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Everything posted by ILLUSION

  1. In the past it was not allowed to sell a property on a price above its max price. During those times having a "max limit" was logical. Now there is no such rule, but why do we have the max limit on icons? Just remove it and let people sell things in one click rather than giving the additional money to seller. Make it sensible. Pros: No need for a middle man No scammings Real estate will flourish You don't have to be online to sell anything Cons: ?
  2. ayy happy birthday
  3. @Justsomeane my good wishes for you!
  4. Nice idea! I'd like to use AK-47 in game as a criminal.
  5. Account name: bulgur Icon name: Rockshore East Flats 47
  6. Address: American Flag Shop Account name: kuze Last seen: 9 february 2019 Screenshots:
  7. This is what your great great grandfather would probably tell you about that "shit" empire. Try to read it when you come back from your potato field, my dear.
  8. When you are in "that" friend's car with 42 stars and cops are behind you
  9. I deeply apologize for I did not show up in the final time due to some real life issues. Final will be postponed to another date in this week.
  10. Address:San Andreas Filmworks Giftshop Account name:articwolf Last seen:2nd November 2018 Screenshots:
  11. The final race is going to take place on this Friday (11.01.2019) at 18.00 server time! @Justsomeane (or Odorian) will race for Tunisian Thugs @NubBob will race for The Company @Blade will race for Black Bullets @Pozmester will race for Underground Empire
  12. @ILLUSION said in Gang Races Event: @ILLUSION said in Gang Races Event: @Mohd said in Gang Races Event: Organization Name: Underground Empire Your in-game nick: Mohd Drivers nick: Pozmester Have you understood how the event works?: Yes Your application has been received. Thanks for your interest. @ILLUSION said in Gang Races Event: You guys will be racing today. Please show up at 18.00 @Odorian for Tunisian Thugs (You asked for it hehehehe) @NubBob for The Company @zeel for the OverdoseCrime @JoGe for Arms Assasins @Justsomeane (In absence of Odorian) and @NubBob carried their gangs to the Semi Finals! NOTE : INSTEAD OF HAVING 12 PARTICIPANTS WE HAVE DECIDED TO KEEP IT LIMITED TO 8. SO APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. Tomorrow's Race: UE SWAT B~B TST @Pozmester (UE) and @Blade (B~B) have carried their gangs to the Finals! Now our finalists are: @Justsomeane , @NubBob , @Blade and @Pozmester Date of the final will be announced soon!
  13. @Groove said in Gang Races Event: @Justsomeane (In absence of Odorian) [and NubBob] carried their gangs to the Semi Finals! This can't be real. Fail every DE recruitement races and succeed in that???????!!!!!!!!!! you just can't imagine how hard he tried
  14. @ILLUSION said in Gang Races Event: @Mohd said in Gang Races Event: Organization Name: Underground Empire Your in-game nick: Mohd Drivers nick: Pozmester Have you understood how the event works?: Yes Your application has been received. Thanks for your interest. @ILLUSION said in Gang Races Event: You guys will be racing today. Please show up at 18.00 @Odorian for Tunisian Thugs (You asked for it hehehehe) @NubBob for The Company @zeel for the OverdoseCrime @JoGe for Arms Assasins @Justsomeane (In absence of Odorian) and @NubBob carried their gangs to the Semi Finals! NOTE : INSTEAD OF HAVING 12 PARTICIPANTS WE HAVE DECIDED TO KEEP IT LIMITED TO 8. SO APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. Tomorrow's Race: UE SWAT B~B TST
  15. @Mohd said in Gang Races Event: Organization Name: Underground Empire Your in-game nick: Mohd Drivers nick: Pozmester Have you understood how the event works?: Yes Your application has been received. Thanks for your interest. @ILLUSION said in Gang Races Event: You guys will be racing today. Please show up at 18.00 @Odorian for Tunisian Thugs (You asked for it hehehehe) @NubBob for The Company @zeel for the OverdoseCrime @JoGe for Arms Assasins @Justsomeane (In absence of Odorian) and @NubBob carried their gangs to the Semi Finals!
  16. Favorite Gang: AA best genk Favorite Squad: AAPD they are part of the best genk
  17. TT has come to school age lol. Happy birthday slugs!
  18. @Odorian said in Gang Races Event: Organization Name: Tunisian Thugs Your in-game nick: cuteanimegirl Drivers nick: xX driftking666 Xx Have you understood how the event works? Yes @Lincoln said in Gang Races Event: Organization Name: The Company Your in-game nick: Lincoln Drivers nick: Nubbob Have you understood how the event works?: Yes @Elyes said in Gang Races Event: Organization Name: OverdoseCrime Your in-game nick: Elyes Drivers nick: Zeel Have you understood how the event works?: yes @nicus said in Gang Races Event: Organization Name: Arms Assassins Your in-game nick: nicus Drivers nick: @JoGe Have you understood how the event works? sir yes sir You guys will be racing today. Please show up at 18.00 @Odorian for Tunisian Thugs (You asked for it hehehehe) @NubBob for The Company @zeel for the OverdoseCrime @JoGe for Arms Assasins
  19. @jaimy said in Gang Races Event: Can i participate as proud RaceTech member? ( not in any organisation atm. ) I am afraid you can't :cry:
  20. @nicus said in Your Favorite Series or Movie!: Rick and Morty,
  21. Nice try FBI!
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