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Everything posted by Lincoln

  1. Address: The General Store shop Account name: frankcastle Last seen: 15-02-2020 Screenshots:
  2. @bazuka36
  3. Jajoh fillem qollahmeh je bent jarig lul
  4. @Audi said in New Gang Management: @Lincoln said in New Gang Management: Congratulations Congratulations <3 I am not him
  5. Congratulations men!
  6. @Moley said in Desert Eagles Official Statement - New Changes: Like if something happens on the sea these days. Watch the somalian pirates rise and take over the sea together with our beloved allies from FOX! Join us today! https://saesrpg.uk/topic/15340/navy-malistrip/49
  7. @Zei said in Crouching: @puto said in Crouching: Crouch irl, lets see how fast you can move I think you did not understand the suggestion, its not moving while crouching ! It from standing position to crouching position, it takes time . Guess it was to prevent C bugg, when you don't shoot crouching goes pretty fast, however when yous hoot and try to crouch the anim gets delayed
  8. I believe you can already by contacting Shaun or the owner himself.
  9. @Markus said in Lincoln and Bazuka leaving: rest in pepperoni @Lincoln keep delivering sushi men, sad to see you go Men delivers Pizzas now uknow
  10. Is this still needed?
  11. Perhaps we could improve the script a bit more? Could make it so the criminals have to control the hostage in a building for a certain amount of time. Cops will have to free the victim without hurting him, perhaps with use of a "shield". I imagine how fun this could be for both cops and criminals, actually having to use brain and all that to accomplish the mission. Working on the shield, I'll have a talk with saes dev as well. Something like this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUTTGTmC-oc EDIT : Code has been forwarded, just a matter of time now.
  12. @Tut-Greco said in Gambler: Casino system is currently not being supported due to issues within.
  13. @Bangas said in Forums posting: @Marko said in Forums posting: before locking, is toolbox gonna stay like that forever? @Marko said in Forums posting: before locking, is toolbox gonna stay like that forever? Another one, is it possible to change your text size, if not , why? Hi Bangas, You are already capable of doing that! Our beloved Barry Allen made a tutorial which exactly explains how everything works, you might want to check it out my G. @Barry-Allen said in [Tutorial] Forums: Add 1-6 hash characters at the start of the line, corresponding to header levels 1-6. Note - leave a space between the group of hashes and the text example: ( # text) Example: Format # This is an H1 ## This is an H2 ### This is an H3 #### This is an H4 Result This is an H1 This is an H2 This is an H3 This is an H4
  14. Can we get this ingame already please, @Tut-Greco @Mega9
  15. @Rzz0 said in Forums posting: maybe press this XD I actually kept pressing that image fucku
  16. It has been removed couple of months ago due to people abusing it. Won't return either, it's permanent unfortunately.
  17. @Gengar said in Wanted level when buying Drugs: Because your idea, which I support, will never get accepted by Kain and the company, no matter how many players vote Yes for it Unless our big friend Kain could come up with fair reasoning not to do it I don't see why not kek. Suggestion is based on his logic after all, enjoy.
  18. No. Simply because of retarded cops raiding our bases. We need at least somewhere to go afk in peace and that's what your base is for. Afaik you can request which classes have access to your interiors when requesting the rewards. If people choose to not let anyone inside than that's their choice, don't take it away bro.
  19. I believe the majority is agreeing with me on this one appart from 15 people who think Kain is not lovely. Will move this to bug tracker with permission @Tut-Greco @Mega9
  20. FREEMENT Address: Church of Ghosttown Account name: emirhanpolat Last seen: 24th of November 2019 Screenshots:
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