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Everything posted by Freezoom

  1. Starting bid: 5m Minimum bid increase: $1.000.000 Buyout: 12m SS: ::: :::
  2. @Greed https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13841/inactive-lv
  3. Address: Rebecca Black Store Account name: kmeta Last seen: 21 st November 2019 Screenshots:
  4. Account name: maxismuz4141 In game name: Freezie Age: 16 Country of where you living in: Los santos U.K Current G/S/C: TWAT Current Roleplay Groups: N/A State what is our Role You guys Cop side SAP English Profeciency(0-10):10 What's your discord tag?(if you dont have leave this blank): Freezoom#0227 Tell us a bit about yourself(30words) Hi Me Freezie I'm 16 years old I love the suck @DROT dick STAGE II State what is rule number 6: fuck the pirates when you see them State what is rule number 2: respect everyone State whatis rule number 1: talk english in mainchat If you saw a pirate in the sea, will you arrest/kill him? why? ofc I love do DM Your Groupmate is in trouble with the Pirates, and he is asking for a help, but you are doing something busy, will you help him?: I will help him If you passed the Probationary Stage, what posistion you would like?(Sea Defender, Pirate Hunter, Sea Patrolman)?: TWAT Hunter STAGE III Why do you want to be apart of San andreas Coastguards?: bec they are pro What can you benefit to us?: I'm TWAT How many Hours you have ingame?: 1500+ How many arrest you have ingame?: 4K+
  5. Post N : #5 Date : 19/12/2019 Activity Type : Impounding cars Cuban Car Member's : @Lightning Other Helper's : @Draven @DJO @LAW @K2rhym @Glayd Screenshots : https://i.imgur.com/qvwKYQz.png
  6. Activity #5 Participants: @Ferthis District: Las Venturas Number of vehicles: 6 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Post N : #4 Date : 18/12/2019 Activity Type : Impounding cars Cuban Car Member's : @Nico Other Helper's : @DJO @Draven Screenshots : ::: :::
  8. TT member with k
  9. Activity #4 Participants: N/A District: Las Venturas Number of vehicles: 8 Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Activity #3 Participants: N/A District: Los santos Number of vehicles: 7 Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. 9m @JohnnyEnglish no you fuck off
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