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Everything posted by JoGe

  1. 5,1m :smirk:
  2. In-game name : JoGe Username : JoGe Age: 21 Nationality: Finnish Previous bans/punishments : None Why you think you would be suitable for the role : I simply get along with everyone and im mature enough to take care business like this, and i have pretty good English as written and as spoken. Also i like doing housing stuff, i have requested so many inactive properties, made auctions etc. stuff and i know all the rules about Housing. You can even see that fact in my posts. I ve done it since 2012 when i started playing in server. Also i am really active player in-game and i play "alone" very much and i could gladly spend that time doing SAHA stuff.
  3. Name: sukisg seen: 25th august 2018 ss: https://imgur.com/a/QibPYoW
  4. auctions ends 14.11.2018 14.00 server time.
  5. Lets start bidding from 1m instead.
  6. Username: freepalestine Seen: 13th october 2018 Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/95xsbpT
  7. I drop starting bid to 2m to get this started
  8. So the house is near SR and boat spawn. Also it has carspawn and pretty good space for donation vehicle. this one is unique in Bayside. Starting bids : 2m Min raise: 200k ::: https://imgur.com/a/bAo51sh :::
  9. And bids start at 5m. Auction ends when i say so.
  10. Big business in ls with medium income. Building is pretty big, there is no other house/business icons in it. It has nice backyard and climbable roof. ::: https://imgur.com/a/2d967jP <-----Scroll down for more pictures :) :::
  11. Username: snowyyy Seen: 29th September 2018 Link: https://imgur.com/gRYOg40
  12. @TanSriPillo U can read , right ? Anyways forgot to mention, this is very very close SR too !
  13. House with carspawn for sale in LS near hospital. Starting at 800k The minimum rise : 100k ::: https://imgur.com/a/XPOL5G3 (The middle one in picture) :::
  14. Username: dickchokolate Seen: 29th September 2018 Link("seen" may be hard to see, but there it is ): https://imgur.com/a/pxCroqh
  15. Closed, @Hitman contact me ingame
  16. @joge said in House in LS with open garage AND carspawn: Ending auction today @ 4pm server time My mistake, meant to say 18:00.
  17. Ending auction today @ 4pm server time.
  18. Selling house in Los Santos with open garage for donation vehicle for example. Also has carspawn. Starting bid 2 m ::: https://imgur.com/a/mw23v6h :::
  19. username : Boladopolado Last seen : 26th September https://imgur.com/a/5KsLCMP
  20. username: gome last seen: 13th Sep. 2018 https://imgur.com/a/wf5asvI
  21. In-game name: JoGe Account name: JoGe Age: 21 Gender: Male Country of residency: Finland From how long are you playing SAES: 2012 ( Inactive 2016-2018 september) Since when are you playing GTA:SA 2006-2008 Cant remember clearly. How well do you speak English?: 9 What all languages can you speak other than English?: Finnish Tell us about something about yourself: I am 21 years old finnish student and i live with penguins and polar bears in northern Finland, i like to play video games such as Dota 2, CS:GO and ofc MTA. Im studying HVAC engineering in university of applied sciences, i will graduate this year. When im not in school ( so alltime ) im either playing video games or watching series from netflix etc. Expect after ive been graduated i can move back to southern Finland and start hanging with my friends again ( JK i dont have any, expect in the internet). I have a shit sense of humor but i would describe myself very friendly guy. List few of your strengths and weaknesses: Strenghts : Good navigation skills all around San andreas soil, Im pretty good driver and i am good roleplayer. Weaknesses : Shooting due to my inactive period , Bank account Are you in any group If yes, Name them and also name your previous groups and reason to leave them: Atm im ~[Procop]~(blue) but i made application for ~[AA]~(#f0058a). I was in ~[MI-6]~(cyan) 2012-2013 as ~[HQ]~(cyan) and i left because i had to go Finnish defence forces. Have you been ban or warned by any admin in the last 1 year if yes, Explain Why? No Why do you want to join Cluckin' Bell?: Well since i made my comeback and didnt find myself from being cop anymore i have been trying other things to do in the server and like everything else have interested me. I would like to take all the pleasure of this server and what it has to offer. What can you offer Cluckin' bell?: I can offer active player with good roleplaying and english skills. Also i have alots of time to spend for the community.( only few hours school / week). And also shit sense of humor. What do you expect in return from Cluckin' Bell? To be active in seeking active players to group and making the group official. . Do you agree to follow all the F1 rules and Cluckin' Bell rules?: Yes Who are Cluckin' bell's founders?: Tapi and Rainy What is Cluckin' bell's Motto?: Eat till you say "~[NO PLEASE]~(lime)" :pizza: :hamburger:
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