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Everything posted by Lincoln

  1. @Sam-B said in [SUGGESTION] Able to kill outside of the bank when a PBR is on: Not sure who's been admin jailing players for PBR's when we only really tend to monitor BR's. Hope this helps. Read a zebi @Daryl read
  2. This is one of them suggestions we all have been lazy to request. Thank you kind sir Richard!
  3. @MacBoy said in [SUGGESTION] Able to kill outside of the bank when a PBR is on: @CheeseBotMk2 said in [SUGGESTION] Able to kill outside of the bank when a PBR is on: Under which rule? Literally never heard of a cop being punished for arresting outside of a BR. Ever. Kek it's not punishable, man bragging shit. This rule makes zero sense, the only reason Kain decided to make this rule is because some criminals started using their brains and decided to start defending outside in order to avoid the kill arrest bullshit, untill they decided to take it away. The rules say that the gang robbing the bank is allowed to defend outside of the bank, but during a pbr all the criminals are robbing the bank hence why it's only logical to allowe this. Oh and please take away the ability for an admin to interpret the rules as he wishes to. It's annoying if you get punished by an admin for something 10 other admins told you it was allowed to do
  4. Gz fast worker Give this man gm too pls
  5. @Moley said in Cooldown on /war /assist: @WenDo said in Cooldown on /war /assist: simply, no. what the fuck do you mean no, if you say no atleast say why no Cuzz he is abusing it :crazypepe:
  6. As the title says, some braindead are abusing this to avoid being headshot during turfwars, pretty hard to prove and report them. Why all the effort if we could add a small cooldown of maybe 5/10 seconds. EDIT; Guess this should be a better suggestion without the cooldown restriction. @Blue said in Cooldown on /war /assist: disable turning it off in turf zones
  7. So I have been experiencing lower fps in general over the past few weeks and over time it seemed that I was not the only one. I tought I was the only one, but Apparently alot of other people had the same issue and were complaining on the help & support channel on discord. Now I've been told that @Scorpyo changed the sync that made you freeze upon approaching a base and made it so you'd have lower fps in stead. Now he explained that it shouldn't be affecting the fps. BUT the people complaining including me have been experiencing lower fps ALL over the map, not only when approaching a base. Now I have no idea what happened of is causing this lagg, I hoped the developers could tell us, but preferably return the freezing or even go back to the long login duration which took around 2 minutes I guess and play the rest of the day with a good fps. Let me know what you think and please give feedback about how you've experienced this FPS wise over the last few weeks
  8. Stay strong mens
  9. Do you still want to be able to move or what
  10. @Hassoni said in Lincoln and Bazuka leaving: goodbye aaron :wave: :cry: wait i mean @Lincoln or wait was it rubisel or cdc guy edit; take care tho was fun Old topic bro hassoni, but I appreciate youve taken your time to wish me a goodbye! Thank you!
  11. Finally kek, everyone been 2 lazy to report dis, Bodo hero
  12. As the title says, is it possible to get a discord bot similar to the one on #echo allowing you to communicate with your clan members? I have seen this on another server and it works great.
  13. JETSKI
  14. @MatizZ said in Enable Voice Chat with range radius: Why not? If you think ppl will abuse it , like screaming in BRs (will be funny haha) well we have many staffs/admins that can give mute for some hours or days xD For people that doesnt want hear/talk they can disable it in M panel or another thing if i want mute someone that i dont want hear i type /mutevoice nickname it or disable him/her in M panel idk how dev team make it . @SAES-Developer or fuck it and let @Brophy make a SAES:RPG server in RageMP (with voice chats) since GTA V is free xD & lets have fun there :pp Make it so people have to press a certain button to talk, something like push to talk on discord
  15. @Spetnazz said in Space spam escaping tazer: I think this has been suggested before, and the answer was that it won't be added due to the possiblity of macros being used It's hard to disable that. Can easily be done through the MTA config file or sum, https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_guide#.3Cdisableac.3E.3C.2Fdisableac.3E Or simply kick those who have auto hotkey enabled, several other servers have this as well
  16. Jajaja messed up on the poll, just leave your opinion behind in the comments
  17. I have recently been unbanned after a while and had to get used to that god damn saes tazer again. It's range is honestly too big, but instead of making this a cop vs criminal thingy and asking to reduce the range I taught why not ask to bring back the system where you had to spam space in order to escape your tazer. Currently if you get tazed you are basically already arrested if the cop is somewhat decent since there is no other alternative but to wait for that taze time. Why not give us that alternative so we somewhat make a chance to escape when tazed. [poll title="Do you agree" maxvotes="1"] Yes No, kindly explain why [/poll]
  18. Why do tunisians use more numbers in their language then words. Fuckin aliens Ciao Zei
  19. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? : 10gbp When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? : N/A Why do you need this change? : Previous donation vehicle removed due to inactivity Links to your donation topics: Part I: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12837/donation-lincoln-amount-10-00-gbp?_=1584457634210 Links to your previous donation changes requests: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Skimmer Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) : LS Pirate Spawn Username: (YOUR USERNAME ONLY, USE ./DVM FOR ANY ADDITIONAL USERNAMES) : Abdivdbf
  20. Starting Bid $5.000.000 Selling this business close to jail, it has no carspawn however several public vehicles and ATM & Disk next to it. - The Property is close to jail - ATM and Public carspawn right next to it - A Safe disk next to it Screenshots : ::: :::
  21. Seen : 14-2 Username : KazokLife Adress: Real Estate Broker screen
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