attempt Participants: @Rieeria @lazar_ @Alexis Story: We've received call from the radio at morning about fire department requesting backup.I took my cruiser, moved to scene to check what is going on, meanwhile SAI Trooper Khan was also there.We talked with the Captain about what is going on.He told us that few of their equipments have been stolen by unknown criminal group, showed us the video records.With the Trooper, we have checked around for any evidences left behind on scene.We found few finger prints around the lockers, called for research team to check around intently.After that, SAI Trooper and me moved to LVPD for further investigation. Screenshots:
  20. Date: 21/12/2023 Activity: Responding Store Robbery Participants: @Axponk @Darius @MetalHead @aws Screenshots:
  21. Date: 21/12/2023 Activity: Responding Store Robbery Participants: @Winter @Zirka @aws Screenshots:
  22. Date: 13/12/2023 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Winter @Darius @Rieeria Screenshots:
  23. Date: 13/12/2023 Event Type: True False LWS Host: @CeSaR Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @M8NScreenshots:
  24. Date: 13/12/2023 Event Type: Kill the LWS LWS Host: @CeSaR Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @Frank Screenshots:
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