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Everything posted by brondy

  2. Happy birthday caralho
  3. ooo happy birthday :crown:
  4. Sorry for wrong tag @JasonBourne
  5. Bump @jason won
  6. Starting bid: 4.000.000$ Bid increase: $1.000.000
  7. Happy Birthday
  8. Your ingame username: joseluisao123 Your ingame alias: Brondy Your year of birth: 12.12.1997 Your gender: Male Nationality: Turkish Country of residence: Turkey How long you have been playing SAES: Im playing since 2013 summer Qualities you can offer: I've been playing on SAES since I started to play MTA and I think I'm experienced. I love helping people and I want to share my experiences to help them. I believe that people see me as a trustful player. I know how to distinguish between right and wrong and treat people fairly. I think communication is important in this game and I know how to communicate well with people and treat them well.I try to strengthen communication with people due to my real-life profession and that becomes a positive situation for me. Your weaknesses: I trust people easily because I believe they have a good will like I do but I have been let down because of it many times, so I gotta be more sceptic on that kind of situations. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): SAHA Do you have Discord Installed: Yes Reason for application: I find myself experienced enough for this role and I will be happy to do it. I'm happy to help people and earn their respect. I think I'm active enough and my communication with people is strong. Server Memberships: TugaThugs Cuban Cars / Impounder LWS / Trusted Member rTECH / Professional ALT Additional information: My name is Mehmet Ali and Im 22 years old. I'm living in Turkey/Bursa, Im studying in university , I will soon graduate from foreign trade section. I like to any kind of video games. I also like to listen music and read books I usually read novel-style boks. I like to hang outside with my friends and playplaystation with them after school. Im planning to move to Germany to work there as foreign trade officer. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I've been muted by several admins for talking different language on mainchat . Previous (legitimate) bans: I was banned long time ago because of multiaccounting. when I was a new player. ( 2013 ) Do you eat pork: No
  9. Type of Activity: Trucking Date: 02.04.2020 Participants: N/A Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/gQv938k.png
  10. You have to improve yourself a bit and you have to show us how you are loyal and good player feel free to re-apply in 1 week ~[DENIED]~(red) @maggie1234
  11. good job colo ! futuress lws member.
  12. Event Number : #32 Event Type : All vs All Bat Fight Event Prize : 1.000.000 $ LWS/G6 Helper : Brondy Winner : @VenusX Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/L6k0ore
  13. Activity Number : #13 (ROADTRIP) Screenshots of Activity : https://imgur.com/a/bGp9mmK
  14. Happy birthday yejem ti
  15. @Zine Your application looks bad. After contacting our members, we understood we could not continue with you. If you want to join us you can apply again after 1 month Leader Of Hell Hounds MC
  16. Happy birthday AMK Link Mutlu yllar garde
  17. Decent Application you have there. Our members like you alot as you've been hanging with us from the time I know you. We really think that you deserve a chance joining our Motorcycle Club because you are loyal,friendly and a trustworthy guy. Welcome to Hell Hounds MC @TaffyC ~[Hell Hounds MC]~(#3e064d) Discord Link; https://discord.gg/HJHf87V
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