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Everything posted by siddman

  1. siddman


    Sup MC Vic 😄 @Vic
  2. hbd!!!!!!!!!!!! lets drink! :D
  3. @Brophy :moistpepe: :face_blowing_a_kiss:
  4. good game
  5. @Bone SHHHHHHHHHHHHH bone you are retired now! go have fun!
  6. @Brophy you selling any new hacks ?
  7. TXN ID: 3B674038B8749824 Donation Amount: 100.00GBP happy holidays, new year and merry christmas. mooks!
  8. HBD mooks
  9. HBD old mate! have a nice one!!
  10. sadly GTA @Kain ES, fucked up everything
  11. im good mapper, ask lean ! @Brophy
  12. meh... i hoped it would be a joe to tell him that he is a cunt lol... too bad
  13. @Joe said in make fire do damage again?: Making fire do damage again is pretty bad, it doesn't really add much other than frustration. It will also lead to abuse of things like the molotov cocktail which will result in it being removed, same as flamethrower etc. Also car explosions will be even more damaging and annoying, and inb4 reports of DM because someone walked into fire. Overall, I don't think there's much added value to enabling it again. It was disabled for a reason. listen to the boss JOE!
  14. @Spark and where is your pic ?
  15. @Filex all the way... @Joe sucks
  16. KING @Filex WILL BE NEXT HQ!! HEIL FILEX! oh hi will take @NanoBob 's position since he is DEV!
  17. @Filex and @Teddy will make it. NP
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVQnuFFGzb4 @Teddy and @Kain
  19. @NanoBob why didnt you add filex ???????!!!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!? what a bullshit rec... filex wasnt added pfff boring
  20. what about Filex @SAES-HQ !??!?!?!?!!?
  21. #Filex4SAES, im sure he made all this, he deserve clan membership!
  22. lmao gg filex ! you are still pro
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