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Everything posted by Anas_

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  3. Congratulations and good luck to everyone!
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  5. Starting bid: 30m Minimum increase: 1m
  6. **Nickname:** Anas **Ingame account name:** CyberGhost **Discord name and tag:** AnasM **How long you have been playing SAES?:** Since 2012. **Server Memberships:** Community Staff, AA, SAI, CC. **Your strengths:** Experienced and I acquire various skills, such as roleplaying, driving and combat. **Your weaknesses:** Availability, I lead a busy life lately between school & work, and I might not be available at all times. **Last legitimate adminjail:** In 2020, for DM. **Last legitimate ban:** N/A. **Additional Information (Optional):** None. **Have you read the entire topic before applying?:** Yes.
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  8. It is an idea for now, it can be adjusted later on of course. Or simply for BRs and turfs for example, it can be a written rule to not participate if your ping is over x value, and for other activities a script can be implemented, perhaps?
  9. Make it in specific places, fe. turf zones, banks during a BR, CR perhaps. It wouldn't eliminate it, but still limit it atleast during fighting activities.
  10. Starting bid: 100m
  11. Thank you, Reeyzee! ❤️
  12. Thank you, Yoko! ❤️
  13. Aaysh khouya a7la melou hahaha ❤️❤️
  14. Farewell CDC!
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  17. Congratulations! ❤️
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