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Everything posted by RadiO

  1. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #33 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: Elegy Drag Race ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: Star ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): [ThC]GoldMine ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/dDN1APp :::
  2. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #32 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: Murder Radio ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: Star ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): BleuZ>iBowOP|TF ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/RK0Tv4I :::
  3. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #31 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: 1 Versus 1 Airboxing ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: Star ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): [WA]Arone ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/hLrCLba :::
  4. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #30 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: 1 Versus 1 Deagle Tournment ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: Tritosh ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): [B~B]SmOke ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/NchS3eO :::
  5. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #29 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: 1 Versus 1 Tennis Nade ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: TaaviLaudur ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): [TT]Candi[1312] ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s):* ::: https://imgur.com/a/Bu8C3r3 :::
  6. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #28 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: TDM 2 Versus 2 ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: Tritosh ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 2.000.000$ (divided in 1M per each winner) ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): [B~B]Style & [B~B]Nyx_ ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/Qh4SMhf :::
  7. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #27 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: Fallout ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: Daruis ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): OC|>NorD ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/eoTPNNa :::
  8. ~[E]~(#1d7dad)vent Number: #26 ~[E]~(black)vent Type: Hide'n Seek ~[L]~(red)WS Helper: Star and Daruis ~[P]~(red)rize(s): 1.000.000$ ~[W]~(#ded339)inner(s): SAP|hRL ~[S]~(#15b02d)creenShot(s):* ::: https://imgur.com/a/qD3BEsV :::
  9. Nickname: RadioGaga Age: 17 Country: Tunisia, Sousse Languages spoken: English, Arabic, some Frensh and spanish basics From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 7/10 How long have you been playing on SAES: Since 2015 but i've been inactive for a huge period after ebing banned and i've back from like 9 months ago In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins one of the oldest gangs in SA streets, established on 27th of Fabruary 2011, as a main role the deal with guns, big guns and they offer the best services, including deliveries, etc.. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): BBMC: i left after a week cause gang reputaion was very bad Organization Zero: a great gang with great members and HQs, but it's used to be dead that's why i decide to leave. CripZ: i left cause of some problems after i've got an Adminjail. OC: i got kicked. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: I've been banned back on 2015 worth of multiaccounting. Name 3 BR rules: One gang is allowed to do maximum of 2 gang bank robs per day. Killing players after all safes have been cracked in order for players to leave the bank by respawning is not allowed same as committing suicide by jumping from bank roof. Members of gangs are not allowed to attempt and ruin bank robs of their rival gang by raiding that bank spawned as cops, or informing other cops on server about that bank rob. Name 3 GR rules: No grenades to be at a gangrob at all. This includes using vehicles as explosives. No spawn killing - Don't camp a gang's spawn. Beef up defenses elsewhere if necessary. You can only gangrob spawned as your gang. Don't bring helpers. Allies or other gangs to assist are permitted but CLO/DE assistance is not. Name 3 Turf rules: If you are killed in a turf where a turfwar is going on, and you are spawned as a cop or criminal, it is not counted as deathmatching. This is just part of the war. You can only use gang spawn or the hospital spawn when a turfwar is going on. Also you are not allowed to camp on unclimbable rooftops, climbable houses/roofs are allowed. You are not allowed to spawn medic or cop to assist your gang in a turfwar. Gaining health in any other way than respawning or eating food is not allowed. What is Roleplay?: Role-playing in my opinion is when your taking on a characters role according to what the characters are, what do they do, what job they have, etc. We must use the characters background as our role and interact other people as the character we are using. Simply, it's putting a real-life scenarios into a video game. What is Deathmatching?: The most imposed rule is the "No Deathmatch" Rule, Deathmatch is the act of aimlessly shooting/killing/damaging a person or his vehicle using weapons. It further includes Revenge killing out of personal prejudice or other causes. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: Briefly explain: I will warn him first that killing for no reason is against the server rules, but if he continues doing it, i'd take a screenshots and report him. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Killing a cop who is not chasing you is against the server rule, that's why i should ignore him Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Yeah, i have many friends there ;D Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): My name is Oussama. I am 17 years old and I live in a great county in Tunisa which is called Sousse. I'm studing Economics also doing some Spanish lessons from time to time. I am also an amateur Bascketballer at a bascketball team where I like to spend some time and to keep my body in a nice shape. Besides free time activities I am studying to become a bank manger well i hope so. It is a good job which gives enough profit. I am also very social and I never struggle making friends in real life. I often go out with them and spend some time. My personality is good as I try my best to make everyone to feel confident around my society circle and also I really likes helping others people in need. Yours,
  10. Afternoon gas stations refueling Situation before ::: ::: Situation after ::: :::
  11. @xxLaZaRxx said in [For Sale] SF Sea View Road House: 1.5 mil Meet me ingame for the deal ;D
  12. Roleplay type: Patrol Patrol time: 25 mins Date (DD/MM/YY): 22/06/2019 Location: LV-LS Participants: N/A Screenshots: Click Here!
  13. donna is an admin as i know
  14. Late night gas stations refueling Situation before ::: ::: Situation after ::: :::
  15. Hello, i'm tamsouh from the company.
  16. Information: Today, i gathred up some of our lovely members at ALT Base, some other fellas and trucking lovers and we decide to make a RoadTrip, which leaded by me. Started from ALT Base, to LS passing by Red County, and end at LV a dope bar at LV Come-A-Lot, where we get some drinks and have fun chilling together. Screenshots: Click Here! ^[]
  17. Roleplay type: Patrol Patrol time: 55 mins Date (DD/MM/YY): 19/06/2019 Location: around SA Participants: @buddler Screenshots: Click Here!
  18. @Reus said in Fire Academy Application -Reus- 06/06/2019 [Under-review]: Roleplay Description of RP: We received a report from the sender that one of the houses was in flames because of the wrong place cook. We went to the exact place and we got out of the house and we stopped the electricity already. We are back in SFFD. Date (DD/MM/YY): 18/06/2019 Location: San Fierro sea view road Participants: @Riley @RadiO @DJO @ElPadrino @Zei Screenshots:https: https://imgur.com/a/Wyq8Tt0
  19. Allah yrahmou sa3a ken ness tayba ....RIP @RAMPAGE RIP?
  20. hbd weld hanen
  21. Roleplay type: Patrol Patrol time: 45 mins Date (DD/MM/YY): 16/06/2019 Location: LV-RC-LS Participants: N/A Screenshots: Click Here!
  22. Roleplay type: Patrol at Late Night Patrol time: 50 mins Date (DD/MM/YY): 15/06/2019 Location: LS-RC Participants: N/A Screenshots: Click Here!
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