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Posts posted by Freezoom

  1. alt text
    Role Play Number:#3
    Participants in The RP:@Nord
    RP Scenario:I was relaxing in my Office I received a phone call from a one trucker guy (Nord)He said me My Fuel is finish I took two gas can and I ask him where are you he tell me I'm near A51 base I arrive here like 5 min He told me I have two problem one problem is gas other problem is engine I refuel gas first later I told him open hood later I go take new engine 5-10 min later I come back and I chance engine and I ask need any help later he told me no he give me 1000$ dollar and he go
    ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/DZMYk4V https://imgur.com/a/n4RAOoP

  2. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/460478380836519947/461475076865261569/Rp.png
    Role Play Number:#2
    Participants in The RP:@Dexter
    RP Scenario:I was relaxing in my Office I received a phone call from a Departmant Leader(Dexter)He said me My Fuel is finish I took two gas can and I go him near He told me come LS government building near I arrive here like 5 min I fix him car and he paid me 200$
    ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/vqkvotu https://imgur.com/a/DZMYk4V

  3. Part 1 / Personal information.Ingame Name:Freezoom

    Real Name: Mert
    Age: 16
    Country: Turkish
    Languages Turkish and English
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Turkish
    Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why? :Yes Multiaccount

    Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why? Kick):No

    Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES.

    How long have you been playing MTA? :4 years
    How long have you been playing on SAES? :4 years
    How many hours do you play in a day?:5-6 hours
    How many times do you visit the forums in a day? :3-4

    Previous gangs/squads?:TST MI6 FBI UE STF NSA
    Are you in any groups?:Yes SAPA
    Do you have PC (Procop membership)?:No

    Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications.

    Weaknesses: Deagle,colt

    Describe Deathmatch: it is shooting at someone without any reason or damaging someones car. On Saes server deatchmating is against the rules
    Describe RolePlay: It is acting like in real life, for example telling a criminal to pull over when chasing him and talking to him after he stops.
    Describe TeamWork: Helping You friends and Teamwork its a playing in team with some partner helping them and make actions together.

    Add a picture of your "stats" by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: [ Spoiler][ /spoiler]




    Part 4 / What to do if.

    What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest?:I will take ss and I report him
    What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe? :I check him start is under 5 star I can give or he cops I can give bribe
    Someone DMs you: I will tell is not allowed if you continue I will report you I tell him

    An admin asks you something: I will answer him, and talk.
    Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you? :I m ask what happend and what you need

    Part 5 / Additional Questions.

    Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who?:N/A
    Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? :No
    Where is our private forums?: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/70/tst-the-strike-team/2?page=1
    Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?:John and Thekiller Leader Nfun Vice leadear
    Why do you want to join TST?:Because I looking Good Squad and I see TST active and they have very good Teamwork That s why I want very join TST
    Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?:Because I m active,loyal,teamwork and honest
    Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words): Hello I m mert I m 16
    years old I m go to High school I play MTA in 2014 years my first server SAES I read rules and I start with cop I make Friends and we hang out him and I learn How do RP and use Forum first my apply accept but I dont know much rp I get denied then I learn how do can good rp and I apply again

    Additional information:N/A

  4. Name:Freezoom
    Rank before kick/leave:0 star with DD
    How long have you been in sapa:1-2 months
    Who kicked you:N/A
    Date of kick/leave:I don't know
    Reason for kick/leave:I' was inactive so I left
    What happened from your side/why did you leave? :I was inactive
    Why do you want back in? : I want to get the PC and I want to thrive there ( Skills etc. )
    What have you learned from this? :Don't stay inactive
    Who do you want to apologize to? :All SAPA members
    Why should we give you a second chance?:I've corrected myself and I'm gonna be a good cop again.

  5. In Game Name:Freezoom
    Languages:Turkey and English
    Total Server Playtime:More then 700+
    Previous Gangs/Squads/Companies:UE MMC HS FBI TST SAPA MI6
    Current/Previous Groups:N/A
    Have you ever been banned, if yes, why:One times I banned from multiaccount


    For you, what is C.I.A.:CIA its like special agent
    What unit would you like to join in the future, and why:Directorate of Operations Because I love do Operations and I have best tactic for this
    What is our main role:My role is protect the human life and to stop the criminal activities
    What can you bring to the squad:
    Loyal,active,I can teach other low rank RP
    Describe a short situation (a few paragraphs), on how you would act during a spying mission:
    If I see my teammate going sr I will go help him them I will climb roof and snipe criminal


    Any other information you wish to specify:I'm Mert I'm living in kocaeli I'm playing mta like 3-4 hours in day I'like play computer games
    Anyone recommended you to apply, if yes, who:No
    Why did you choose C.I.A.: CIA its active,loyal,they have great leader and teamwork

  6. Part I:

    How much have you donated for the sever? 20

    When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 1 months ago

    Why do you need this change? I come back cop side

    Links to your donation topics:

    Links to your previous donation changes requests:
    Part II: What I Want to be Removed

    Vehicles:Super gt

    Location: UE base

    Part III: What I Want to be Added
    Vehicle 1:Police buffalo
    Location : LSPD
    User:maxismuz4141 black and blue color

  7. Part I:

    How much have you donated for the sever? 20

    When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 6 months ago

    Why do you need this change? Well they are removed because i was inactive

    Links to your donation topics:
    I didn't find other donate request

    Links to your previous donation changes requests:

    Part III: What I Want to be Added
    Vehicle 1:Shamal
    Location : LS Airport

    Vehicle 2:Super GT
    Location: UE base

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