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Everything posted by Killer

  1. Account name: Killer 1920 Icon name: Bc Motel Room #19
  2. Hello everyone, we are thrilled to introduce the TDM tournament hosted by Lounge VC. How to register? It's quite simple: create a team of 3 players, including a Captain and 2 players. The fee for each team is $5,000,000. The prize pool will be determined by the total number of registered teams. Registration Form: Team Name: Team Logo (optional): Captain Name: Player 1: Player 2: Captain’s Discord: General information: - How will rivals be settled? We will collect all the registered teams, and after a week, we will make a poll of all the registered teams. Each 4 teams will be in a group, and each team will play 6 matches. The matches will be 3 at home (You’ll play on any map of your choice) and 3 away (You’ll play on other teams' chosen maps). Winning a match will give you 3 points, a draw will give you 1 point, and losing a match will give you 0 points. - How many rounds? Each match will have 4 rounds. - How to win the match? To win the match, your team must win at least 3 out of 4 rounds. If the opposing team is absent, resigns, or is disqualified, your team will automatically win the match - Ping limit: MENA & Europe: 150ms South America & the rest of the world: 250ms Asia: 300ms - What are the maps? Dust 2 Ghost Town TR Hill The Hidden Island Santa Maria Beach Stadium Jefferson Motel Acro-P TR Castle More will be added as the tournament progresses. - How to qualify for the next round? The top 2 teams from each group will automatically qualify for the next round. If we need to add one more team, we will select the team with the most points ranked 3rd in their group. - Which weapons will be used? It depends on the map, but the most frequent weapons are M4, Desert eagle, Sniper, Uzi, Tec-9, and MP5. - Will the matches be hosted? We will try our best to host all the matches. - Is there a way to buy a ticket to watch the game? Yes, for this TDM, we are allowing spectators on most of our maps, with a fee of $25.000 per match. - What if a team resigns during the tournament? If a team resigns during the group stage, each of its opponents will receive 3 extra points per match planned against the resigned team. If a team resigns during the advanced stages, its opponent will automatically win. - Fair Play Rule: Any form of suspected abuse, including unstable ping or animation exploits, will result in immediate team disqualification without prior warning. Let's ensure this tournament remains fair and enjoyable for everyone. For more information or if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via our Discord Please note: Do not comment here unless you are registering your team. Any misuse of this topic will lead to a ban from this tournament and possibly from all upcoming events hosted by Lounge.
  3. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? More than 2 years ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1 & 2: Already been removed from CDC base Location: n/a Interior: n/a ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Infernus with the wrap "mohamed44_3" Location: 15 Alpine Road Username: killer1920 Interior:
  4. Address: Idlewood Flats 2 Account name: buch Last seen: 4-5-2024 Screenshots:
  5. Address: fallen tree seaview Account name: kovbaska Last seen: 13 March 2023 Screenshots:
  6. Address: rapests partner in crime Account name: holyskillzz Last seen: 28/3/2023 Screenshots:
  7. CC Activity number: #4 Participants: @Killer Screenshots:
  8. ted Wednesday at 22:34 CC Activity Number: #3 LWS Helper(s): @I-Gun Event type: First one to bring me a DFT wins. Price: 1,000,000$ Screenshot:
  9. CC Activity Number: #2 LWS Helper(s): @I-Gun Event type: First one to bring me a Towtruck wins. Price: 1,000,000$ Screenshot:
  10. CC Activity Number: #1 LWS Helper(s): @I-Gun Event type: First one to repair my car wins. Price: 1,000,000$ Screenshot:
  11. Address: Lv Whitewood garage Account name: mhd05 Last seen: 06/03/2023 Screenshots:
  12. Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer To screenshots Location: Refer To screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer To screenshots Screenshots:
  13. Application Type: CS Your ingame username: killer1920 Your ingame alias: Killer Your real name: Firas Your DOB: 27/07/99 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Tunisian Country of residence: Tunisia Language skills: Arabic, English, French & Spanish English Proficiency: Upper intermediate How long you have been playing: Late 2015, Approximately 9 years. Your strengths: - Determination, Commitment - Punctuality - Communication - Trustworthy, Reliable, Fair judgment based on facts - Mature, Kind - Adaptability, Quick learner - Thinking and acting wisely in tough situations - As a manager in a gang and in various groups, I developed skills for dealing with people and their problems - I'm a full-stack developer, and I am available to assist if my skills are needed. - I'm not the type of person to fake relationships with others for personal gain or advantage. - I take responsibility for my actions, understanding that blaming others or nature won't lead to progress. Your weaknesses: - Sometimes, when I'm overly honest with the wrong person, they perceive it as "being rude or mean". This can lead to misunderstandings, which is why I consider it a weakness. - I have a bird memory, which is why I make sure to note down my current and future tasks to avoid forgetting them. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: I took some time to think before applying for this position. It requires a lot of time and can be quite time-consuming, considering my current commitments at work, personal matters, and managing the gang and groups. However, I've realized that I still have the capacity to do more. I always try to help others, especially in-game and on Discord whenever I have the opportunity to do so, as much as I can. With this opportunity, I plan to contribute directly to the continued growth of the server and ensure that everyone receives what they deserve. Unique qualities you can offer: Out of all my strengths, the ones I see as unique are adaptability, being a quick learner, kindness, and actually being a developer. Server Memberships: Comando da Capital ~ Leader | The Motor Heads ~ Leader | Lounge VC ~ HQ | OutBreak Organization ~ Captain | ZIP ~ Worker | Radio SA ~ DJ | SAS ~ Member Additional information: As mentioned above, my name is Firas, and I'll turn 25 years old this July. Last year, I graduated and received my bachelor's degree in E-Business, and I'm currently working with the British Council in Tunisia. Other than that, I believe I have covered everything mentioned above. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Recently, I was involved in a report regarding the misuse of the ALT-GR key while spawned as a technician. Interestingly, it was the passenger who caused the issue while I was driving, and we both received the same punishment. That's all I can remember from recent years. Previous (legitimate) bans: N/A
  14. Address: container storge area Account name: ballhaar Last seen: 8/2/2024 screenshot :
  15. Event Type: Knock me off my NRG LWS/G6: Senpai Date: 10/01/2023 Prize(s): 1,000,000$ Winner(s): Scarface Screenshot(s) - Event Type: Chicken kicker LWS/G6: Senpai Date: 10/01/2023 Prize(s): 1,000,000$ Winner(s): BasedGod Screenshot(s) - Event Type: Hide and seek LWS/G6: Senpai Date: 10/01/2023 Prize(s): 1,000,000$ Winner(s): Basedgod Screenshot(s) - Event Type: LMS LWS/G6: Schwaring Date: 11/01/2023 Prize(s): 1,000,000$ Winner(s): Voli Screenshot(s) - Event Type: Lucky nade LWS/G6: Schwaring Date: 11/01/2023 Prize(s): 1,000,000$ Winner(s): Scorpyo Screenshot(s) - Event Type: Lucky nade LWS/G6: Schwaring Date: 11/01/2023 Prize(s): 1,000,000$ Winner(s): Forex Screenshot(s) - Event Type: 1 V 1 Combat shotgun LWS/G6: Schwaring Date: 11/01/2023 Prize(s): 1,000,000$ Winner(s): Koko Screenshot(s) - Event Type: LMS LWS/G6: Schwaring Date: 11/01/2023 Prize(s): 1,000,000$ Winner(s): Casper Screenshot(s)
  16. Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer To screenshots Location: Refer To screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer To screenshots Screenshots: - Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer To screenshots Location: Refer To screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer To screenshots Screenshots: - Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer To screenshots Location: Refer To screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer To screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer To screenshots Location: Refer To screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer To screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer To screenshots Location: Refer To screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer To screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer To screenshots Location: Refer To screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer To screenshots Screenshots:
  17. Address: 1 Solarin Road Account name: olp Last seen: 23rd Dec 2023 Screenshots:
  18. Event Type: 1V1 M4 LWS/G6: Proton Date:01/01/2023 Prize(s): 1,000,000$ Winner(s): Fleppy Screenshot(s)
  19. Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Credits to @Freezy
  20. Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type: Raceflag Participants: Refer to screenshots Location: Refer to screenshots Winner & Prize: Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Credits to @Freezy
  21. Construction Title: Deathmatch arena Construction number: 4 Number of objects: 204 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): N/A Screenshots:
  22. Construction Title: Tennis stadium with a parking lot. Construction number: 3 Number of objects: 118 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): N/A Screenshots:
  23. Construction Title: Cinema Construction number: 2 Number of objects: 255 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): N/A Screenshots:
  24. Construction Title: RC Bridge Construction number: 1 Number of objects: 202 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): N/A Screenshots:
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