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Everything posted by Lincoln

  1. Date: 07/07/2023 Event Type: Blind LMS LWS Host: Dufabo Prize: $1.000.000 Winner(s): Ryns Screenshots:
  2. Date: 19/07/2023 Activity: Stopping AA BR Bayside (0/8) Screenshots:
  3. Date: 18/07/2023 Activity: Stopping VVZ BR TR (0/8) Screenshots:
  4. This is an automated post for: Lincoln Donation: GBP 20.00 GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: BMX Vehicle Colour: Black Specify any upgrades: V8 + AWD Usernames to lock: Abdivdbf (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: My TR property Vehicle Type: BMX Vehicle Colour: Black Specify any upgrades: V8 + AWD Usernames to lock: Abdivdbf (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: My RC Property For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  5. @JohnnyEnglish@Brophy
  6. We, SWAT, have been exploring the organization robbery activity alot lately and we've stumbled upon a few issues that break the activity. 1. X organization robs Y, upon succeeding / failing X immediately removes their money in the gangbank preventing Y to GR them back. I don't see how this is fair, but according to GM there is nothing wrong with this and it is allowed. Anyone with common sense can see this is wrong and I suggest the following to fix this. If X organizations attempts to rob Y regardless of succes / failure they cannot withdraw their money for the next 24 hours, to give Y an equal chance of robbing them back. 2. One should not be able to start an Organization robbery while a Bankrob is ongoing. Even tho I wouldn't want to add more rules and make it more complicated, It is really annoying when a gang GR's a squad to prevent them from responding to an ongoing BR. I'd like to hear your opinions below, please only provide feedback if you are actively participating in Organization robberies.
  7. Date: 11/07/2023 Activity: Stopping LV PBR Screenshots:
  8. Date: 11/07/2023 Activity: Stopping CR (0/8) Screenshots:
  9. Date: 10/07/2023 Activity: Stopping ThC BR TR (0/8) Screenshots:
  10. Date: 10/07/2023 Activity: Stopping Mall Robbery Screenshots:
  11. Address: Appartment Block 189 Account name: danyagtk Last seen: 15-01-2023 Screenshots:
  12. Date: 09/07/2023 Activity: Stopping ThC SF BR (2/8) Screenshots:
  13. Date: 09/07/2023 Activity: Stopping CR Screenshots:
  14. Date: 03/07/2023 Activity: GRing FBI Screenshots:
  15. Date: 02/07/2023 Event Type: Kill MetalHead at Jefferson Motel LWS Host: Dufabo Prize: $20.000.000 Winner(s): Evans Screenshots:
  16. Date: 02/07/2023 Activity: GRing Z Screenshots:
  17. Date: 02/07/2023 Activity: GRing FBI Screenshots:
  18. Maybe look into having this at certain set times that are known beforehand like community events, so people can gather upfront and server activity goes up. < This would have a domino effect on the other activities ( BR / CR ). I'm not so sure about other gangs and squads having their own ship to spawn at, perhaps make it a contest where only the most active ( or top 2 ) squad and gang get a ship they can spawn at? And the others pay a certain fee to use their ship for the transportation part. 👍
  19. Date: 25/06/2023 Activity: Stopping CR Screenshots:
  20. Date: 26/06/2023 Activity: Stopping VVZ BR Screenshots:
  21. 😞
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