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Everything posted by Freezoom

  1. Well idk why LV casino gone but Let's just take it back
  2. Address: Video Shop LS Account name: voraz Last seen: 28 November 2019 Screenshots: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/605052786656280648/660503009087717387/unknown.png?width=552&height=464
  3. Activity #7 Participants: N/A District: Las Venturas-Red country Number of vehicles: 7 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/whcYEDY
  4. Wow better then Taj Good luck
  5. Nickname: Freezoom Account name: maxismuz4141 Age: 16 Country: Turkey Languages: turkish and english How long have you been playing on SAES: 5 years Current G/S/C: SWAT Current Groups: ZIP-Worker IAC-HQ Global Trust-Worker Cluck-DJ&worker Previous Groups: TMH Explain 3 BR Rules: gangs have only 3 BR per day,Don't do solo BR,BR members can't spawn as Medic,pizza boy Explain DM: killing someonew without reason Explain Avoid Arrest: If one cops trying to arrest you don't try kill you with nade like this What is Our Role: GOP Role is cracking the BR's and JB's to help the crims Why should we accept you: bec I'm loyal and active Is there anything else you want to add? (optional) N/A
  6. she want a one boy friend
  7. Ahahah xD nein 42
  8. Post N : #6 Date : 25/12/2019 Activity Type : Impounding cars Cuban Car Member's : @Trevor @Jasper @Paradox *Other Helper's : N/A SS: ::: :::
  9. @Spartan said in Selling a big base 40k income: 7.5m 10m Nein!
  10. 50k Kebab +ayran(5m)
  11. Clo LWS ZIP AA
  12. Sorted @Crash @JohnnyEnglish @SNome
  13. @Ramby said in SA Fire Department :: Media Archive: Roleplay type: 904-B and toxic waste Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): A shipment arrived at LS docks containing some toxic waste from international waters. The shipment was loaded onto the docks and started reacting with air. The barrels were heavily corroded and had some holes, where air could enter the barrel. The barrels started to fume excessively. The firefighter attempted to secure the barrels but accidentally made a spark with his axe which made the toxic waste explode and caused a fire in the dock. The firefighters turned from an investigation unit into a fire preventing unit. The situation had been controlled under an hour and the barrels were given over to a specialized team. The Firefighters returned to LS firehouse for a debrief. Location: Highway, Los Santos Participants: @AntiRug @ramby @Ferthis @Freezoom Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8uADhlR
  14. Activity #6 Participants: N/A District: Los santos Number of vehicles: 4 Screenshots: ::: :::
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