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Everything posted by Killer

  1. @ayoubmchela wrong application format, you have 24 hours to fix it otherwise your application will be rejected.
  2. TMH Racers Take On: Raceflag- Type: Race Flag Participants: [s=][/s] Location: LS Winners: [s=][/s] TMH Racers Take On: Raceflag- Type: Race Flag Participants: [s=][/s] Location: SF Winners: [s=][/s] TMH Racers Take On: Raceflag- Type: Race Flag Participants: [s=][/s] Location: LV Winners: [s=][/s]
  3. Activity: Assisting in a bank rob Date: 26/05/2022 ScreenShots: [s=] [/s] Activity: Assisting in a bank rob Date: 26/05/2022 ScreenShots: [s=] [/s]
  4. RolePlay Number: #0069 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital RolePlay Story [s=Story] Today is the day where we can collect our planted weed from one of our farmers, I spoke with my supervisor to give me the permission to go and collect them, he accepted my request. I spoke with my partner, we took the van from the base, and we went on our way. We manually collected it to avoid harming the plants and to make sure it remains with great quality. We stored the plants on crates on our vans and we drove to our warehouse. We placed the weed in there and whenever one of our laboratories need some can go there directly. [/s] Screenshots: [s=Screenshots] [/s]
  5. RolePlay Number: #0066 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital RolePlay Story [s=Story] A couple weeks ago, there was a new gang located in San Fierro tried to extend their work and split all around SA, and the first city they decided to hit, was Los Santos. We noticed their existence around the city for a couple of days. We investigate about them and one of our best informants provided us a pretty good information, which is where they do hide their cash and some of their goods. My partner and I studied the city very well, especially the location of this warehouse. And we noticed that their security is weak around this location, so we took this advantage. My partner and I left our base in the middle of the night on our road to San Fierro. We checked the area right before we start our job, nothing suspicious has been noticed so we started our mission. We cracked the locks, we grabbed the briefcases, we placed them in the trunk of our car. We left our mark, and we set the place on fire. Great losses will be resulted, we get inside the car and we drove back to base. [/s] Screenshots: [s=Screenshots] [/s] RolePlay Number: #0067 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital & @TMH-The-Motor-Heads RolePlay Story [s=Story] One of our local dealers has noticed a very valuable car parked in the Santa Maria beach for a couple of days. He contacted our informant and he told him about the car, this last contacted us to theft and re-assemble it, it will be very profitable. We carjacked the car, we managed to get in and start the engine via the manipulation of the wires. I called our assembly team, but it turned out that they are not available for the next 2 weeks due the amount of work they have in our garages. It comes to my mind to call an external skilled mechanic working for the motor heads. I told him everything about the car and he told me that he can do the job. We drove to his location as fast as we can and with a lot of care to avoid the attention of the cops. We arrived to the location, and without any introductions he started the work immediately. A few hours after that, he handed us the car, it was like a brand new one. We paid him and we went on our way. [/s] Screenshots: [s=Screenshots] [/s] RolePlay Number: #0068 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital RolePlay Story [s=Story] If you want to make a quick cash, you got to steal it from the provider, and this is our goal tonight. Los Santos banks used a new strategy in transporting money, which is using a lot of fake money transporter cars and only one is real which is gonna be full of money. We have a corrupt agent working in los Santos bank, and from his spot he is able to know which is which. We received a call from him at 02am, he informed us that a car with 200m$ is leaving now los Santos bank and will head to the las Venturas bank. We found the car and we blocked the road with the driver, and before he reaches the radio to report the situation, one of us was pointing a gun at his head. He opened the locks on the back door, we took the cash. We were maskless, so he can help the cops find us so we decided to end his life. We took our car and we drove back to base with a lot of money on us. [/s] Screenshots: [s=Screenshots] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/978001353748140082/978725235555696650/mta-screen_2022-05-23_02-00-51.png?width=952&height=536) [/s]
  6. Activity: SR Date: 23/05/2022 ScreenShots: [s=] [/s] Activity: SR Date: 24/05/2022 ScreenShots: [s=] [/s]
  7. Activity: SR Date: 22/05/2022 ScreenShots: [s=] [/s]
  8. RolePlay Number: #0063 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital RolePlay Story [s=Story] We received a call from a representant of a biker gang located in red county asking for some weapons, he wanted 5 ak-47 with 1100 ammo, 10 RPG with 100 rocket and 20 mp5 with 5000 ammo. We accepted his offer, its the first deal between us so we decided to add some extras for free. we loaded our van and we went to the meeting location. we spoke a bit about the price, they accepted what we offered without any problem, we shook hands, we gave them the weapons, we got paied, we shook hands and we went on our way. [/s] Screenshots: [s=Screenshots] [/s]
  9. RolePlay Number: #0061 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital RolePlay Story [s=Story] I called the representant of a friendly gang located in Bayside and I invited him to a private dinner to speak with him about the future of our deals. Our demand was increasing the price of our supplied drugs by 5%, and increasing 10% of anything related to weapons. We argued a bit about those increases and we ended up agreeing to 4% of drugs and 8% for arms and from now on they will cover the charges of the transport. It was a fair deal for both of us. We had a cool dinner and a great conversation non business related one. After the meeting each one of us went on his own way hoping to see each other in the near future. [/s] Screenshots: [s=Screenshots] [/s] RolePlay Number: #0062 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital RolePlay Story [s=Story] We received a call from our informant saying that he noticed a suspecious movement around our warehouse and he is requesting backup to secure our stored goods, my partner and i took a car and we rushed to our warehouse. once we arrived we splited to cover more space, we noticed nothing suspecious on our warehouse, locks and everything seems fine, unlike a random warehouse located couple blocks away from ours. to avoid any probleme we called someone to keep an eye on the warehouse for the next couple days. [/s] Screenshots: [s=Screenshots] [/s]
  10. RolePlay Number: #0058 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital RolePlay Story [s=Story] It was a normal day, nothing serious to do, my mates and I decided to spice the things a bit and go for an adventure that can be a good benefit for us and for the gang itself. We decided to rob a casino. We planned for this mission carefully, during the whole day there is only 20mins when there is no security guard in the area because of the shift switch. We left our base and we went directly to the casino, we arrived right on time, we got in, we started our thief we took some good amount of cash, one of the workers tried to act smart and start the alarm but we shoot him before he do that. We took the cash and we went on our way back to base. [/s] Screenshots: [s=Screenshots] [/s] RolePlay Number: #0059 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital RolePlay Story [s=Story] Its been a while since we did our last robbery, our responsible assigned a task for me and for a couple of my mates to rob a restaurant. We left our base in casual clothes, and we went to our destination. a couple blocks away from the restaurant, we quickly changed our outfits in the car and we went inside the restaurant. it was a quick robbery, he tried to resist but he got him self killed. We took the money and we left the place in a rush. [/s] Screenshots: [s=Screenshots] [/s] RolePlay Number: #0060 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital RolePlay Story [s=Story] We received a call from a gang located in whestone and they told us that they need some guns with 500 ammo each. It was a small demand and we were able to take this offer and deliver the goods with-in a few hours. We called this guy and we told and he informed us where and when he can take his goods. A couple of hours after that we went to meet him in the south of whestone. Once we arrived, we found him waiting us. We shook hands and we spoke about the business. We ended up to agree on a reasonable price with benefits for both of us. He loaded the weapons in his car, we got payed, and each one of us went on his own way. [/s] Screenshots: [s=Screenshots] [/s]
  11. RolePlay Number: #0055 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital RolePlay Story [s=Story] As per usual, my fellas and i went to check our warehouse to make sure that everything is good out there and there is no any issue regarding the security and the goods quality. We left our base and we hit the road directly to our destination. We drove carefully and used some secret roads to avoid being seen by the local cops of Los Santos. once we arrived, we splited around the area to check around it. Everything seems cool. we checked the locks, and nothing suspecious has been noticed. After finishing our mission, we went back to our car, and we drove back to base. [/s] Screenshots: [s=Screenshots] [/s] RolePlay Number: #0056 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital & @Aoxy RolePlay Story [s=Story] It was a quiet afternoon, my fellas and I were chilling in our base and got nothing serious to do. I received a phone call from an old friend of mine, she was crying and couldn't hold her tears. I couldn't understand a thing so I invited her to come to our base. After around 15 mins she showed up. She told me what did happen to her. A pervert from the neighborhood raped her. After discussing with my mates, we decided to avenge for her. We asked her to show us where does this animal life in and stay back to watch. We broke into his house, he begged for mercy, but the victim didn't accept that. We decided to put an end to his life. We drove back to our base. My friend was really thankful and she appreciates what we did for her. [/s] Screenshots: [s=Screenshots] [/s] RolePlay Number: #0057 Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital & @Aoxy RolePlay Story [s=Story] It's been a while since we drove around the city to check on our local dealers, everything seems normal at the start, we passed near a hood by the beach we noticed a suspicious car and a guy in front of it, he seemed like an outsider, we went to his spot and started a conversation with him in order to get to know him better and to know what is he actually doing right there. I threw an eye into the back seat and I noticed a pack of weed. We asked him about that, and he mentioned that he is going to sell that in our territory. He showed a lot of disrespect, not only selling in our hood, but also laughing when we said that he need to leave the place or he will end up dead. Well, he picked his own destiny he picked death over life by his act. One of us shot him and he died right on the place. We took the weed from his car, and we left him like that in the middle of the road. [/s] Screenshots: [s=Screenshots] [/s]
  12. Event Type: LMS LWS/G6: @Colo Prize(s): 1.000.000 Winner(s): Youareniked ScreenShot(s): [s=] [/s] Event Type: 1st to warp wins LWS/G6: @Colo Prize(s): 1.000.000 Winner(s): Youareniked ScreenShot(s): [s=] [/s] Event Type: Kill the LWS LWS/G6: @Colo Prize(s): 1.000.000 Winner(s): Marlos ScreenShot(s): [s=] [/s] Event Type: Kill the LWS LWS/G6: @Colo Prize(s): 1.000.000 Winner(s): Zarc ScreenShot(s): [s=] [/s] Event Type: Lucky nade LWS/G6: @Colo Prize(s): 1.000.000 Winner(s): Khole ScreenShot(s): [s=] [/s] Type: Raceflag Participants: brahim, fad, Marlos & I Location: SF Winner & Prize: 1st Fad, 2nd Killer, 3rd Marlos Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  13. Address: 14 Butfex Road Account name: Strong1 Last seen: 31/03/2022 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  14. Date and Time: 28/04/2022 Number of Members Online: 5 ScreenShot(s)/If Any: [s=] [/s] -TMH Technicians Working on 27/04/2022 TMH Technicians Involved: Killer Estimated Duration of Working: 35 mins Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: around 10 Screenshots: [s=] [/s] -TMH Technicians Working on 28/04/2022 TMH Technicians Involved: Killer Estimated Duration of Working: 20 mins Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: around 20 Screenshots: [s=] [/s] Type: Raceflag Participants: Proton, milky, chapo, lala & I Location: TR>SF Winner & Prize: 1st Lala, 2nd Proton, 3rd Killer Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  15. @Colo hbd w'illa yeddek
  16. @NawaliYGY Application denied, Feel free to apply again after three months.
  17. Event Type: First one to warp Wins LWS/G6: @Judyes Prize(s): 1.000.000 Winner(s): Lala ScreenShot(s): [s=] [/s]
  18. Event Type: Face to Face LMS LWS/G6: @Judyes Prize(s): 1.000.000 Winner(s): Rondaw ScreenShot(s): [s=] [/s]
  19. Event Type: All vs All Box LWS/G6: @Judyes Prize(s): 1.000.000 Winner(s): @MohA ScreenShot(s): [s=] [/s]
  20. On behalf of CDC HQ team I confirm.
  21. On behalf of CDC HQ team I confirm.
  22. Date: 24/03/2022 Screenshots [s=The rest of the Screenshots] [/s]
  23. Date: 24/03/2022 Screenshots [s=The rest of the Screenshots] [/s]
  24. Date: 24/03/2022 Screenshots [s=The rest of the Screenshots] [/s]
  25. Activity: Store Robbery Date: 24/03/2022 Screenshot(s): [s=] [/s]
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