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Everything posted by MarksMan

  1. Gymkhana 6 NRG driving - 19/06/2024- #1222 forgot to post (post from MarksMan)
  2. Drifting - 22/06/2024- #1221 forgot to post (post from Garcia)
  3. SF - new Building to be done: big building, pool near the building, parking place for the cars. started: entrance for the cars, the building itself Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/csfmbuV
  4. Approved.
  5. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking topic: Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Jester Vehicle 2: Bullet Location: both cars are here Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Cheetah, Jester and Bullet Location: House in LV, can be shown ingame Username: my username: frickovviktor
  6. Application Type: CS Your ingame username: frickovviktor Your ingame alias: MarksMan Your real name: Viktor Your DOB: 11/01/98 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: macedonian Country of residence: Germany Language skills: macedonian, german, english, serbo-croatian, bulgarian English Proficiency: soild 7/10 How long you have been playing: 14 years, since 2010 Your strengths: As an adult, I'm patient and calm. After finishing my apprenticeship, I've worked on various projects at my job and went to school to take on more responsibilities. I can handle multiple tasks at once, explain things well, and learn quickly. I'm always ready to help others and can speak multiple languages, making it easy for me to assist newbies with the rules and gameplay. Whether leading a group or staying positive and motivated, I'm up for anything new. Your weaknesses: Perfectionism: While I strive for excellence, I sometimes get caught up in details and can be overly critical of my own work. Speaking in front of many people makes me bit nervous. I tend to take on too many projects at once, which can sometimes result in spreading myself too thin. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: I'm not giving up, I'll give it another shot to secure this position. I'm applying again for this position to actively contribute to the community by helping new players. I have a solid grasp of the rules, and I believe it's the right time to bring my skills into play. Unique qualities you can offer: While I may not bring something entirely unique compared to other applicants, I offer valuable experience and knowledge that I can contribute to the server. With leadership experience, I am adept at staying calm under pressure. As mentioned earlier, I am fluent in multiple languages. Additionally, I possess a good sense of humor and can take a joke at my own expense. Server Memberships: I'm currently Leader of CS (Cunning Stunts). part of the ZIP HQ Team, Assisstant Manager in Helvete, SAFD Firefighter Gang member of Renegados Additional information: I don't have much more to say. As mentioned, I'm trying again, fully aware of the probable outcome. Yet, hope lingers until the very end. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: not really Previous (legitimate) bans: Few old bans like 2011 asking to join CLO, CheGuevara was banned for copycat server, 2020 calling people to abuse bug
  7. Race - 09/02/2024 - #1161 https://imgur.com/a/XNOj7bK
  8. Race - 31/01/2024 - #1134 https://imgur.com/a/AclGtqz
  9. Plane stunt - 30/01/2024 - #1110
  10. Plane stunt - 30/01/2024 - #1109 https://imgur.com/a/1lNqikx
  11. Race - 30/01/2024 - #1106
  12. Race - 30/01/2024 - #1104 https://imgur.com/a/DeoE0M8
  13. Race - 30/01/2024 - #1100 https://imgur.com/a/N1GOBDe
  14. Activity - 30/01/2024 - #1099
  15. Race - 30/01/2024 - #1098
  16. Activity - 30/01/2024 - #1097
  17. Race - 30/01/2024 - #1096 https://imgur.com/a/Hf721an
  18. Race - 30/01/2024 - #1095 https://imgur.com/a/eyPqCHV
  19. Race - 26/10/2024 - #1090 Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/EEvFCoI
  20. Great idea something new for us the car junkies
  21. Race - 17/01/24 - #1089 https://imgur.com/a/MR4HQVd
  22. Race - 15/01/24 - #1088 https://imgur.com/a/nZGRhA9
  23. Race - 07/01/24 - #1079 https://imgur.com/a/q82HtGk
  24. Race - 06/01/24 - #1078 https://imgur.com/a/fp9MQUU
  25. Race - 06/01/24 - #1077 https://imgur.com/a/Knev7AE
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