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Everything posted by Freezoom

  1. Happy birthday
  2. Post N : #16 Date : 29/07/2020 Activity Type : Impounding cars Cuban Car Member's : @Candy Other Helper's : Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/HaSqlMB
  3. Post N : #15 Date : 29/07/2020 Activity Type : Impounding cars Cuban Car Member's : @Ntruder @AdemBygt Other Helper's : @Greed Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/PKt6QnL
  4. Username/Account-Name: Freezoom/maxismuz4141 Nationality/Age: 17 Introduce yourself in 3 sentences min: Hi my names is Mert I'm 17 years old I'm living in kocaeli with my family I like the play computer games in my Free times also hang with my friend also I'm going to high cchool when my high school done I wanna go to University of Architecture I have one brother I like the help someone who need help that's all about my self Small introduction to your rp identity: Jack_Steward is 24 years old, a young man ,he was doing security jobs like 1-2 years ago later.He decided to join San Andres Police Academy unfortunately, he never became a cop. What is the main political ideology of the party: DP want a strong goverment,They want turning their diplomacy stronger and set plans to saty as always the most powerful country.Also they want end to any terrorism or organization
  5. Jew team <3 Happy Birthday
  6. Address: Aa Hideout 1 Account name: batallorawness Last seen: 25 th june 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pJXEFve
  7. https://youtu.be/-86Ykeyh7ig
  8. Doum gnn kutlu olsun reis
  9. ACTIVITY #101 Description: Patrolling around SA Participants: @vito12 @The-Best1 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Xae0SjF
  10. 4.25 a.m two br at the same time 14v75 also two CLO were in BR and are you still crying about this?
  11. Doum gnn kutlu olsun kral
  12. Event Number: #53 @Freezoom said in K-9 Security | Official Media Archive: EVENT #42 Event type: Fallout Host: Freezoom Winner and reward: Murtaza 1m LWS: Element Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/gXsXOzL
  13. Event Number: #52 @Freezoom said in K-9 Security | Official Media Archive: EVENT #41 Event type: Rhino shooter Host: Freezoom Winner and reward: Krasava 1m LWS: Pazoo Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zNH0UWe
  14. Event Number: #51 @Freezoom said in K-9 Security | Official Media Archive: EVENT #40 Event type: LMS Host: Freezoom Winner and reward: Hry and 1m LWS: Element Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0xAxgHY
  15. Event Number: #50 @Freezoom said in K-9 Security | Official Media Archive: EVENT #34 Event type: Hydra shooter Host: Freezoom Winner and reward: Darksider and 1m LWS: Element Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nCVxgUh
  16. Event Number: #49 @Freezoom said in S.W.A.T. | Official Media Archive: Event: Kill freezoom with dildo Prize: 1.500.000 $ Winner(s): @Butcher Helpers: @Crash Screenshots: ::: :::
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