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Posts posted by Freezoom

  1. alt text
    Participants: @Bagetto
    Story:I was Patrol with Morena in Las Venturas I see one bike passenger was don't have helmet.I pull over him and Ask for ID and Licence He told me I forget in house,I questioned the Licence plate,This guy was clear i wrote him a penalty(200$ Dollar)later he pay me and proceed on one's way
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    Attenders: @SlapBobs
    Today, we've pulled over a Hermes,,He was driving wrong side,I pullover him he ask me why you pullover me I tell him reason later I ask for ID and Licence I take him ID and Licence and I check it in SAPD documents Later I give him ID and Licence bag He was Clear but I add him one Wrong pay ticket,later I give him ticket and he paid me like 150$ Dollar,later I tell him don't go wrong side again He tell me okay officer have a nice day and RP done
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    Attenders: @Vissa

    Story:I was Patrol with My partner Around Las Venturas I see one Sultan Near Las Venturas Car shop Sultan was took damage I ask for damage passanger he told me I was drive aggresive and fast and later I hit barrier.I told him This is not allowed you know? He told me Yes sir but I was going somewhere I ask for ID and Licence He give me ID and Licence Later I go check it This guy was clear but I wan't search him car I ask for open Trunk He open Trunk and I see one M4 I ask for Licence He told me This is toy I try it This was Real I arrest him and I call here towtruck later We jail him in LVPD
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    Story:I was patrol in LV-Bone country I see one Yellow turismo car Passenger was going Wrong side I pullover him I ask for going wrong side He told me I need go hospital my life in hospital I ask for ID and Licence He was clear but I add him one aggresive and speed drive ticket He ask me for Price I told him 200$ Dolar He give me money,later I give him tickets and RP done
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