OUR INFORMATION: Group Name : Hell Hounds MC Group Tags : [HHMC] Prez : Brondy, Vice President : @Sneijder HQ Team : @Griffin @zaza @Judyes Group Motto : " Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is Mystery, Ride and Live Today. " Media archive : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5364/hell-hounds-motorcycle-club-media-archive Discord Link : https://discord.gg/HJHf87V https://youtu.be/SIKoVKCwQI4 In order to join our club, you don't have to leave your current organisation. Applying when our recruitment is open will be enough. Your application will be answered by our authorized members. Sending them messages ingame / forums to check your application will decrease your luck to join group. ::: Additional Information What is your Real Name: Age : Country of residence : What other languages do you know? : Rate your english skills : Please tell us a little bit about yourself, (Write minimum 50 Words) : In-Game Information and Motivation Part What is your Ingame NickName Account name (?) : Do you have discord ? : How many day hours do you spend in-game in a day : How long have you played on MTA and SAES : Have you ever been banned or jailed by SAES admin/staff (if so please write the reason) : Previous gangs/squads/:(explanation of why you left/ or kicked) : What would you say your weaknesses and strengths are? : This is where the effort goes when you want to join, why do you want to join HHMC ? : For what reason we must accept you, and what you can offer us (Please write more information here because this part is important) : :::