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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. Event Number #32 Type of Event: LMS LWS Helpers: @Linkan Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @Curny Screenshots: click me
  2. Event Number #31* Type of Event: box all vs all Lws Helpers: @Judyes Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: @Colo Screenshots:
  3. Happy Birthday Bro :D
  4. Its 2 Icons Starting Bid 10M OtherPhotosClick Me
  5. Ip address: 9 Temptress Road Username: montsercookie12 Last Seen:5th March 2022 Screenshots: ]
  6. Ip Address: Bright Steels Ltd Corp username: monstercookie12 Last Seen: 5th March 2022 Screenshots:
  7. Hi @Law nice blip
  8. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/29586/donation-point-balance-skinner?_=1646262124938 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 3-03-2022 Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: infernus Vehicle 2: infernus Vehicle 3: Infernus Vehicle 4 Infernus Vehicle Locations vehicle 1 Location: Creek, Vehicle 2 Location: Garcia, Vehicle 3 Location: Garcia Vehicle 4 Location Inside the interior at my appartment on garage, thats the name of appartment [Billionaire's Penthouse] Interior: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Bullet Vehicle 2: Sabre Vehicle 3: Shamal LS AP Vehicle 4: Infernus with Custom wrap Custom Wrap https://github.com/saesrpg/donation-vehicle-shaders/issues/404 Vehicle 1 Location: LV-X Vehicle 2 Location : LV-X Vehicle 4 Location: LV-X Username Locked: ItzSpicey
  9. @Wizax said in SAI - Contributions & Activity log: ^[] Involved SAI members:((@Wizax)) Sergeant.Wrym ((@Fall-en)) Trooper.Downey Other involved people: @Skinner @Yazan @DJO @MaRoO Date, time, and duration of activity: 2nd April 2022, 14:32 to 15:18 Activity type: RoadBlock + Patrol Activity Details: It was a typical day, I head to SAI Headquart where I changed my clothes, picked up my badge and my weapons, and went to Las Santos - Las Venturas highway with my partner Trooper Downey after we packed some cones and roadblocks on the vehicle trunk, A moment later after installing the roadblock I've received a call from the Intelligence COMMS about a highly suspicious black truck AWD with black wheels and white lights, the drivers are not from the state and they are carrying illegals, I immediately shared the news with my partner and we called from a back up in case the suspect tries to escape, a few minutes later we've seen a truck with the same description approaching us, they did not try to resist and pulled over, after knocking the vehicle window, showing my badge, asking to turn off the engine and step out, I get into the truck and took the keys where I was not surprised to see some white dust in the chair, We asked them to surrender showing us their hands in the air, i inspected their clothes for any weapon and then hand cuffed them while my partner called an impounder to help us carry the vehicle to our base for inspection later, he responded quickly, linked his ropes, held the breaks and picked the vehicle, we drove all together to SAI Headquart, where the impounder dropped off the truck and he refused to get paid because "it's a honor to help the cops doing their job to maintaine the stability of the stats" as he said while i made sure the criminals was quite no whispering to make any liying plans then carried the criminals for an interrogation one by one where we could have some information about their boss, their destination, and more valuable informations that we will need later in our next move, but he looked so scared, he was threatened to not say a thing so we promised him protection. Screenshots: [s=]https://imgur.com/a/ZH9WBL5[/s] ^[]
  10. Happy Birthday buddy
  11. ip adress:2 River Street username:woestwashandje player last seen:1st march 2022 Screenshots:
  12. Happy Birthday Buddy
  13. @GiorgosGRN Rise up its your Time! https://youtu.be/o50r7iHHvmI
  14. Ip adress:Rocktesko West 2 Username:zero1236 Last seen:27th february 2022 Screenshots:
  15. Date 26-03-2022 Kind of event: LMS Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner: @Curny Screenshots: [s=]Click me[/s]
  16. @Crash close it let the poor guy to keep it <3
  17. User is no more inactive @hessan210 can close please?
  18. Ip Adress: 7 Temptress Road Username:CristianEscobar Last seen:23rd February 2022 Screenshots:
  19. Address: The general store shop Account name: icy911 Last seen: 18th feb Screenshots:
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