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Everything posted by Zei

  2. Starting bid: 9,999,999$ Close to Los Santos bank Close to Jail Close to Administration building Can be used as a base for lvl0/1 gang/group View on glen park ::: :::
  3. ^[] ^[~[STALKING HIM]~(sienna)] Role Play Number: 5 Participants in The RP: CIA: @Zei ThC: @Jamal RP Scenario: It was a normal day, agent Zei was surving the dark web gathering somd informations about some suspsects when he landed in a chatroom of sellers and buyers. Using the wireshark software the agent had the IP of one suspect he indtanlty located him and called his direcotr to inform him about the mission. He got in the CIA black G-Class and headed to the distination. Using hidintegrated GPS he could locate ips, Zei headed to a McDonald and parled the car then waited for a signal and then bingo ! A man came out and got in his car and left the place, of course the agents took notes and photos and followed the man until he arrived to a bar. To be totally undercover the CIA agent watched him from a faraway destination using his 4 scoop and what he saw is the man entering the bar, after 5mins the agent entered the bar too so he can know what will happen. He sat in a corner of course equiped with his uzi and just stalked the suspect, the criminal was drinking when he recieved a phone call. The suspect must be really dumb when he talked about his deals in the bar or maybe he was respected and known there. After listening to the whole conversation, the agent was recording it using a microphone integrated in his pen and then he went out to smoke a cigarette and the man came out and got in his car and walked away. Zei returned to the CIA Headquarter and gave all the evidence and infos to his director that assigned him to take care of information gathering direcotrate because of his hard and good work, it was a reward well earned. ScreenShot(s): ::: Had a big technical issue while uploading pics, will be added as soon as possible :::
  4. GoodLuck
  6. @Garcia1999 said in Modern vehicle sound.: +1 nchlh mayadihach bouteflika XDDD
  7. @Joe said in Joe's Professional Design Servicer: @Zei said in Joe's Professional Design Servicer: Name: Zei What you need designed: filex Favourite Colour: nigga color Least Favourite Colour (so I know what to avoid): white color ~[hello can you be more specific please thanks]~ I want filex's face but in sand nigga version
  8. Name: Zei What you need designed: filex Favourite Colour: nigga color Least Favourite Colour (so I know what to avoid): white color
  9. Zei

    New Myth

    @Brophy said in New Myth: Anus XD
  10. Zei

    New Myth

    Hm i requested a prop at same time when @Legacy (congrats) but it was like 3 IDs difference hm
  11. Address: Big Gay Apartments Business Corp Account name: snjader Last seen: 13th January 2019 Screenshots:
  12. Part I: How much have you donated for the server?: 10 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?: 2 months ago Why do you need to change the location: I dont need the veh anymore and i hated that location Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/post/47251 Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/post/54168 https://saesrpg.uk/post/62225 Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Police Dodger Location: Will be shown ingame Username: ahmed007007 Other names to be added: king1992 - taj125 - suporter
  13. Mate, take care of yourself, hope one day we will see you ingame you were like one of the people i trusted in the server and i can only remember good memories from our friendship, i just have to say take care of yourself,your life and your family.Hope to see you back one day :D Regards, Zei
  14. @Zei said in Wearhouse in LS near SR, can be used as base: $ STARTING BID: 7000000
  15. Starting Bid: ~[7.000.000$]~(red)
  16. Changed my mind +1 i love it (@Ardron )
  17. @iStar said in The Police Officer Trainee spawn: why not just 2 mags of MP5? at least for PC's Good Idea !
  18. Name: Zei Username: ahmed007007 Rank before kick/leave: HD How long have you been in sapa: more than 4 weeks, hm like 5 or 6 weeks Who kicked you: N/A Date of kick/leave: Back in 2017 summer i think, i dont really remember Reason for kick/leave: I just got bored and wanted to join the criminal side, just try it What happened from your side/why did you leave? : i lost motivation in being a cop and most of my friends are criminals so i decided to turn to criminal life Why do you want back in? : i really miss the old cop days, the nighstick, tazer and the hat i really want to get back once and forever. criminal life wasn't that exciting and i am looking forward getting my PC Diploma What have you learned from this? : that maybe i took decisions really fast and that costed me alot of time and kind of loss. Who do you want to apologize to? : None Why should we give you a second chance?: Why Not !, i mean i think i will be back with some good roleplays, creative and realistic ones and of course with skills.
  19. so basically this post is mostly dedicated to the cop side of the server the purpose of this suggestion: adding more weps to the trainee spawn, i know that squad will complain about but atleast add a M4 for trainees and a rifle or a sniper, or just a M4. Making trainees able to spawn with weps, even 1 weapon without spending money on buying weapones which they may forget saving it.
  20. Zei


    Everyone, Welcome our new hq @Kayle !!!
  21. Activity Number: #1 Activity Type: Showroom Activity Date 08/03/2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
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