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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. Happy birthday
  2. Happy Birthday Buddy <3
  3. Go to buy a cheeseburger from McDonalds
  4. Trying to revive This Topic
  5. hapyy birthday bro
  6. Happy Birthday Big Elk Enjoy Your Day Love ya <3 @SWEMAN
  7. Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/29586/donation-point-balance-skinner?_=1646262124938 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? i dont remember Part II: What i add to be added Vehicle 1: Police Vehicle BC Hosp Vehicle 2: Police Vehicle LV Hosp Vehicle 3: Police Vehicle LS Hosp Vehicle 4: Police Vehicle RC Hosp Vehicle 5 :Shamal LS Vehicle 6: Shamal LV Username Locked:ItzSpicey
  8. Happy Birthday bro <3
  9. Happy birthday buddy <3
  10. -Nickname : Skinner -Username : ItzSpicey -Age : 18 -Nationality : Greece -Languages you can speak : Greeks,English Player SAES Career Information : -How long have you been playing on SAES? : Since 2014 -Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : Yes -If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : i started in copside and i joined in SAFP but Copside wasn't for me but i still have fun with SAFP's and few old cops all are nice guys there nothing was wrong i just liked crimside more BBMC Gang Died Tob i get kicked cause i get banned Cripz i left ill explain to HQs the reason if they want to know OC Gang Died UE i was about to left but they kick me before i do it. ill explain to HQs the reason if they wanna know but its not how it looks like Los Escondidos Gang Died *[AA] When LE Died i joined in [AA] but i quit before few long because alot of things have change and i wasn't happy there at all we tried again to revive LE but RIP again i was gangless for while AA asked me if i wanna return but i wasn't sure i thinked about it and i joined again back but i left after few days. -Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : Yes 2 times 1. [Lying to admin] and 1 more for a reason like [speed exploit bug or something like that] -What groups are you currently part of ? : Racetech -Do you have discord? if yes, link/tag it : yes Personality Information : -What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : i know to drive Good,Shooting, and i used to crack but i haven't tried it very long time now but i can traing and become good again i guess. -Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Black~Bullets its an old Gang that you don't want to mess with it has the most skilled Hitmans that they kill for the right price, if you want something to get done you can find the right people there to sort your shits out they also have knowledge about how to make a Gun and Drugs they have their own factorys and they sell around so they can invest money and get even stronger!. -Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : Black Bullets it have get me interested to join years now because about his people etc so here i'am. -Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : Yes -Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : IKEA has the best furniture for an ELK to chill out
  11. Happy Birthday brother <3 i hope you the best
  12. happy birthday
  13. Happy Birthday brother <3
  14. @SWEMAN Do you agree with that are you Okay to get Shot with RPG's 24/7?
  15. HBD Wolfie
  16. Happy Birthday :D enjoy your day!
  17. Ip adress:mansion de Yoko Ls Username:diefish last seen:29th april 2022 Screenshots:
  18. Happy Birthday Buddy <3 enjoy your day @Spinkes
  19. @reket na i get his point he says when the car flip in the ground with the roof he can't flip it again on his wheels but its possible Few others things its the handling and talking about it thats why i sent the vid they can change w/e they want but not the handling of the car this one that rikki saying has nothing to do with the handling of the car i guess.
  20. @RikKi dude its possible to flip it isn't hard
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