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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. @Thing i don't even remember if you got permision to post somethink here and you still cryning because i called you fucker and i left from 203 and goin at UE xD?
  2. 1-Personal information : Username :ItzSpicey Nickname :Skinner Nationality :Greece Age :15 Spoken languages :Greeks,English How long have you been playing SAES :RPG :1 year maybe and more Tell us in few lines about yourself :i'm 15 years old i'm goin at college i playning football 11 years i like to eating Pizza i like playning alot of hours videogames and i like to be good with other guys ;) Rate Your English Skills (/10) :8/10 Rate your RP skills (/10) :8.5/10 2- ingame information : Your current Groups/Gang/Squad : Gangs:UE Groups:CEO/GEA Have you been banned before (if yes,explain why):yes i when i was newbiew i was need Money and i was don't know to made it and etc. and i played in GT vs [WA]Bazuka now they are in STF if not doing wrong and i lose and i doing Quit game i thinked it that and i feeled very bad cuz i was big dumb and idiot and i said Sorry to Bazuka and we found it and now we are friend Have you been kicked /adminjailed(if yes explain why) :i have 10-15 adminjails and this from when i was newbie as you know everyone have eat adminjails when he was newbie, and Alot of Joke Kick we are joking :) 3-About the Company : Explain in few lines our role :You purchasing an car in low price you got mechanics to the upgrade him and doing it super car and then you selling it for more money so you made alot of moneys from this job Why you chose us :Because this group look nice and i like it and i want to participate to something Like that because they are good group Why shall we accept you :i'm Active player and i can help this group with RP and etc. How can you benefit us :i will try to be good member and i will helping other members if i know somethink to they are not know and i will try to learn more about Cars and from this job. What do you expect from our company :to he will be goin up and he will be an awsome company. Wich agency will you choose if we accept you :Hmm the Selling Division Show us some projects you did (only for who choosed Making Division):
  3. Good Luck
  4. Happy Birthday ^^
  5. Skinner


    @James i think this post he care you. cuz they sayning somethink about you
  6. Happy Birthday!!!!
  7. @Kybali0n Are you Ready xD??
  8. ::: https://imgur.com/a/abo0Drr :::
  9. Happy Birthday!. Bro ^^
  10. Good Luck :)
  11. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS/G6: @Filippo Prize: 500k Each Round Type: Knock Skinner from NRG 2 Rounds Location:Las Venturas Winner(S): @Aspect @Aurora ScreenShots:https://imgur.com/a/xBZ1Uvy
  12. Screenshot:https://imgur.com/a/AGWzz9N
  13. Ip Addres:1 Rodney Road Location:LS Username:bird9 last seen:24/12/2018
  14. Ip Addres:7 Bulgarian Gonorrhea Close Username:drakula11 last seen:18/12/2018 Schreenshots:https://imgur.com/a/q8JkPiO
  15. Donated 20 GBP in total Link:https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5337/donation-spicey-amount-20-00-gbp i want to change vehicles and place and users Location:LS M7mod's house Vehicle 1:Limo Color:#000000 Users: 1st:ItzSpicey 2rd:mahmoud1824 3rd:presko99 Schreenshot:https://imgur.com/a/9MkOGOZ there is it the Limo we want the Limo Location:LS M7mod's house Vehicle 2:Turismo Color:#000000 Users: 1st:ItzSpicey 2rd:mahmoud1824 3rd:presko99 Schreenshot:https://imgur.com/a/9MkOGOZ there to is it the Patriot we want the Turismo Car
  16. the TT Arma check the Bank ATM ClashGamer and they was haved 11M only. and clash send me ss with the money in ATM and he was the same as and Arma said and there was not here online another ICE|Clash|HQ. for took it. http://prntscr.com/mbk204 http://prntscr.com/mbk268 Clashgamer's schreenshots
  17. @Tut-Greco i dint played in GT with Clashgamer. i just lend this money form some days and later i return it and they sayning me to he dint got it
  18. there is it and the Schreenshot!:https://imgur.com/a/ieGeAss
  19. i payed 30M ingame at @clashgamer name ingame ICE|Clash|HQ and they sayning me to he din't get it can anyone HQ Staff told me what the hell he's happened ? i saw the ingame to i payed to him i checked the name like 2 times before pay it. all time i check the name good before i pay.! can anyone HQ Staff told me if he get it ? and tryning to scam me.? or he dint get it and he's happened any bug.?
  20. Happy Birthday Herro :p <3
  21. happy birthday :p i know kinda too late xD
  22. Happy Birthday Bro <3
  23. Happy Birthday <33
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