@Ferthis said in Whats up with the lag?: @Homeless Donate more if brophy want to earn more money from donations he need to pay for a better server 1st its like Pay2Win no one have to pay for this and brophy he's lucky who he found ICE|James and he droped like 3000$ and he keep dropping
@Soul said in FREE CLO: arma4clo stop this bullshit with Arma4CLO ok .. he wont to be a CLO and stop kidding him he's a nice guy and i respect him af and idfc if he's admin or no he's a good guy so stop this fcking bullshit Arma4CLO he hate the CLO ok Stop this fcking bullshit And for retards who they will said stop asslicking Arma (go fuckyourself) i dont asslicking him he's just my friend and i respecting him as a friend to friend ok So fck all of you who kidding him i hate this bullshit Arma have doing more better things than this shit CLO
@Audi Accepted-The Headquarters team decided to accept you,we hope you learned your lesson from your punishments and we hope we're not in the wrong,meet a HQ+ in-game to be tested.
Ofc no why we will give our money to a AFK seller when you can say in all chat who can sell arms? alot of ppl they will come why you will give moeny to Tape who spam afk 24/7
here is everything who you need everything to know about donations! https://saesrpg.uk/topic/325/donations-what-do-you-get-how-to-donate?_=1583715597304