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Everything posted by MarksMan

  1. Drift -15/12/23- #973 Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/HUldIjD
  2. Drift -15/12/23- #972 Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/KRP39mE
  3. drifting BMW M3 - 08/12/23 - #963 Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/QGGiX6y
  4. flying sport airplane - 08/12/23 - #962 Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/XtAKLye
  5. drift - 08/11/23 - #684 Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/4X9Djoj
  6. Stunt - 08/11/23 - #683 Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/Dhacwtq
  7. I'm revoking my application
  8. racing- 18/10/23 - #663 Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/ZN7eFYV
  9. racing- 18/10/23 - #662 Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/30qBg6Y
  10. racing- 18/10/23 - #661 Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/bed8Bbb
  11. drifting - 18/10/23 - #660 Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/3ZBs04n
  12. NRG Stunts - 18/10/23 - #659 Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/X6b8Yca
  13. BMX Stunts - 18/10/23 - #658 Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/6BhYoVt
  14. GXT Member: MarksMan Activity Type: Refueling Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZYB8nKR
  15. GXT Member: MarksMan Activity Type: Trucking Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PtdU8n2
  16. BMW Drift - 17/09/23- #601 Images: https://imgur.com/a/TXipyme
  17. Plane Stunt - 17/09/23- #600 Images: https://imgur.com/a/dHuGHrX
  18. NRG Stunt - 17/09/23- #598 Images: https://imgur.com/a/UI4o6lJ
  19. Raceflag- 17/09/23- #597 Images: https://imgur.com/a/3VqMVg2
  20. GXT Member: MarksMan Time Taken: +15 mins Activity Type: Refueling around SA Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sgsWiGQ
  21. GXT Member: MarksMan Time Taken: +20 mins Activity Type: Refueling the Refinery in Bone Country Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JpETCBZ
  22. Hello from MarksMan Appealing, fun jobs should pay less than more tedious roles to incentivise variety. I think this will make things worse because fun jobs will become boring jobs. Most of them are playing the jobs because of the money. Yes, for resetting money and no for resetting houses and cars. I have over 100 cars, and most of them are V8 and AWD. About 20% of them are from the Nanoshop modded and are worth millions. Resetting just the money makes more sense because having cars and houses without any money doesn't make sense. For now, it's okay to reset the money and make jobs pay less or harder to earn money. Drugs and weapons should be more expensive, and cars and houses should also be more expensive. This will help balance everything out.
  23. Your ingame username: frickovviktor Your ingame alias: MarksMan Your real name: Viktor Your DOB: 11/01/98 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: macedonian Country of residence: Gemany Language skills: english, german, macedonian and balkan languages like bulgarian, serbian, croatian etc. English Proficiency: I would say 7/10, writing is better than talking due to my second language german How long you have been playing: like 13 years, since 2010 Your strengths: As a grown adult, I can say that I'm very patient and calm man. Since completing my apprenticeship, I have taken part on many projects at work and have gone to school to gain a bigger role. I can take responsibilities and work on multiple projects at once. I am good at explaining new things and learning new things. I'm also very helpful to those who need assistance. I can speak multiple languages, means I can help the new players to understand the rules and the gameplay. Leading something like group or organisation. Positive mindset, always motivated for something new. Your weaknesses: I don't really like this question, but speaking about real life, I hate standing up in the morning. I can't do it without coffee. One of my weakness is fighting people over something when I know I'm right, I also hate lag. I hate it when things don't go as planned. Being disrespected Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: This is my 100th application for CS, and it has always been my dream to join the team. My main reason for applying is to help the server, as activity has decreased, I would like to assist those who remain on the server with any needs they may have. Additionally, I would like to help new players get started. I feel confident that I can take on more resposibilities, such as helping with new tasks or projects. Unique qualities you can offer: Although I cannot offer anything unique compared to other applicants, I am an experienced individual who can contribute my knowledge to the server, as I mentioned before, I am fluent in multiple languages. I have a good sense of humor and can take a joke at my own expense. I am also an experienced leader and remain calm under pressure. Server Memberships: VvZ as crim organisation and few groups like part of the ZIP HQ Team, Leading Cunning Stunts and GXT with my cousin Wendo, part of the Cuban Cars Impounder team, SAFD Firefighter. Additional information: Most of you know me as MarksMan, but my real name is Viktor and I am 25 years old. My hobbies include playing games such as MTA, ETS 2 and FIFA and I am also a handball player. However, I have been less active on the server in recent months due to some important projects at work that have taken up much of my time. These projects are ending in the next two weeks, which means I will be able to be active on the server again as I used to be. Real life is important and I am focusing on my future. I hope that I can somehow achieve my dream of joining CS team. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I have not received any punishments recently, there are still some old on my account. Previous (legitimate) bans: 2010/11 - asking to join CLO 2015/16 - not sure about the year, my brother was banned and we used to play on same PC 2020 - calling people to abuse bug, banned by Daryl
  24. [Race - 23/12/2022 - #324] Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/y92nbIk
  25. [Race - 21/12/2022 - #323] Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/rhVF9dE
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