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Issue Tracker [Donation Vehicle Shaders]
Everything posted by Ronnie
Honestly I'd foot the bill, or at least part of it, if SAES hired a dedicated scripter to re-do all the ancient code and make it compatible with new scripts. I'm sure many members of the community would chip in, if you asked them. As for the quality? I've been playing on and off since 2012/2013 and no matter how much time I took off, I always came back to the same server. Which can either be good or bad.
i've done the network adapter things, it didn't fix it. @Howlze it's a lenovo any idea where i can check what drivers i need?
i have since uninstalled my torrent app because I thought that that might be the issue as well, some retard bitcoin mining on my laptop or something but no, it's still the same thing. @Howlze it doesn't disconnect from the wifi entirely, it just goes into a state where it's connected but there's still no internet available, if that makes sense. i'll check out the network adapter thing.
hey not necessarily SAES related but this is the main thing inhibiting me from going online. in fact every online game i try to play is plagued by this and it's getting annoying to be honest. like a month ago i got a new laptop and it's pretty good, except for one thing. it's absolutely retarded when it comes to wifi connection. every 5-10 minutes i lose connection for a short while, just enough time to disconnect me from servers. for normal people this wouldn't be an issue but as you all know you have to stay connected in order to play and even the slightest disconnection can cause issues. i'm unsure as to how to phrase it because i'm absolutely retarded when it comes to computers, but i noticed it while torrenting. my downloading speed is pretty shit, like 1mb/s, but i had bittorrent open and i noticed the speed going down - from 1mb all the way down to 0.1kb or something like that. then, it started gradually climbing back up again to 1mb, only to then begin going down again, and this goes on and on and on. i'm fairly certain that it's not a connection issue - neither my phone or my old laptop has issues like this. anyone got an idea on what it might be?
vandal veteran
Ingame name: Ronnie Username: nordy Country of Residence and Nationality: Hungary, Hungarian Spoken Languages: Hungarian, English. Age: 18 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 2013-2014, i can't recall exactly Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: my first gang was the Lakeside Crew, (this is way back in 2014), it fell into inactivity which lead to me leaving and joining RDMC. i was still very young (like 13-14 years old) when i was in it, and i was an incredibly toxic player on SAES. i was about to be kicked for being toxic, when i decided that i would keep my dignity and leave myself. i believe i joined La Morte Nera afterwards, but my stay there was short, as the members mostly spoke swedish between each other, and i really had no chance to fit in. i created my own gang called Undead, which lasted for quite a few months, but we couldn't really achieve anything, and after long deliberation, we closed down. after this, i joined Black Bullets, and was there for quite a long time (if i recall correctly, i left B~B around a year ago). i was gangless up until June 17th of 2019, when I joined Vandalos de El Corona. probably one of my best experiences, and after climbing the rank ladder, i ended up being the leader of VeC for some time. however, due to personal problems, i had to take a leave of absence, and passed the leadership to Casual. the remaining members decided to take a vote, and vec was closed down due to inactivity. Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: i'm Ronnie, 18 years old, have been playing saes for a pretty long time. i'm still in high school, looking to go to college next year, probably going to major in liberal arts. i don't have an ingame roleplay character set up for this, i figure that i'll think of something if i'm able to join. i really don't have much to say about myself, i'm not the most talkative guy around. i've been on this server long enough to develop a couple of skills, and while i'm still not the best shooter, chauffeur, or pilot, i think i can handle myself decently. i like to think of myself as a jack of all trades, i don't reallly excel in anything, but whatever i'm told to do, i can do it. i'd say that my most outstanding quality is organisation, i learned a lot from Henry during my time in vec. ThC is a gang i had my eyes on for a pretty long time, it just looks attractive all around, the story, the roleplay, the members, et cetera. i would be honored if i could be a part of it.
hey guys its me on a night out
@Vennelle said in Well It's Done xD: Tf is up with those people that ''create'' gangs and delete em within 24 hours?! he stole the entire thing from a now inactive player. deleting is a must (not to mention a public apology) if he at least wants to keep the image of not being a piece of shit.
did you at least ask for permission from Rewind, to revive this? good luck in any case. edit: yeah i see i'm not the only one who noticed. it's really a scum move to recreate a gang using the same name & designs with no effort whatsoever.
[SUGGESTION] Enhancing Donation Rewards
Ronnie replied to Howlze's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
Good idea but as of right now, it doesn't really look like it's worth it to donate, considering the strict time limit. I mean, I can pay 25 pounds to fly around on a jetpack for 2 hours, then have my salary increased by 25% for an hour? Doesn't really seem like a good deal to me. -
what about using accented letters (for me those are , , , , , , , , ,) automatically sending your text to a country chat instead of mainchat? idk if it's doable though, obviously more than one language uses "" for example, but idk. maybe you could even do it based on ip, South and Central America (besides Brazil), and Spain would get assigned to a specific chat. edit: i don't even know if that's doable because i don't know anything about coding
the 500 dollar guy lmfao
hermetic scholar
the personification of Adonis, in human skin
kicked from thc by blue
how did it look like?
@Piercee said in Ronnie's Roleplay Guide 2: Electric Boogaloo: The Owl roleplaying guide to not get sent back to the application stage LUL It's really the same set of rules but for a different reason. Over there, it's in place to prevent you from ruining others experiences. Here, they're used to enhance your own. But there's more to it than that tho xd
Breaking Bad, Sopranos Se7en, Felon, Shotcaller, No Country for old men, mystic River, L.A confidential, Goodfellas, Godfather, Casino
It is understandable that some people view roleplaying as just a form of acting, because, in a way, it is just acting. You take on a role and you try to portray that role in a realistic manner. More and more I have been seeing gangs, squads, and et cetera as acting out a pre-written script, or even worse, taking screenshots then writing a half assed story on the forums, and calling that RP. Yikes! I want people to realize that roleplaying is often much, much better if you're not acting out a script, but improvising instead. Improvising adds twists to your story, it forces the people you RP with to improvise too, and adapt to situations that you create. I'll give an easy example that most roleplayers are aware of : drug deal. Now, the idea of a drugdeal can be spun and twisted in so many different directions, it's another entry in this topic itself, but let's keep it simple for now. Scripted RP: You all show up to a shady spot. They give you the money, you give them the drugs. Everyone walks away. This kind of roleplay takes ten minutes to orchestrate, and from my experience, it's not that fun. Now take a look at a non scripted version of the same events: You all show up to a shady spot. They give you the money. Now at this point, you have several options. Maybe you'll go through with the deal, as usual. Maybe you'll set up in advance, and ambush them. Maybe you'll get your cop buddies to arrest them, and send them away for a long time. The only limitation is your imagination. I don't want to force anyone to change their way of RP, but give me a chance: next time you're going to roleplay with somebody, don't script it, or at least not completely. Try it out, see how it goes, and how you enjoy it.
or maybe cops could just, not want to have everything for themselves, and help remove stupid restrictions like this? :D