Hello Chasin, I also had suffered some psychological problems 4-5 years ago. There is no need to explain what exactly my illness was, but to clear it out it was not schizophrenia. However there are things I can suggest you to do so as I made a great progress and nearly overcame what troubled me. My biggest fault was waiting for it to go on its own. I thought if I kept ignoring it it was going to be okay in the end. Don't do this. DO NOT FIGHT IT ON YOUR OWN. Talk about it with your family, friends whoever you love. And get a psychological help from a psychologist. I wish I had went to see a doctor when it first started. But instead I waited two years. Second advice is be pshysically active. Do exercises, go for jogging etc. Keep your body busy. AND SLEEP DECENTLY! Do not stay awake in late hours. You will see the difference when you put yourself in a decent sleeping schedule. Believe me human mind is the most adorable thing in this world. If you believe in yourself you will be okay. You are strong, so be aware of your strength. Have some routine of things that makes you happy. It will definitely help. I know how it feels like to be in conflict with yourself, I know life sometimes looks too big to overcome but it is not impossible. That is how life is. Sometimes hard, sometimes delightful. Our part is to live it. You are not alone. :) (munn karambit)