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Everything posted by Spentou

  1. @Mohd and @Teddy are the worst !
  2. thing is you can do it not on purpose and get banned.
  3. @Howlze gift me g mod and'll stop dming you in saes!
  4. @Luki Accepted.
  5. Problem solved, I just re-launched the game, Thank you guys.
  6. Here is what it looks like when i try to login ::: https://i.imgur.com/I9qYKaA.png ::: i got jailed ::: https://i.imgur.com/ERM4eK1.png :::
  8. Your ingame username: spentou007 Your ingame alias: Spentou Your year of birth: 1998 Your gender: Male Nationality: Tunisian Country of residence: Tunisia How long you have been playing SAES: i've been playing SAES since 2011 unofficially. Qualities you can offer: Actually im active in diffrent time zones i can show up any time, I speak 3 different languages English, French, And Arabic. Your weaknesses: to be honest i dont like debates that takes hours. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): CS Do you have Discord Installed: Yes Reason for application: I think this is time to take a decision and look for something more challenging however Community Staff would be a marvelous adventure Server Memberships: Underground Empire Patriarch Clo Teniente Additional information: My name is Aymen but not from sousse, im 6km far from the capital Tunis ,22 years old i study accounting and finance, Future banker. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: i've been muted few times Previous (legitimate) bans: no Do you eat pork: no i dont
  9. @DanieL1 Denied, Wrong application format re-apply in 2 weeks.
  10. Thank you men much love ^_^ <3 <3
  11. @System31 is that you with the long hair?
  12. no UEs included :hype:
  13. since when you rp drot?
  14. Hello people,As the tittle says i'd like to suggest making a cooldown to avoid the "space"spam we all get annoyed when a random pilot do that in lvx or a gang member who insists to fly the plane in BRs ETC. Besides that i'd love to see the ejecting script working for planes aswell, Maybe the script stop working when the plane takeoff idk really, Final decision for admins. ~[ty for attention]~
  15. @DeepK & @zKill98 Accepted
  16. confirmed retard.
  17. Jay for a reason
  18. @Nishki Denied,You already missed your chance months ago re-apply after 6 months.
  19. its kinda smart idea to bring back the activity in SF,I support this!
  20. ya3tek 3asba 3la hal tal3a
  21. best algerian cop
  22. @Cung Denied. @Kristy Denied, Never seen you ingame. @gxnzo Denied,Poor application and you have to spend more time with the members before you apply again. @DeepK Pending. @xXxTenTacion Pending. @Carbon Pending.
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