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Everything posted by siddman

  1. @Anas_ said in Star Citizen: We do, local ones only, you can not use them on stripe or so. @siddman how do you buy games on internet then ?
  2. @Anas_ said in Star Citizen: Brophy, we don't have international cards either.. you dont have credit card ? (visa, master card, idk what else)
  3. @Zei said in Star Citizen: Buy the pack for me, i got no money :'( ask your dad!
  4. @kenny said in Side's Saying Goodbye to best sever in MTA.: @SideSwipe said in Side's Saying Goodbye to best sever in MTA.: Yes you will see Side on sever but it is not me, just show up for protect Props You do realize that this is forbidden and your properties will be removed from you if you do it right? BUT you wont know that he is doing it
  5. Also dont forget to change your name so they will think its a new player
  6. omg soo sad
  7. @ESO said in Ramadan Mubarak: @siddman said in Ramadan Mubarak: anyone hungry ? nice try, but you forgot we'r camels! nice :D
  8. anyone hungry ?
  9. GENGAR I SUPPORT YOU! THEY ALL ARE MOOKS @kenny is the biggest one
  10. I like your suggestion filex, porche looks cool
  11. lets get involved @Brophy lets make Moist party
  12. i agree with you filex i like your suggestions
  13. @Angelo said in Event: Chance to win Brophy's mansion!: @siddman he said no exploits! nonono i just came back men
  14. @nicus said in Event: Chance to win Brophy's mansion!: You and your aim @siddman ?! You would rather shoot down randomly flying plane above us than hit Brophy!!!! :kissing_smiling_eyes: you pice of muslim shit... insulting pro shooter sidd.... brophy remove him from cs pls
  15. @Brophy im BAST so i can also win right :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :deer:
  16. @RAMPAGE you and your profile pic sucks
  17. im king of saes
  18. you guys dont know the real MC VIC from MSX!
  19. OMG WHERE IS MC VIC !!!!
  20. I like this idea yes very cool men
  21. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHERE IS @Kasimir 's BIG CAKE MEN !?!?? happy birthday mens :D now im going to get SAES tattoo!
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