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Everything posted by Lincoln

  1. Why are both of you using that weird song haha
  2. Damn brother, It was fun ti have you around, I hope things will get better for you. May we see each other in game again!! Goodluck
  3. Congratulations Sartaj, may god bless you with more life. You are an adult now, let the party begin my friend 1.8
  4. ^[] National Narcotics Bureau - Event - 22.02.2019 Event Type: Last man standing. Rules: A few types of weapons weren't allowed during the fight, nor was the usage of drugs. Prize: $2,000,000 Winner: The winner of the event was @Disaster . Helper (LWS): The LWS members who helped me out were Louis and Star. Location: The event took place in the second dimension, at the red country farm. Screenshots : I, unfortunately, managed to lose those screenshots, but as evidence of the event being made, both @Disaster and @Star can confirm it.
  5. @Kasparov said in Official Quote Wall: Can you guys stop debating every single time a meme is posted? This is not a discord channel, you mongs. Stick to the memes and shut the hell up. What memes ya talking about, this is the quote wall, honey. Gerrarahere with your memes.
  6. Have a nice one brother :heart: :kissing_heart:
  7. My bad.
  8. ^[] National Narcotic Bureau - Training - 15.02.2019 NNB Members: [NNB]Venom<NA> [NNB]Berker<ASAC> [NNB]Stay<ASAC> [NNB]Lincoln<NA> Training Description: The National Narcotic Bureau managed to recruit 2 new potential agents, and therefore we decided to give them a driving training today. Once the 2 recruits: Lincoln and Venom arrived, we Immediately started the training. The training consisted of 3 parts. During the first part, both new agents were assigned to an Elder agent. The Idea was, that the Elders gave tips to the new agents during their race to the Mount Chillaid. Both Agents did a good job, however, they didn't manage to reach the top of the Mountain, without damage. But we can work on that. During the second part, we made those new agents drive from our HeadQuarters to the Las Venturas Airport, but with flat tires. This one was less Successful, however, they both managed to get there with less decent time indeed. Finally, at the last, the two agents had to practice how to chase down a criminal who is on the run by car. The two agents did a good job. They were actually already aware of the secret tactic which was team-working. They eventually managed to chase him down. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/skyFltl
  9. ^[] ^[Evening Activity 08/02/2019] ^[] ^[]
  10. Gefeliciteerd ouwe
  11. You can have my money bro! 1.5million
  12. ^[] ^[ 16/02/2019 Evening Activity] ^[] ^[Screens : Click here]
  13. I'll offer you an Alpha with V8 and AWD + A house next to the SF bank, like 100 meters + 5 million dollars in-game cash.
  14. Never knew that this was around, thank you!
  15. I bet you kept answering randomly until you had this as a score. Anyway, I also answered randomly and had an IQ of 116.
  16. @Kasparov said in Enforcer Passeger Capacity: I'm really curious about why the actual fuck do certain people that play as crims feel the need to downvote this - Nigga 2 downvotes take it easy maman Kaspar
  17. The jail is every day full of criminal camping inside the jail and making fun. The main reason is why they camp inside the jail, is to gain kills and keep open the jail for the criminals. It's hard to arrest 20 criminals camping inside the jail, even outside they stay. The criminals are mark killing nonstop we do not have even 1 chance to get threw the marker. Haha, you're a funny lad, Jailbreaks is the most fun thing on the server even for cops. With the kill-arrest, I do believe the cops got the advantage there. You get money for killing the criminals, and they get jailed.
  18. @James said in Police Support Suggestions: @Lincoln said in Police Support Suggestions: @James said in Police Support Suggestions: The Police faces a huge challenge. It urgently needs better support. Nigga where are you talking about, the cop life is pretty easy tbh. If you have some general tactics, you can easily make 500k+ per hour. And about the stopping jailbreak part, just regroup with your fellow squad members/colleagues, and you will be able to stop the Jailbreak, especially now the kill arrest is still implemented. @Lincoln First i'm not one Nigga, Beside that, we are not talking he just for money. -Disable using the double Weapon in prison that is not fair. Get a reward for stopping the BR as Cop.Administrator to inspect more the prison, and punish the criminal that are just camping to have the prison open. you said that we can easily make 500k+ per hour. You must make magic or be one hacker, to make 500k+ per hour. And about the stopping jailbreak like you say.Unfortunately it is impossible to stop the jailbreak when you have campers in the jail, holding the door open and 10 criminal pointing at you with M4 and with double gun and double lifebank robbery. Well James, tbh it is all about your skills. If you have zero skill, of course, you won't be able to make money. That aside, I do agree, about the fact: we should receive money after a stopped bank robbery. And about criminals camping to keep the prison open, Isn't that supposed to be a jailbreak? I don't really understand that part. And don't moan about criminals with double life & weapons, that is what DE is for. Just call them as the backup, and I am sure you will be able to stop them together.
  19. @James said in Police Support Suggestions: The Police faces a huge challenge. It urgently needs better support. Nigga where are you talking about, the cop life is pretty easy tbh. If you have some general tactics, you can easily make 500k+ per hour. And about the stopping jailbreak part, just regroup with your fellow squad members/colleagues, and you will be able to stop the Jailbreak, especially now the kill arrest is still implemented.
  20. ^[] ^[TMH Technicians Working on : 08/02/2019] ^[TMH Technicians Involved: Lincoln] ^[Location: Las Venturas Cross] ^[Estimated Duration of Working: 20 mins] ^[Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 15 Vehicles] ^[Screenshots Click here!]
  21. ^[] ^[08/02/2019 Evening Activity] ::: :::
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